Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Huckleberry (Page 10 of 13)


13 of the Gashouse’s finest posted to midoriyama to break sweat with their brothers.  serious mumble chatter before the launching point about yhc with the q and the probability of us finding a wall at some point.  we shall see… 1730 hits – time to clock in, men.

warmups: people’s choice.  short sale with seal jacks, gomer with big boy sit-ups, blart with merkins, pockets with freddy mercury aaaaaaaaaaaaand i can’t remember the last one. sorry to whomever it was.  let’s mosey.

mosey to the soccer field for bombs.  p1 exercises, p2 makes a lap around the soccer field.  50 burpees, 100 overhead claps, 150 merkins, 200 big boy sit-ups and 250 squats. always a real crowd pleaser.

line up for a bataan death march.  it’s an indian run but much more fun.  the line starts, man at the back does 5 burpees.  upon completion, he runs to the front. continue until everyone has done burpees.

at this point time is getting low so we head back to the launching point. circle up for 101 lbc IC and 15 flutter kicks IC. finished with 22 merkins for the vets.  time is up.

COT: announcements – defib, tool time, pizza man and def leopard running a marathon this weekend. go get it, man.  prayer requests- pizza man and his family. chum during this time in his life.  each other. BOM: yhc took us out.

as always, it was an honor to be amongst you men. very thankful for not only the workouts, but the bonds being formed.  the accountability and all the other goods things.  thankful for all of you guys.

Philippians 4:13


gashouse visits the mountains

10 men resisted the comforts of the fartsack to take their DRP.   The men of Asheville were gracious to let YHC be the Q today.   As their were no FNGs present (at the beginning), an abbreviated disclaimer was given.  I’m an idiot.  If you follow me, you’re also an idiot.   I am not a professional, just a guy merely giving suggestions.  Don’t die.

Warmups: Happy Jacks, CDD and Toy Soldiers all X 15IC and Moroccan nightclubs X 50IC.  YHC tried to bring new things to Asheville, very pleased to see the warmups, minus the Moroccan nightclubs, needed a demo.

After a mosey to another parking lot (brief mumble chatter about gashouse moseys being more like sprints) we circled up for deconstructed burpees.  Just before starting, two men joined the fun.  Squats, leg thrusts, merkins, leg thrusts, up.  Start with 10, work our way down to 1.

mosey again to the covered area by the school entrance.  YHC wanted to find some dry area as to not make the regulars hate me.   Time for a little Huckleberry 123.   Similar to Dora 123, but with a little twist.   Instead of counting in aggregate, each man completes their exercise while their partners runs laps around the parking lot.  P1 runs, P2 does 100 flutter kicks – switch.  P1 runs, P2 does 200 mountain climbers – switch.  P1 runs, P2 does 300 lbc.

mosey around to the start of the school for a favorite of YHC; wall work.   On the wall for 25 donkey kicks OYO.  then ascending testicles.  10 merkins at 15 degrees, 10 at 45 degrees and 10 at as close to 90 degrees as you can get.   Strong work by all, especially strong work by Pillsbury.    Back on the wall for hip slappers x 10 on each side.  then circle up for 10 burpees OYO.

mosey back to the launching point in just enough time for 22 merkins to honor our vets.  TIME.

COT – announcements: Q schedule was filled for next week.  prayer requests: pray for each other.  BOM: YHC took us out in prayer.

Moleskin – I appreciate the opportunity to Q, men.  I really enough being amongst this group.  It’s easy to see the bonds that have been, and continue to be formed.   Keep pushing the rock and letting iron sharpen iron.  AYE!

Philippians 4:13


sparky’s block party

3 entered the gloom this morning for sparky’s block party.  folsom’s own block party with a twist.  normal disclaimer and it was time to go to work.

warmups: ssh, toy soldiers and merkins all x 15 IC

the thang

blocks and bars.  20 deadlifts, run down to the playground for 10 pull-ups.  rinse and repeat x 4

mosey down to and around the lower parking lot and back. grab a block for 20 shoulder presses, 15 curls ic, 15 tricep extensions, 15 lbc ic and 10 block merkins ic. run a lap, rinse and repeat.  one last lap around the tennis courts.  closed with the pledge.

COT: no announcements – prayer requests: our injured and fart sacking brothers. each other.  BOM: Q took us out.  good work, men.

get it when you can

6 men posted for their DRP at midoriyama.  pre beat down story about a man running a 50 mile race in 5 hours and 56 minutes.  that’s nuts.  anyway, 17:30 hits and it’s time to clock in.

warmups: happy jacks x 15IC and 8ct body builders x 10IC.

the thang

quick mosey and partner up for catch me if you can. p1 does 5 burpees and p2 runs backwards.  switch every time you catch your partner.  all the way down to the far soccer fields. repeat with 10 merkins and partner 2 bear crawling. repeat with 15 squats and partner 2 lunge walking.

recover with 11’s.  burpees and squat jump.   running the short side of the parking lot in between.

partner up again for dora… except partners didn’t matter.  everyone does all the exercises, no running.  100 merkins, 200 overhead claps and 300 flutter kicks.  we called an omaha here, but everyone was close to completion.

mosey back to closest turd shack to the launching point for 30 donkeys kicks.  circle up for 22 merkins for the vets and the pledge. time!

COT – announcements: gashouse convergence this saturday, after Christmas party on January 7th, snowbird men’s retreat in march.  prayer requests: men on IR, floppy’s family.  BOM: yhc took us out.

it’s not only an honor to q, buts it’s an honor just to know you men.  it’s a pleasure to break sweat with you.  until next time.

Philippians 4:13


party of one

one man resisted the fart sack and arrived for their DRP. disclaimer: i am an idiot and if you… well, i’m the only idiot here.

warmup: good mornings, ssh and merkins all x 15IC

the thang

ran around the park till the point of exhaustion. mixed in some exercises here and there.


no announcements

closed in prayer.

Philippians 4:13


back blast

7 men resisted the ever-so-comfortable fartsack for a good midweek beat down. as 0530 hits…ok it was 0533; it was time to punch in.

warmups: ssh, appalachian americans and gravel pickers all x 15IC

the thang

mosey up to the tennis courts for dora.  100 merkins, 200 lbc and 300 lunges.   this brought forth some serious mumble chatter.

20 merkin and 60 lbc ring of fire.  ran a little.

mosey back for the pledge and 1 burpee.  time.

COT – announcements: snowbird mens trip in march.  after Christmas party first Saturday in January.  prayer requests: our nation, each other.

may we not forget the anniversary of today.  a date which will live in infamy.  aye!

good morning, Dora

december is here.  another month the Lord has blessed us with. another month to become better.  better physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.  better men, better husbands and better fathers.

this day brought an fng to us.  7 men total resisted the fart sack and the hunting stand to take their DRP.  brief disclaimer: i’m an idiot, you are also an idiot.  i am definitely not a professional.  i’ll give suggestions, follow at your own discretion.  5:30 hit (5:29) according to medicine woman and it was time to clock in.

warmups: cdd, flutter kicks and imperial walkers all x 15IC

the thang

mosey the long way to the other parking lot.  partner up, size does not matter.  dora-ish 123.  p1 will complete all of their exercises will p2 makes laps around the parking lot.  exercises were 100 squats, 200 mountain climbers and 300 lbc.  took a little longer than anticipated, omaha to 200 lbc.

mosey over to the amphitheater. bttw ring of fire-ish. all pax hold bttw. one at a time, bear crawl to the end and do five burpees.  mumble chatter was lively here.

another round of dora-ish 123.  p1 exercises, p2 donkey kicks.  exercises were 50 morracan nightclubs, 100 calf raises and 150 over head claps.

mosey back to the launching point in time for 15 ssh, 22 merkins for the vets and the pledge.  time.

cot.  announcements: gashouse convergence december 17.  after Christmas party January 7.  men’s retreat in march: contact sparky or freight.  prayer requests: each other.  bom: sparky took us out.

nice work, men.  i appreciate the opportunity to not only q, but just to be around you guys.  this is definitely more than just a workout group.  strong bonds are forming, shields are being locked.  aye!

Philippians 4:13


you against you

one showed up today at folsom.  you against you in the truest sense.  really brief disclaimer. i’m an idiot… and i’m an idiot.  quick warmup of cdd and toy soldiers.

the thang.

running.  running till i needed a break, then stopped to do an exercise.  merkins, lbc alternating at stops.  don’t know the distance traveled.  need a fancy watch. new respect to the f3 runners who train by themselves.  harder to do and really boring.

pledge and 22 merkins for the vets.

circle of… well, dot of trust.  no announcements.  no prayer requests.  yhc took myself out.


looked better on paper

8 men entered the midoriyama gloom.  luckily, 8 men exited as well. it still feels weird calling it the gloom at midoriyama. temperature was perfect.  as 17:30 hit, it was time to clock in.

i’m an idiot and you’re an idiot.  i am definitely not a professional.  modify as needed.

warmups: sdd x 10IC each leg, toy soldiers x 15IC and flutter kicks x 15IC.

we then went for a mosey to one of the turd shacks.  stopped and did 25 donkey kicks and 25 plank jacks.  rinse and repeat.  we then all got BTTW and held it while one by one, each would bear crawl out a bit to do 5 burpees and sprint back.  serious mumble chatter here.

another mosey and stopped for 50 merkins and 50 plank squats.  repeat with 50 cdd and 50 squats.

another mosey for 75 moroccan nightclubs and 75 curb calf raises.  rinse and repeat

another mosey for 100 mountain climbers and 100 lbc.  rinse and repeat.

mosey the turd shack closet to the launching point for a quick set of ascending testicles.

mosey (walk) back to the start and circle for people’s choice x 10 each.  tool time = springy merkin hoppy things. ash pond = American hammers.  oompa loompa = scorpion twerks. def leppard = hillbillies. blart = burpees. yhc = 8 count body builders.  slaw = shh.  freight = sumo squats.

we closed it out with 22 merkins for the vets and the pledge.  TIME. (well, little over). sorry guys.

COT announcements: freight’s health is better.  floppy’s m is recovering nicely. prayer request: tool time’s job.  BOM: yhc took us out.

really nice job, men.  appreciate the opportunity to q and i appreciate the mumble chatter.  thank you all for the push. until next time.

Philippians 4:13


this is stupid

5 men braved the weather and take their DRP. no fngs, 0630 hits and it’s time to clock in.

weather: 64 degrees, rainy and wet.

warmups: cdd x 20, squats x 10 and toy soldiers x 15 all IC

quick mosey to the nearest turd shack for 25 donkey kicks and 25 plank jacks. rinse and repeat.

mosey to the building nearest to the highway for 50 plank squat and 50 merkins.  it was during the plank jacks that yhc heard “this is stupid” for the first time.  side note: pizza man was doing mike tyson instead of just planks; contributing to the suck.

mosey across the highway to the walmart parking lot for 75 morracan nightclubs and 75 calf raises.  during the start of the calf raises, roadie mentions this would be better on the curb.  so we moved and started over.  more mumble chatter about stupidness.  rinse and repeat.

mosey back to the building nearest the highway to repeat the 50 merkins and plank squats. more mumble chatter.

mosey to the turd shack for 100 lbc and 100 flutter kicks.  repeat with 100 lbc and 100 rosalitas.  more stupid mumble chatter.

mosey to the amphitheater for some rocky balboas, dips, derkins, incline merkins.  we tried a new variation of ring of fire. all held BTTW and one by one the pax bear crawled to the end of the amphitheater.  stupid.  we repeated but this time adding 5 burpees at the end of the amphitheater.   more mumble chatter.   ten merkin ring of fire.

mosey back to the launching point for the pledge and 22 merkins to honor our vets.  TIME

COT – announcements: CSAUP. prayer requests: hampton family, each other, YHC’s co-worker, our brothers on the IR.

BOM: yhc took us out.

always an honor to be amongst you men.  until next time.

philippians 4:13


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