Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Dolph_Gashouse (Page 6 of 7)

#Folsom #bb Shingle with his VQ

6 made it out for my first Q
Warm up
Side straddle hop
Flutter Kicks
Monkey Humpers
Grab blocks moseyed to tennis courts
Rd 1
30’s curls with blocks
Side raise rt. & lt arm
Front raises
Lap around court
Rd 2
Straight leg lift
Squat jumps
Down to end and back
Rd 3
Repeat round 1
5 burpees OYO
Rd 4
Repeat round 2
Partner sit ups throw legs
Partnered up to do lunge walk while partner 2 started mercians using blocks total of 150
Circled up
Dolph – CDD
Sparky – Moroccan night club
Gumby- dead cockroach
Rhodie- LBC
Hydrant – Windmills
Moseyed to trucks
Finished with side straddle Hops & ring of fire of merican x 20
Announcements, prayer requests

Thanks for the opportunity

#Folsom #bb Coupons

6 Pax gathered in the gloom to pick things up and put them down.  YHC delivered the coupons about 15 minutes early and met the pax at the tennis courts.  A short disclaimer was announced as there were no FNG’s.

Warm up; 10 old school situps OYO; 10 flutter kicks IC; SSH x 10 IC; Imperial Walkers x 10 IC; Mericans x 10 IC


Mosey to lower parking lot and passed a speed bump, we’ll come back to this later, down to the lower parking lot where the pax finally saw the coupons and mubblechatter about someone littering.  Partner up and perform excercises across from each other, perform number of reps and switch.  Approx. 30 yds in between coupons.

20 Block Curls and 20 Block French Curls

80# Sled Pull and 280# Tire Flip for 10

55# KB Swings x 10 and 75# Sandbag Clean/ Press x 10

10 Block Squats and 10 Block Good Mornings

That’s one round now mosey back to speed bump mentioned above, up hill and perform 5 burpees and back to coupons for Round 2.  After round 2 and another speed bump mosey with burpees, it was time for Mary.  Pax cirlced up and each member called their exercise.  Homer to Marge; Freddy Mercury; SSH; Monkey Humpers; Ring of Fire x 3; LBC’s; Offset Mericans x 10 IC.  Nice work this morning men.  #DRP

Announcements; Prayer Requests, lift up all Pax to continue to fight.  Namorama; BOM, Thanks Sparky

Sparky with the VQ #HIM #bb #Folsom

8 regulars and 2 FNG’s showed up in the gloom for the Sparky beatdown.


Warmup; SSH x 20 IC, LBC X 15 IC, Merican x 18 IC

The Thang;

Mosey to the lower picnic shelter and partner up.  P1 perform exercise while P2 travels about 25yds and back and switch keeping an aggregate count.


60 Burpees with Bearcrawls

100 Merican with Frogjumps

100 Squats with Crabwalk

120 Flutterkicks with Lunges

Run a lap around parking lot and back to the flag to circle up for Ring of Fire.

Moleskin;  Nice work men.  Hate I missed it.  Look forward to the next one.  Sounds like Sparky threw out a beatdown this morning.  AYE!  #DRP

COT; Namorama, Prayer Requests, Announcements, Dicussed 2Tim 2:4


#Folsom #BB The Mix Up

8 Men appeared in the gloom for The Mix Up.  YHC came in hot and began with an apology and the disclaimer.

Warmup; SSH x 15 IC, Mericans x 10 IC, LBC’s x 10 IC, Toy Soldiers x 10 IC, Carolina Dry Docks x 10 IC


The Thang;  The pax took a short mosey to the lower parking and met at the far shelter and were told to partner up.  P1 wheelbarrow P2 25 yds, each partner 20 Old School Situps; P2 wheelbarrow P1 25 yds, 20 flutter kicks; P1 fireman carry P2 25 yds, 20 feet throws each; P2 fireman carry P1 25 yds, 30 sec plank.  Then it was time for the burpee lap.  Pax to run lap around parking lot and perform 5 burpees OYO at the each corner.  20 burpees later the pax planked waiting on the six and then moseyed to the picnic shelter to perform some Mary.

YHC; dips x 15 IC, squats x 15 IC; JK2, hello dolly x 15 IC; Allen Tate, LBC’s x 15 IC; Shingle, Ring of Fire 5 Mericans while pax hold plank till his turn; Garfield, Step ups x 15 IC; Medicine Woman, Freddy Mercury x 12 IC; Roadie, SSH x 15 IC; Huckleberry and Dolph, 10 box jumps OYO.  Then the pax took a final lap around the parking lot and back up the hill for the COT.

Announcements; Backyard Brawl 4-9, MudRun 4-30; JK2 looking for a team, Gaston County Run, Burpee Thon, BRR; Prayer Requests; Namorama; JK2 thanks for taking us out sir.

Moleskin; Nice work men; Huckleberry I apologize for the discomfort, I hope it doesn’t last long.  Keep us updated.  YHC tried a little of everything and did manange to sneak a little Q practice in for the pax which they handled nicely.  It doesn’t get easier you just get stronger.  Thanks guys always a honor to lead you men.  #DRP

#BB #Folsom BlockBuster

7 Men met in the gloom for a quick beatdown.  The pax were informed to bring gloves last night and YHC would bring the pain.

Circle up for Warmup; SSH x 15 IC, Mericans x 15 IC, Squats x 10 IC, Trunk Side Stretch x 10 IC, CDD’s x 10 IC, one more round of SSH for Sparky.

The Pledge.

The Thang;

Take a mosey from the parking lot to the picnic shelter about 1/4 mile away and back to parking lot.  The Pax then grabbed a cinder block out the back of YHC truck and circled up for 6 exercises.  Mumble chatter about where were the bricks at?


Curls x 10 IC, Squats x 10 IC, French curls x 10 IC, Front raise x 10 IC, Squat Press x 10, Good Mornings x 10 IC.  This is known as the BlockBuster!

After completing the exercises the Pax again completed the 1/2 mile mosey down to the picnic shelter and back for another round of the same exercises.  We completed 4 rounds of mosey to picnic and back and 4 rounds of exercises.


Annoucements; Burpathon, MudRun, Gaston County Run, BRR; Who wants to Q?  Prayer requests, YHC forgot the Namorama but through mumble chatter I had no problem recalling the Pax.  Sparky, thanks for taking us out sir.


Pax seemed to be in good spirits this am, Allen Tate came in hot and had enough energy to perform SSH moving side to side.  Sparky came in after that and when we left the parking lot on the first mosey Lou had prepared himself to stop at the picnic shelter and had some comments when the pax made the turn to head back to the parking lot.  It doesn’t get easier you just get stronger! Nice job on the runs this am guys, it will get better.  Strong work this morning men.  We covered about 2 miles and performed quite a few exercises.  As always it was pleasure to lead you men.  #DRP


#BB #TheStorm

12 pax made the choice to take the Red Pill this am for a simple beatdown at #TheStorm.  Disclaimer was read and the warm up began.  Promise was made no burpees, yes we are doing burpees!

Warmup IC; 15 SSH, 15 Mericans, 10 Toy Soldiers, 10 Low Slow Squats, 10 Trunk Side Stretch, 5 Archers ( alternating side wide push ups), Monk read word of the week ” I wil give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart “.  The pax then took a lap around the parking lot and met back at the flag for the pledge.

The Thang;

The Pax were instructed to partner up and size doesn’t matter.  Partners lined up at the imaginary goal line (parking space line).  P1 wheelbarrow P2 to 25 yd line and each partner perform 20 old school situps.  P2 Fireman Carry P1 to 50 yd line and each partner perform 20 flutter kicks each, double count.  P1 Fireman Carry P2 to 25 yd line and each partner perform 20 feet throws.  P2 wheelbarrow P1 to goal line and each partner perform 20 side plank up downs, 10 each side.  Count off and The Q informed the pax that he forgot the burpees on the first lap so to make up they were to perform 10 burpees at each corner.  Plank it up at goal line for the 6 to arrive.  Once the 40 burpees were down it was rinse and repeat of the above, only the burpees on lap 3 were reduced to 5 at each corner.  Then a quick count off and the Q realized there was time for another round.  Rinse and repeat .  Last lap was 1 and 1/2 to get the pax back to the flag with no burpees.  Nice work men.  Circle up at the flag for some mary.  10 IC; Russian twist, V ups, Lbc’s, Freddy Mercurys, French Fries.  Time was called.


Announcements; Outhouse and Family.  Were praying for you brother.  4-16 Community Run, 4-30 Mud Run, Burpeethon in May, Mayor to inform pax of details, BRR in September.  Namorama. Monk thanks for the prayer.


It was an honor to lead you men this am.  You all showed me what taking the RED PILL means #DRP.  It doesn’t get any easier you just get stronger.  Simple beatdown but felt it.  Tclaps to Mayor for digging deep this am, strong work.  Defib pushing the rock on the runs.  Nice work by all Pax.  Enjoyed it.  Till the next one.  #DFQ!


#BB Folsom

It was a little wet out in the gloom this morning.  That didn’t stop 7 of the #Gashouse pax and 1 FNG from posting at the newest AO now known as Folsom.  Welcome to the Pax, Josh Crisp @Hydrant_F3.  Freight started this am with a brief introduction about F3, hit it on the head brother.  Mosey to the Flag for the pledge.  YHC delivered the disclaimer and the warmup began.


SSH 15 IC, Mericans 10 IC, Toy Soldiers 10 IC; Freight took second half with Low Slow Squat 11 IC, Carolina Dry Docks 10 IC, Don Quixote 10 IC


Pax informed to Mosey to Tennis court side of parking lot for 7’s really 8’s.  Perfrom 7 mericans sprint 40 yrds to Sparky’s truck for 1 squat sprint back; 6 mericans sprint to Sparky’s truck for 2 squats and so on until 1 merican at tennis courts and 7 squats at Sparky’s truck.  TClaps to Richard Simmons for the EC and leading the charge with JK2.  Pax then circle up for breather and did a 1/4 mile mosey to far picnic shelter where someone had lost a tire and sledge hammer about 25 yds from the shelter.  Pax collected in the shelter not to get out of the rain or have a dry spot to perform Mary, but it was nice!  Pax performed Mary while one Pax sprinted to tire and whaled on the tire 5 hits each side and back to pax performing Mary and another pax would take a turn.  Mary consisted of LBC’s 10 IC, Flutter Kicks 15 IC, Homer to Marge 10 (thanks Richard Simmons for the clarification), Trunk Side Stretches 10 IC, Side Plank 10 up down each side.  Once all pax had a turn to release a little anger on the tire, Freight took over.  While in the shelter, why not use the picnic tables?  Dips 15 IC, definitely a burner.  Next were Bobby Hurleys 10 OYO; Dericans 15 IC; Single leg lunge with other leg on bench 5 IC each side; CDD’s 10 IC; Step ups Right leg 15 IC/ Left leg 15 IC; 10 Burpees OYO!!!!


We kept the COT in the shelter. Namorama. Welcome FNG Hydrant, nice work sir.  Announcements; Gaston County Run coming up in April check it out on Twitter.  Jobu has started the ball rolling on this.  Burpee Challenge coming in May.  BRR need more HC’s.  Sparky invited any of the Pax to join in on the Snowbird Trip, 3-10 through 3-12.


A year and half ago I had no idea that F3 would impact my life the way it has.  Today we started an additional AO, Folsom in Dallas.  We couldn’t do this without the Pax and the constant EH’ing.  Let’s grow fellas.  I am honored to lead and be a part of this group of men.  During the COT it was said that we would only meet Tuesdays for now, since leaving Folsom the pax have asked to hit it again on Thursday.  Freight stepped up and offered to bring the pain.  See you men in gloom on Thursday.  Strong work men!  DFQ! AYE!

Gashouse #BB Dolphsworld

The preparation started a couple of weeks ago to gather the coupons for a Gladiator Games style workout. Once all items were obtained the plan came together. A couple of the pax met on site early to set up coupons for a rotation of somewhat heavy obstacles.
17 pax appeared in the gloom this am with cold weather gear, gloves, and readiness. .

Word of the Week; Monk

Warmup; SSH 12 IC, Storm Troopers 10 IC, Mericans 10 IC, LBC 10 IC, Spiderman arrived so we performed 1 more round SSH 10 IC. Mosey to Flag for the pledge. Mosey to the Field.

Pax circled up and counted off, 17. 3 groups of 4 and 1 group of 5. Direction of flow through the stations and station instruction given by the Q. I apologize for being lenghty, tried not to lose any of the Pax. The Q did see a lot smiles and heard some mumble chatter. Only one of the pax could perform a station at a time remaining pax in the group performed Mary at their discretion. Each group started at a different station and ran/ mosey counterclockwise to the next.
– 280lb tire flip 3 times
– 100lb 20 yrd sled pull hand over hand; back peddle pull to start
– 10lb or 20lb sledge hammer to large tire, 5 each hand
– 10 Dips IC on Bleachers
– 5 Pullups partner assist if need be
– 15 Blocksquats IC
– 240lb group log carry 25 yrd and back; EC overhead press
– 10 Mericans IC
Rinse and Repeat

Thanks to Sparky for the awesome sled and 20lb hammer, also to Mayor and Brownstreak this morning for the set up help. Spiderman came in hot, so we did one more round of SSH then we were off. FNG, Allen Tate joined us on the field. I hope the Pax enjoyed it as much as I did. I know a little different in small groups but we all got in a good workout and approx 2.5 miles. I was not sure how this would go because I’ve never been involved in something like this. The pax seemed to have no trouble with the stations or the weight. We all might feel it tomorrow though. The sled pull needs some fine tuning as it seemed to be the bottle neck. Sparky had a good idea to add another one. Time was up after two rounds so the Pax assisted with collection of coupons while Mayor rolled Bandit back to the LZ in the large tire. TClaps to Linus, awesome job sir. TClaps to pax and the FNG’s for the 1st Dolphsworld run. FNG Mary Lou has been shortened to Lou.

Annoucements; Monk is looking to start a 3rdF BiBle Study, send suggestions of time and place to him. Yeti 2-20-16. Gastonia Run, lets get a team up. Dallas AO to start 2-23-16 at 5:30am, location pending. Snowbird Mens Retreat Invite from Sparky 3-10 through 3-12. BRR in September.
TSquare appreciate you taking us out.
As always, A pleasure to lead you #HIM.

#BB THE Storm

11 Pax appeared on the chilly gloom to run the Storm.
TS- toysoldier
IW- imperial walker
TSS- trunk side stretch
TGU- turkish get up
After the warmup the pax grabbed a partner and dumbell or kettlebell courtesy of the SCHS weightroom and BA, mosey to the field and drop weight on goal line. Pledge

The Thang:
Run one lap and include the home side stairs gather back at goal line. With partner aggregate counts
50 TGU with weight/ run to 50yd line 5 burpees; omaha 35
50 Plyo Crawly Merkins/ run to 40yd line 10 squats with weight
100 CDD/ run to 30yd line 20 single count sitting flutter kicks
Run one lap include home side stairs; collect weight return to weight room

Little bit a Mary:
Tricep pushups 10 IC
Side Plank Updowns 8 IC R/L
Joboo’s 10 IC
French Fries 10 IC

Nice way to start the day! Thanks guys for the opportunity to lead, always a pleasure. TGU’s harder than I thought, hince the Omaha. Defib thanks for the #Push. Nice work by all Pax! TSquare, thanks for the Prayer. Till the next one.

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