Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Huckleberry (Page 12 of 13)

Folsom blues

seven gladiators woke up this morning, took their daily red pill and entered into the Folsom gloom.  we were fng-less, so after a quick disclaimer, time to clock in.

weather: 77 degrees and as humid as satan’s underwear.

warmup: imperial walkers x 20IC, rosalita x 15IC and dolly x 15IC


mosey down to the lower parking lot where I stole a workout from brownstreak.  we’re going to hit the cycle.

run a lap. mountain climbers, merkins, lbc, squats and CDD all x 15IC ( thirty for the triple)

run a lap. all the above x 10IC (20 for the double)

run a lap. all the above x 5IC (10 for the single).

5 burpees OYO, and then run a lap.  4 laps for the home run. (hope you don’t mind me borrowing your idea, brownstreak.

short fellowship mosey followed by some flutter kicks x 15IC. feels like we did something else here but my mind is terrible.

mosey down to the amphitheater for some donkey kicks x 20, ascending testicles, dying cockroaches x 15IC, calf raises x 25, donkey kicks x 30 and another round of a ascending testicles.  a one minute #bttw hold.  then 5 one-legged double merkin burpees on your own.

mosey back to the launching point for a 15 lbc ring of fire, 22 merkins to honor our veterans and finished with… you guessed it, 5 burpees OYO. time is up.

COT: announcements: Allen Tate’s mother is recovering well from her surgery last Friday. freight is organizing a clown car on Saturday to capture the ghost flag in Shelby.  meet at the gashouse at 0615. prayer requests: each other.

always an honor to be amongst you men. until next time.

Philippians 4:13


canaveral cardio

vacation is no time for slacking.  8 hours away from home, a few hours before boarding the carnival magic, as good a time as any for a little f3.  temperature: 82 and muggy

very simple today.  we mosey until we need a recovery.  started with a mosey. first stop: 25 merkins (Allen Tate), 30 lbc (huckleberry). mosey on.  next stop: pretzel crunch (h) and captain thors (at). mosey on. squats (h). mosey back to the launching point. lbc (h) 22kill merkins (at).

short COT, BOM, YHC took us out in prayer.

nothing fancy, but didn’t want to fall into a lazy vacation routine.

Philippians 4:13


Folsom backblast

8 men posted to Folsom this morning. allen tate and floyd coming in hot, so we met them at their trucks. it’s 05:30, let’s get it.

after a longer than needed mosey (in which we passed sparky), stop for warmups. good mornings x 20IC, Morrocan nightclubs x 53IC and monkey humpers x 15IC.

the thang

mosey to the far concession stand for some donkey kicks x 20OYO.

mosey back to the tennis courts for some Dora.  100 merkins, 200 mountain climbers, 300 side straddle hops.  p1 does his half while p2 runs suicides.  once p1 finished their 50 merkins, we switch.  p2 x 50 merkins, p1 runs suicides.  instead of p1 waiting for p2 to get back, we switched it and made p2 wait till p1 was done.

after this we had time for lazy Dora. 50 Carolina dry docks, 100 flutter kicks and 150 lbcs. same format as above.

circle up for an 11 merkins ring of fire, 22 merkins to honor our veterans. Allen Tate wanted more lbcs, so we dropped for 25OYO.  we end with 5 one-legged double merkin burpees.

mosey back to the starting point as we’re out of time.

COT: no announcements.  prayer request: the pasour family.  BOM: YHC took us out.

nice work, men.  always an honor to be amongst you. until next time…

Philippians 4:13


insert clever title here

weather: 72 degrees Fahrenheit/ clear sky

8 men ventured to Folsom this morning. pretty good turn out for Wednesday.  gomer brought an fng.  short disclaimer was given – let’s roll.

start with a little mosey to the lower parking lot. decided to keep the mosey going so we headed to the amphitheater for our warmups.

warmorama: arm circles for a minute, dying cockroaches x 20IC and hillbillys x 20IC.

the thang

25 quick donkey kicks to get the heart rate up. then we mosey to our Folsom hill.  bear crawl up, 25 mountain climbers, crawl bear down. repeat x 4.

mosey on over to the far concession stand.  ascending testicles, 40 lbc OYO, 5 burpees OYO.

short mosey to the parking lot beside the concession stand for four corners escalators. c1: merkins, c2: mountain climbers, c3: squats, c4: lbc. 5 burpees

mosey back to the amphitheater for pretzel crunches, lbc, burpees and a one bttw hold.

back to the launching point for ring of fire. high knees to the end of the parking lot, butt kickers back.  few minutes left, def leppard called CDD x 10IC, mary lou called 10 merkins and floyd closed us out with… 5 burpees OYO.  time.

COT, namearama, named the new guy, liberace.  no announcements, prayer requests: the pasour family with their loss, pray for this country.  BOM – yhc took us out.

great work today, men.  appreciate the opportunity to lead you fine people.  until next time.

Philippians 4:13


merkin mania is running wild

6 men entered the gloom this morning for Folsom’s first merkin mania.  YHC wanted a #22 kill inspired workout to honor American veterans.  good conversation beforehand with Roadie about the fellowship being the glue that keeps us together.  5:30 hits, let’s get it.

mosey to the lower parking lot for the warmups. happy jacks x 20IC, imperial walkers, hillbillies and lbc x 15IC.

the thang

start with the merkin mile. 22 merkins, run a lap.  22 merkins, run a lap.  22 merkins, run a lap.  aaaaaaaand 22 merkins,  run a lap. mountain climbers till the 6 arrived.

next we started at the bottom of the parking lot and bear crawled to the first parking spot,  1 merkin.  bear crawl to the 2nd, 2 merkins.  continue up to the 10th, with 10 merkins. once we completed the 10th, drop for 22 merkins.

mosey down to the amphitheater.  22 rocky balboas, 22 donkey kicks, ascending testicles and 22 wall assisted crunches. drop for 22 merkins.  it was at this point Roadie politely told YHC he was about to 22 butt kickins.

undeterred, rinse and repeat.  22 rocky balboas, 22 donkey kicks,  ascending testicles and 22 wall assisted crutches.  drop for 22 merkins.

mosey up to the playground for 22, scratch that, 15 pull-ups.

back to the tennis court parking lot.  YHC has 2 go to exercises. the ascending testicles and… the ring of fire.  circle up for a 22 merkin ring of fire. then, 10 burpees OYO. high knees to the end of the parking lot and back,  butt kickers to the end and back and a sprint to the end and back. Roadie wants 22 lbcs. ask and ye shall receive. on your 6, men.  ended with the 22 lbcs.  time is up.

circle up for the COT.  announcement: Garfield’s son is raising money for a state baseball tournament. the idea is his 2.0 will Q next week and we’ll donate afterwards.  Prayer requests: each other,  the family of olive at F3 Isotope with the loss of his child.  read the back blast about it and donate, contribute it you can.  BOM: YHC took us out.

moleskin: it’s an honor to get another opportunity to Q. 4 months ago I would have never thought that not only would I get up at 4:30 to workout, but even less likely, I’d Q a workout. appreciate you guys allowing me to do so.  way to work today, men.  until next time.

Philippians 4:13


pick things up and put them down

11 men entered the gloom this morning. Sparky informed us the previous evening he’d be hosting a Folsom favorite, the deadlifts. Sparky is not a man to disappoint.

warmups: don quixotes, ssh, toy soldiers, lbc all x 15IC

the thang

partner up. p1 20 deadlifts while p2 jumps rope. flapjack when finished.  repeat x 4.

everyone then grabbed their own block.  hold block and squat, two overhead thrusts coming up. three sets, 15, 12 and 8.  Freddie Mercury x 15IC in between each set.

mosey around the park for a half mile or so.  I could be off on the distance, felt like 9 miles however.

back to the parking lot.  grab your block again for… blockies.  3 sets of blockies, 12, 10 and 8.  flutter kicks x 15IC in between each set.


COT: no announcements.  prayer requests: each other, this nation and its leaders.  BOM: Sparky took us out.

Moleskin:  way to push the rock (or block) today, men. it’s an honor to know you all.

touchdown beat down

4 men denied the fartsack this morning for Roadie’s VQ. 0630 hit, time to get started.

warmup: ssh x 15IC / cherry pickers x 15IC

mosey to the lower parking lot where Roadie had orange cones set up.  as we’re running by each one, we notice there are exercises at each cone.

the thang

Roadie’s first touchdown beat down.  cones every ten yards, a hundred yards total.  let’s play football,men.  start in your own end zone, bear crawl to the ten for 10 Carolina dry docks. to the twenty for 20 squats. to the thirty for 30 merkins. to the forty for 40 lunges. to the fifty for 50 lbc. to the forty for 40 lunges.  to the thirty for 30 merkins. to the twenty for 20 squats. to the ten for 10 Carolina dry docks. bear crawl to the end… TOUCHDOWN. rinse and repeat as many times as possible in 45 minutes.

Roadie’s idea is to record how many touchdowns we scored, and in two months, we’ll do this again.  a really good way to track progress.

back to the flag for the pledge.

COT: announcements, none really.  prayer requests; t-squares’s family, godfather’s family, roadie’s family, medicine woman’s family.   BOM: roadie took us out

I don’t know the touchdown count, but the winner is… Gumby!  excellent work, sir.  Gumby is the proud owner (for now) of the coveted “trophy”, the new Folsom football.

Moleskin: nice work, men. Excellent Q, Roadie. love the idea. I know F3 is you vs you, but the friendly competition is nice as well.


Hoppin’ Hank

6 men posted this morning.  Hank arrived and told us he was there to chew bubble gum and deliver a beat down. unfortunately for the pax, he was all out of bubble gum.

warmups: toy soldiers, monkey humpers and ssh all x 15IC. Pledge.  let’s mos… not so fast.  Allen Tate came in hot so we did cherry pickers x 15IC.

mosey to the horse arena.  box jump up the stairs and do 25 merkins. hop down and do 25 dips. rinse and repeat x 5.  or 4, can’t remember. finished here with 25 (or AMRAP) OYO.

mosey down to the parking lot by the pond. 50 lbc. jog around the pond and back to the parking lot.  bear crawl to one side, 10 burpees.  duck walk back, 10 burpees.

mosey the long way to the tennis courts for a 10 merkin ring of fire.

sprint back to the starting spot.

COT: no announcements.  prayer requests: shingle for personal and professional issues.  the families in West Virginia.

BOM: closing prayer.

Moleskin: good work, Hank.  you always bring the thunder. glad to see you came back, Makotos.

The lord of the flies

or gnats, whatever.  14 men, including one fng (makotos), entered the gnat-infested gloom for a snot-woggling beat down. after Garfield’s disclaimer, we were off.

warmups – ssh x 15IC, don quixotes x 15IC, legs together forward stretch x 10 count, legs apart to the left, right and straight down x 10 count each.


mosey to the lower picnic shelter and back to the tennis courts.

garfield split the pax into 4 groups and put men at every corner of the tennis courts.  burpees, merkins, lbc and jump rope.  merkins, lbc and jump rope was AMRAP while the group doing the burpees completed 20.  once done, move to the next corner.  sprinting the long side, lunge walking the short.  once the pax completed every corner, rinse and repeat with 15 burpees and AMRAP the others.  once done, repeat with 10 burpees.

circle up for some ab work.  20 WW1 sit-ups, 40 Russian twists, 20 side crunches, flapjack. Hydrant with the call for 22 merkins to pay respect to the veterans.  good call, Hydrant.  finished up with 22 CDDs.

mosey back to the launching point.  announcement: Folsom meets every Saturday at 0630.  prayer requests: each other.  BOM: Garfield took us out with a closing prayer.

moleskin: I hope gnats are high in protein and fiber.  glad to have fng makotos join us.  welcome to the group, sir.  great job today, Garfield.  AYE!

what rhymes with Vern?

burn!   11 men posted to Folsom this morning to become better than they were yesterday.

after a brief disclaimer, we were off.  first exercise is… let’s mosey.  this caught the pax off guard, and tool time wondered where the warmups were.  mosey down to the lower parking lot for the warmup.

warmarama went this like; happy jacks x 15IC, hillbilly x 15IC and pretzel crunches x 10IC for each leg.

the thang

partner up for lazy Dora 123.  p1 x 10 merkins while p2 holds plank, repeat to 100.  p1 x 20 lbc while p2 holds reverse plank, repeat to 200. p1 x 30 squats while p2 holds squat, repeat to 300.

mosey to the hill by the ballfields.  bear crawl up, 5 burpees, sprint down.  repeat.  then, bear crawl up, 5 burpees, crawl bear down.

mosey to the amphitheater.  donkey kicks x 10, rocky balboas x 20 and ascending testicles.  repeat.  then 30 mountain climbers and 25 wall assist crunches.  after that, repeat with 10 donkey kicks, 20 rocky balboas, ascending testicles, 30 mountain climbers and 25 wall assist crunches.  circle up for a 10 merkin ring of fire.

mosey to the playground.  tool time graced us with his presence today, so I thought I’d repay that with 10 quick pull-ups.

mosey to the flag for the pledge.  ended with what freight said was the only way to end an F3 workout – 10 burpees OYO.  time.

great work today, men.  announcements: Folsom on Saturdays, 06:30-07:30.  F3 dads this Saturday, 10am at Martha Rivers.  prayer requests: Godfathers family, each other.  BOM: Floyd took us out with a closing prayer.

moleskin: awesome work, guys.  big thanks to tool time and def leppard for joining us this morning, honored to have you.  I enjoy this group and watching everyone become better than we were.  I’d still be a fartsacking sad clown without this.  humbled and honored to be a part of this.

Philippians 4:13


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