Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Dirt (Page 4 of 8)

Mt Hollywood – 7/26/21



Warm up:

Goof Balls IC x 20

Eskimo Merkins x 8

Hill Billy Walkers IC x 15


Mosey along Hawthorne St and W. Glendale Ave, stopping along the way for 50 reps of:


Flutter Kicks

Overhead Claps

Calf Raises


Air Presses

Mosey to Catawba St and Main St and do 50 more reps of Squats, Flutter Kicks and Overhead Claps.

Mosey to W. Central St and Main St and do 50 more reps of Calf Raises, LBC’s and Air Presses.

Bataan Bear Crawl along W. Central.

Mosey to the center of the field in front of the middle school.

Big Bang

Pax plank in a circle.  When Q says GO, each pax jumps up and sprints 10 paces from the center of the circle and does the called exercise.  Mosey back and plank for the six.  With each round, the paces and reps increase by 10.  Pax must navigate over or around any obstacle in their way.

10 Burpees

20 Merkins

Opps!   Q Fail.  I did 20 steps and 20 merkins.  I was the first on back and noticed everyone else doing Burpees.  Evidently, I said 20 steps and 20 Burpees rather than 20 merkins.  Sorry guys.

30 Freddie Mercury’s

40 Peter Parkers

50 Chinooks

60 Dying Cock Roaches

Mosey back to the start.

Labyrinth – 7/21/21

Warm up:

Goof Balls IC x 21

Hill Billy Walkers IC x 20

Eskimo Merkins x 6

Mosey along Riverwood Parkway, stopping along the way for 50 reps of:


Flutter Kicks

Overhead Claps

Calf Raises


Air Presses

Stop at the entrance to the park on Plantation Trail and do 50 more reps of all the exercises above.

Mosey to the center of the soccer fields.


Big Bang

Pax plank in a circle.  When Q says GO, each pax jumps up and sprints 10 paces from the center of the circle and does the called exercise.  Mosey back and plank for the six.  With each round, the paces and reps increase by 10.  Pax must navigate over or around any obstacle in their way.

10 Burpees

20 Merkins

30 Freddie Mercury’s

40 Peter Parkers

50 Chinooks

60 Dying Cock Roaches

70 Moroccan Night Clubs

100 Do 25 reps of any 4 exercises

Mosey to the park entrance for 5 Burpees.

Mosey back to the start.

7/8/21 – The GOAT

I expected heavy rain but only got a little light rain.  How disappointing.

Started with the pledge and a disclaimer.

GoofBalls IC x 20

Hill Billy Walker IC x 20

Plank Jacks IC x 20

Mosey to the bridge and Bear Crawl accross the bridge,

Mosey to the back parkinglot for Flinstone 11’s.

Diamond Merkins and Reverse LBC’s at one end of the parkinglong lot and Deep Squats and Flutter Kicks at the other end.

Mosey to the picnic shelter on the island.  Dips, Step Ups and LBC’s x 10 then run a lap.

Rinse and repeat x 15 x 20 x 15.

Mosey to the start.


The Fighting Yank – 6-19-21

It was a beautiful day to see many PAX and their 2.0’s for F3 Dads at the Fighting Yank.  The Boot Camp and Bunker workouts had low numbers due to the PAX bringing their kids for a great workout together.  Once the dads separated, the warm up went like this…..


Side Staddle Hops IC x ……?  We did at least 30 but we ended them with a resounding verse of Happy Birthday to none other than YHC.  Yes, I’ve passed through the decade of RESPECT and entered the decade of Honor.  After displaying my newest F3 shirt with HONOR 60+ on the back we continued pushing on with…..

Hill Billy Walkers IC x 20

Chinooks IC x 10 one way and x 10 the other.

One we broke off from the Bunker PAX we gave them our usual Monkey Humper salute at the fence.

Mosey over to the steps in the park for Calf Raises.  I went easy on the PAX so we only did 100 x IC.  I was planning to get back there at the end of the workout but ran out of time.

Mosey to the RR tracks for 5 Burpees.

Mosey to the top of the hill on Main St. for Goofballs and Monkey Humpers.

Mosey to Park St stopping at each telephone pole along the way to do 5 merkins, derkins, werkins or CDD’s.

Mosey to the Belmont PD for circle of ABS.  We stopped at each corner for 50 squats.

Mosey to Main St. for Triple Nickle doing Reverse LBC, Mosey and Peter Parkers.

Mosey back to the Fighting Yank to salute the Bunker Pax with more Monkey Humpers.

5 more Burpees.


Thanks for starting my 60th birthday off right men!


Bob Ross was at Mt. Hollywood

Mt Hollywood   5/31/21

The Memorial Day edition of Mount Hollywood brought six Pax out on a cool morning to honor those that have lost their lives in military service to our country.  Thanks to all the families who have lost loved ones while in the military.  Your sacrifice does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.  Each one us are indebted to your sacrifice.  Our freedom was paid for buy their lives!

Here is how the workout went:

Hillbilly Walkers IC x 20

Goof Balls IC x 20

Eskimo Merkins up to 9


Mosey along Catawba to Oakland street.  Stopped and did 5 Burpees.   Mosey to the corner of Oakland and West Central St. for 5 more Burpees.  Mosey up to the field beside the elementary school for Belches which are………..

Pax lays flat on the ground in a line, Q says go. Everyone hops up similar to recovering from a burpee, and sprints 5 – 10 steps, then dives down flat on the ground remaining in line. Essentially, you’re advancing the field without the enemy fire being able to smoke you. Go hard, go quick. After getting to your resting place, complete upper, and core routines, then do a different upper, core routine, then belch back to the starting point, mission accomplished.<br /> Best on grassy fields in the gloom with some morning dew, some dives have slides, one must reverse low crawl to get back to the line or forward low crawl to advance to the line.

Alternating Side Squats IC x 10

American Hammers IC x 10

Backward Lunges IC x 10

Six shooters IC x 5 each side

Belch Back

Alternating Side Squats IC x 10

American Hammers IC x 10

Backward Lunges IC x 10

Six shooters IC x 5 each side

About this time Montross says something like a “Dirt workout is like a Bob Ross painting show”.  Mild mannered and soft spoken.  I guess I need to step it up a notch or two.


Mosey to the field in front of the middle school for the Big Bang.

PAX form small circle, everyone in a plank, shoulder-to-shoulder. Place headlamp in the center. Q calls out a number and exercise. For example, “10 burpees,” means PAX stand up in an explosion of energy, run directly away from center of circle 10 yards/paces and do 10 burpees, then run back to the center and plank for the 6. Each PAX must find their own route away from the center of circle. Obstacles–ditches, trees, pits–are encouraged, but next round can’t start until all PAX accounted for. Generally performed in increasing counts (10 paces/reps, 20 paces/reps, 30 paces/reps, 40 paces/reps, 50 paces/reps) representing the ever-expanding universe.


10 paces – 10 Diamond Merkins

20 paces – Crunchy Frogs

30 paces – Flutter Kicks (count 1 leg)

40 paces – Little Orhan Annie’s (20 each side)

50 paces – Air Presses

60 paces – LBC’s

70 paces – squats

80 paces – Overhead claps

Mosey back to the flag.

Thanks to attending gentlemen!



Prayer Request:


Big Pappy’s family

SA’s family

Montross’ cousin

5/1/21 – The Fighting Yank – Lost Wienkie!

Well, what do I expect after 30 days without writing the back blast?

This was my 3rd anniversary Q so it was a special day for me. After 3 years of regularly meeting everyone, I am a better man today than I was on April 30th, 2018. Thanks to everyone who has pushed me to run farther and to push more than I thought possible.

Nine PAX showed up to run 2.3 miles, stopping along the way for 10 merkins, 20 squats and 30 LBC’s.

We stopped at the point where North Central and Mainstreet meet for some wall sit marching and air presses. There was a dead black snake there that made Sargento gag! Way to hold it in bro.

We stopped in a parking lot for AB Ring of fire.

We stopped in front of the middle school for Figure Eights.

Mosey Back to The Fighting Yank!

Thanks for showing up men.




4/20/21 National Marijuana Day

Did I get your attention?  I saw a headline that Willie Nelson wants the POTUS to declare 4/20 as National Marijuana Day.  With weed being legalized in more and more states, I’m sure this will be a reality soon.  April 20th has a more significant meaning for me.  April 20, 1982 was the day I became a father.  My oldest son, Jeffrey was born at 9:05 pm in Waterloo, IA.  It’s a day that changed my life.  On to the workout!



Statement on how The STORM shirt is the best design in all of F3, which in fact it IS!

Seal Jacks IC x 25

Hill Billy Walkers IC x 20

Eskimo Merkins we worked up to 6, paused, then did 7 and finished with 8.

Mosey to the bottom of the practice field for the start of Four Corners.  Thanks to Breaker Breaker for giving me this idea as he did this a couple of years ago.

5 Burpees at the first corner

10 Merkins at the second corner

20 Dips at the third corner

40 Flutter Kicks counting one leg at the fourth.

Rinse and repeat x 5

Mosey to the bleachers at the ball fields for…… you guessed it DIRTY CALVES!

Calf Raises (double count) x 10, 10, 15, 15.  Watts Up wanted to keep going so we did a couple more sets of 10.

Circle up for a round of Circle Abs.  Each PAX calls out an AB exercise of 10 reps.  Each Pax calls the next one as fast as they can without a rest in between.  Lots of moaning and groaning here because we had a ton of PAX show up this morning.

Mosey toward the flag and stop short for 11’s.  Start with 10 Peter Parkers and 1 Jump Squat at the other end.  We got through the 8 and 3 round before time ran out.

Mosey back to the flag and arrive at 6:15.45.  Sorry I went over Gentlemen!

Pledge – Thanks for reminding me about this Pilgrim.

Good work today men.



PT Test at Gashouse on Saturday at 7:00 am.  All other AOs are open.

Dr Seuss purchased a new car.  Nice ride Seuss!



Prayer Requests:

Turtle Man

Dry Rub’s M

Hux Family

The Labyrinth 3/31/21



Warm Up:          Seal Jacks IC x 25

Hill Billies IC x 20

Slow Merkins IC x 10

Mosey to the maintenance building parking lot for an Abb Ring Of Fire with LBC’s.  Here we circled up and held the LBC starting position.  I started with one LBC.  The PAX to my left did one LBC, the PAX to his left did one LBC and so on until it was my turn again where I started the next round with two LBC’s.  We continued through the round of 7.  There was some creative counting as we went around the circle.

Mosey to the walking trail around the baseball fields for Bataan Death Crawl.  This is a combination of Catch Me If You Can and a traditional Bear Crawl. The last person drops and does 5 Burpees, while the rest of the Pax Bear Crawl in a line. After completing the Burpees, the last guy runs to catch the group, tapping the (new) last Pax on the shoulder, who then stops to begin his 5 Burpees, while the (former) last guy continues to the front of the line. Continue until all Pax have performed 2 sets of Burpees.

Mosey to the far end of the parking lot for 11’s.  Cracker Jacks (Bomb Jacks) at one end and Peter Parkers at the other end.  To do a Cracker Jack, start in ATG-Frog Squat position, w/ both arms extended straight down b/w legs + hands planted on ground. Perform a Star Jump & return to 1st position. This is basically a jump squat and a Side Straddle Hop combined into one exercise.

Mosey to the Picnic shelter for Dips IC x 10, Step Ups x 10 each leg, and Flutter Kicks IC x 20.  Rinse and repeat x 2.

Mosey to the entrance of the park for 5 Burpees.

Mosey back to the flag with 20 seconds to spare.

Great work today gentlemen.  I enjoyed the mumble chatter.




Convergence on 4/17 at The Bulldog (W.A. Bess Elementary)

PT Test at GasHouse on 4/24


Prayer Requests:

EZ Riders family

Watt Ups M

Joey Denton

Turtle Man

PSA or PSA Screening? – Gashouse 3/20/21

After warming up and we split off from the Pain Lab crew.  I mentioned that I would have a PSA during the workout.  Well, the PAX minds went directly to PSA Screening which is a blood test to screen for prostate cancer.  For some reason this didn’t surprise me.  So to be clear, I told them that I would have a Public Service Anouncement at sometime during the workout.  I’m glad we got that cleared up.



Seal Jacks IC x 25

HillBillies IC x 20

Don Q’s IC x 15

Eskimo Merkins IC up to 6.  What is an Eskimo Merkin?  An Eskimo Merkin is where you touch your nose to the ground.  The first one you just touch the ground once.  The second one is where you touch your nose once, then add a micro merkin and touch a second time.  The third is three micro merkins touching three times.  You get the idea.

Boot camp broke off for a Mosey to the school parking lot by the gym.  Here we did a Triple Nickle.  5 Backward Lunges, Bear Crawl the width of the parking lot and 5 CDD’s at the other side.

Mosey to Burtonwood Dr.  Do 5 Diamond Merkins at each pole until we get to the old PNG building.  There were more poles here than expected but we hammered them out.

Stopped in the parking lot of the white vacante building for an AB Blast.  We circled up and each PAX was instructed to call out 10 reps for an AB excercise one after the other as fast as possible.  We got through three rounds of this.  A lawn maintenance crew showed up as we were finishing and our final exercise was a hip thruster type exercise on our back.  I’m sure the lawn guys hoped we would move on quickly after witnessing this.

Mosey cross country to the side of the Parkdale Mills offices.  This wasn’t the building I was hoping for so we continued on up Cotton Blossom Circle.  I finally spied my final destination;  The Social Security Administration office.  Time for my PSA.  For those of us nearing retirement, here is the Social Security office.  Some knew it was there, others didn’t.  I didn’t know it was there until a few weeks ago when I ran by it during EC.

Here we did Flintstone 11’s with Backward Lunges and Jump Squats at one end of the parking lot and Reverse LBC’s and Flutterkicks at the other end.

We mosied along New Hope road to the corner of Garrison Blvd where we did 15 Monkey Humpers IC.  Much to our disappointment, nobody honked at us.

Mosey back to the start stopping at each corner to do 10 Merkins.

Time.  Thanks for joining us today.  We had 5 for the boot camp portion of the work out and the mumble chatter was good.




3/19/21-Tequila Sunrise

Two FNG’s made their way to Belmont Central to join us for a cool morning in Belmont.  Thanks to Vidal Sassoon for EH’ing these two FNG’s.  Flav Rogers has been named “Olsen”  for Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen because he has twin boys.  Chris Craft has been named Judge Judy because he is a Wells Fargo lawyer.

We reviewed the F3 principles and gave a long disclaimer for the FNG’s.


Warm Up:

Seal Jacks IC x 25

HillBillies IC x 20

Don Q’s IC x 15

Merkins IC x 10


Mosey to the corner of Eagle Rd. and Blue Berry Street stopping at each corner to do 50 squats.

Flintstone 11’s running between the corner of Eagle Rd and Blue Berry St to the corner of Blue Berry St and Assembly St.  Reverse LBC’ and Flutter Kicks at the lower end and Backward Lunges and Jump Squats at the top.

5 Burpees for the train after the 11’s.

Mosey to the side of Belmont Central where we did Dips, Incline Merkins and Big Boy Sit Ups x 5, x 10, x 15, and x20.  Mosey to the sidewalk and back after each round.   I wanted to run these back down but we ran out of time.

We were a bit light in numbers because of all of the relay’s starting today but we had good time with those that showed up.

Thanks for letting me lead this morning,



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