Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Brown Streak (Page 2 of 3)


I started out the morning with some EC with Outhouse and Whoppee. We ran to Goatisland and back for about 2.5 mile warmup before the other pax arrived. As everyone rolled in I was noticing a lot of new faces. Some newly posted guys from week ago to first time posters from Saturday. We did have one FNG among us. As the time drew near I welcomed all to the Brownstreak show and pre answered the question with ” no, it’s not what you think!” Welcomed Josh the FNG and explained he could remain Josh for the next 45 mins but after that he would be transformed and renamed…. A rebirthing if you will. Disclaimer was spoken and here’s what Brown threw down……..

Mosey around the parking lot island for some high knees, butt kicks, L&R side steps back around to circle up for more of…..
S: ssh 20ic
T: toy soldier 20ic
O: over head sqauts 20
R: reverse crunches 20ic
M: mericans 10ic

Mosey to the upper parking lot where the Painnado was stirring…..


20 Mt. Climbers
Run 0.1 miles (lap around parking lot island)

20 Diamond Mericans
Run 0.10 miles

20 Carolina Dry Docks
Run 0.10 miles

20 Mericans
Run 0.10 miles

20 WWII sit-ups
Run 0.10 miles


After two rounds of that the pax were fighting for wind cause it had just been sucked out of them….. We moseyed to the speed bump at the top of soccer field where we triple nickeled from speed bump to speed bump along soccer field where there is a slight incline…..

Triple Nickel:
5 Burpees at top
5 Sqauts at bottom
Repeato x5

The pax toughed thru this one. Great work men. We moseyed to the flag for the pledge.



Great work by everyone today. Everyone stayed together and encouraged the FNG. I explained that f3 is for YOU! It’s were you vs you. It’s not about being better than the next guy. Are there friendly rivals? Yes, but it’s all in fun. We are not here to discourage or break a man. So I want to thank everyone for the encouraging words and for sticking with the FNG! #HIM


The CSUAP in November. SIGN UP!

Welcome FNG “Lambskin”


Thanks guys for allowing me to lead and I look forward to growing stronger with each of you. Brownstreak out!!!

Hills and Sprints

Started out with 7 til monk came in Hot. We did a quick warm up of …..

SSH 20ic
Wind mills 15ic
and a stretch exercise not named yet!

We were being pressured by a group setting up a booth for an event so we cut warm ups short. Sooooo we mosey over to Hawthorne Park for….

Triple Nickel:
5 Burpees @ bottom
Mosey to top of monster hill (I take full responsibility for under estimating this hill)
5 squats @ top
Mosey back down
Repeato 5X

Quiche and Tool Time blazed through this so the kept going…… Picked up the 6 and we moseyed a short ways to the “malt red cup skate park” behind Sammy’s for some….

Sprintervals (distance = 40+ yards):
sprint and jog back. repeato x 7

7 jump squats, sprint and recover walk back. repeato x 3

7 mericans, sprint and recover walk back. repeato x 3

7 apollo ohno, sprint and recover walk back. repeato x 3

7 LBC, sprint and recover walk back. repeato x 3

7 mericans, sprint and recover walk back. repeato x 3

7 CCD, sprint and recover walk back. repeato x 3

7 Squats, sprint and recover walk back. repeato x 3

7 WWII situps, sprint and recover walk back. repeato x 3

We left there to the side of Sammy’s for some street side Monkey Humpers 10ic
Then against the wall for some Hip Slappers 10 oyo left there moseyed back across to the park for 21’s with mericans. 7 1/3 way down, 7 2/3 way down, 7 full mericans down = 21. Tool Time yelling for me to keep going to break a calorie burn record so we moseyed by to the flag the long way!!!! It was time and I was short beating the record by 13 calories… Story of my life!!!



BRR guys safe travels and safe running.
Shirmpboat on his future mission trips.


Brownstreak out!



Pax: Hokie, Sargento, Top Hat, Hush Puppy, Brownstreak(Q)

First one there with 10 minutes til launch and all I hear are the people from “I can’t believe I pay for this Bootcamp!” Sargento shows up as he has already ran 3+ miles. As time got closer we both thought it was just going to be us two. Then Hokie and Top Hat roll in just at Start time. So without any further wait I yell out “let’s mosey…….. Across the bridge onto the island and stoping at the playground for warm ups. Here’s what I remember.


SSH 20ic
Cotton Pickers 20ic
We pause here for a moment cause I thought I saw someone running toward us across the bridge……I did I did see a hush puppy running across the bridge. He explains he didn’t know where to park. At any rate…. Great to have ya. Glad you made it. We resumed out warm up with…..
Mericans 10ic
Flutter Kicks 20ic
We then moseyed to the other side of the island crossing the bridge over to the open parking lot aka hood side….. This is where the beat down took place. Here’s what happen….

The Thang:

Sprints (distance = 40+ yards):
sprint and jog back. repeato x 6

6 jump squats, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 mericans, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 apollo ohno, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 LBC, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 wide mericans, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 CCD, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 Squats, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 WWII situps, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

sprint and jog back. repeato x 6

We moseyed back to the town side where we had 4 minutes left. We did a short ladder:

Squats/Mt. Climbers


As always it’s a pleasure to lead guys. Til next time……. Brownstreak out!!!

Cycle, Leader and Ladder

Pax started filing in one by one. Quiche having already ran 7 miles, ran more to go get his car and drove back and pulled in up front. Mumble chatter all around. Discount Dbl. Check explained to me he had to go home to google his new name from posting Thursday at the goat. Apparently he doesn’t watch a lot of tv during football season. Anyway, time was drawing near so we convened at the bottom of the steps. I introduced myself and a quick reminder of disclaimer for the new guy from Thursday’s post.

I quickly stated I don’t like warming up under the trees (aka The Nest), so we moseyed to the covered wooden stage. That’s where we would do the warm up. That’s also where I explained I will always give the guys a goal number of reps. With that being said here’s what I remember about what we did……

SSH 25ic
Mericans 15ic
Flutter Kicks 30ic
Wind Mills 10ic

We moseyed from there to the track. We took the long way….. After the long mosey to the track I explained the the guys I played baseball in high school and our first goal for the morning was to hit a cycle. A cycle for those that don’t know (which a lot didn’t) is in a single game a batter hits a single, dbl, triple and a home run. Here’s how we did it….

The Cycle:

1 lap around track (400m) 4 laps(HomeRun)
Set 1 (30 single reps for the triple)
15ic Merkins
15ic LBC
15ic Carolina Dry Docks
15ic Squats
15ic Mt Climbers
Set 2 (20 single reps for the dbl)
10ic Merkins
10ic LBC
10ic Carolina Dry Docks
10ic Squats
10ic Mt Climbers
Set 3 (10 single reps for the single)
5ic Merkins
5ic LBC
5ic Carolina Dry Docks
5ic Squats
5ic Mt Climbers

During the last lap I promised WILSON (14yr old nephew to TOOLTIME) that I would cut some of the running out. He did a great job all morning. Respect to you lil man! So after the cycle we moseyed over by the pull up bars. That’s where I introduced our next goal…… “Leader”

Leader – plank in line, first guy does the 5 exercise then starts mosey to bottom of the paved patch and back, next guy follows starting his 5 after the first guy finishes his 5, creating a staggered succession. Plank and wait for all to finish.

5 Pullups / Mosey / Plank
5 Toes to Bar / Mosey / Plank
5 Pullups / Mosey / Plank

During the planking Quiche and I shared quotes from “Fletch” after he complained about not having gloves. I explained it was soft pavement, he comes back with “not for a doctor” then we joked about his “trigger finger” for certain exams. That’s where he quoted from “Fletch”……”MOON RIVER”…..classic. Good laughs all around.

After this I gave a pep talk the guys explaining F3 and it’s not who’s better, but us making us better. The reason I set goals and why it’s better than not knowing……. Ok…off the soap box. Then we moseyed to the hill. The hill is cut with level terrace for sitting. That’s where we would do the “Ladder”

5-10-15 Ladder – using the terrace hill, first exercise at the top, second at the bottom.


With only 5 mins left we moseyed to the flag for pledge and Mary.


Mason twist 15ic
Flutter Kicks 50ic- this was brought to us by ToolTime (jerk) not disclosing the number lead us to 50ic where I quit at one point to look at him with a death stare and the man winks and keeps counting……(jerk) 😉
Old School Crunches 20ic – Wilson (14yr) took us out. Great work lil man!


Ended this morning with announcements and prayer request and namarama. It’s always a pleasure leading. Great work by all and I would go and stand with everyone one of my F3 brothers. Y’all are family!!! Brownstreak out!!

Christmas In July

As I remember it the pax filled in slowly. Some have been with us long enough to know what was coming, but the others were in store for a treat……..

No newbies so no disclaimer or intro needed. A small talk about the no show of some and tough crowd this morning. No mumble chatter. I think they all was struggling to be there. Well they’ll be better for it.

Warm up:
SSH x10ic
Wind Mills x10ic
Mericans x10ic

The Thang:
The 12 Days of Christmas
Day 1: 1 Minute of “something……Planking, High Knees, Fake Jump Rope
Day 2: 200 yard (give or take) across the bridge and back
Day 3: 3 Squat Jumps
Day 4: 4 CDD’s IC
Day 5: 5 Burpees OYO
Day 6: 6 Plank Jacks IC
Day 7: 7 Calf Ups IC
Day 8: 8 Monkey Humpers IC
Day 9: 9 Mountain Climbers IC
Day 10: 10 Merkins IC
Day 11: 11 Freddy Mercury IC
Day 12: 12 Side Straddle Hops IC

This is none stop 45 min work out. No time to waste with this one. Guys pushed through the suck and are better for it. Way to push guys. As always, it’s a pleasure to lead.

Remember our country and all of the prayer request. Reach out to those who haven’t been here in awhile. EH them if needed. Be mindful of upcoming events and meeting. Til next fellas.

Brownstreak out!

Dirty Thirty

30ic SSH
30ic Moroccan Night Clubs
30ic Wind Mills
15ic Mericans
15ic LBC
mosey around parking lot with high knees, butt kicks, left and right side steps
15ic Cotton Pickers

The Thang:

Mosey to the end of street to the basketball courts.

30 Squats
30 Push-up (Mexicans)
30 Jump Squats
30 CDD
30 lunges (each leg)
30 supermans
30 LBC
30 Mt. Climbers (each leg)
30 WWII Sit ups
30 High Knees (each leg)
Mosey to the upper deck (those that post know)

30 Squats
30 Push-up (Mexicans)
30 Jump Squats
30 CDD
30 lunges (each leg)
30 supermans
30 LBC
30 Mt. Climbers (each leg)
30 WWII Sit ups
30 High Knees (each leg)

After that set we were running short on time so we ran a Dora 123 trailer video circuit (you know the ones, real short and quick just to get it out there) and it went like this…

Partner up. Partner 1 ran down the hill, around building, and up steps while partner 2 started these exercises…

Flip flop til all reps were complete.
20 mericans
40 LBC
60 Squats

Mosey back to parking lot for…..

Mason Twist 20ic



Started out slim this morning with 3 with 4 minutes til launch. The other goats started filling in quickly. Squeaker and TopHat coming in sideways at the end. Way to make an entrance fellas.

All in all good workout and everyone completed the task at hand. Air was thick which made it hard to keep going but being the men that we are we prevailed.

Remember all prayer request and those that are MIA. We have a strong group but, we need to reach out to those that are out of the red pill (DRP). Fill their prescription and let’s get them back at it. We all need this.

Thanks to TopHat/Monk and Freah Prince for stepping up and taking Q’s to close out June!

Thanks for letting me lead. Til next time!

The Decent

12 gentle goats came out. None decode the cryptic message I tweeted out but showed up none the less. Pax didn’t look to into this morning but the Shepard waits for no one. So this is what happened.


High knees, butt kicks, side steps L & R, Side Straddle Hops x 20 IC, Imperial Storm Troopers x 20 IC, Toy Soldiers x 20 IC, Windmills x 20 IC, Cherry Pickers x 20 IC


The Thang:

Lap run

25 LBC’s
25 Mericans
25 WWII Sit ups
25 Carolina Dry Docks
25 Mountain Climbers

Lap run

24 LBC’s
24 Mericans
24 WWII Sit ups
24 Carolina Dry Docks
24 Mountain Climbers

Lap run

23 LBC’s
23 Mericans
23 WWII Sit ups
23 Carolina Dry Docks
23 Mountain Climbers

Lap run

22 LBC’s
22 Mericans
22 WWII Sit ups
22 Carolina Dry Docks
22 Mountain Climbers

Lap run

Mosey to the bridge.

DORA 1,2,3
100 mericans
200 LBC
300 squats

Mosey back to parking lot

Russian Twist 20ic

Great work guys. Just over 2 miles put down. You will feel those WWII SIT UPS for a couple of days.

Always a great time leading a great group of guys. Remember to read and get on mailing list to stay informed. Remember also all prayer request. Til next time!!! Aye!

The Vern!

8 G.O.A.T.s showed their faces this AM to prove they are the Greatest.Of.All.Times. Had one try and get away (squeaker) but quickly turned back in when he saw YHC (the shepherd) was there already watching to see who was coming. All the pax started rolling in and conversations was good but it was time to start………
No FNG’s so short pep talk about me being an idiot and they are idiots for following me!


20ic SSH
15ic Wind Mills
15ic LBC
20ic Moroccan Night Clubs
Mosey down the parking lot and back up doing High knees, butt kicks, left side steps, right side steps. Mosey to the kazeebo.

The Thang

This is one of my all time favorite workouts. It’s easy to follow and steady pace. We had a couple new return guys so seemed FITting.

The Vern.
10 pull ups
Mosey 200 yards (give or take to the island)
20 dips/10ic
Mosey back 200 yards (back to the Kazeebo)
25 mericans
30/15ic LBC



Great work this morning guys. Squeaker was blazing the trail on the mosey. Nice job! This morning was about staying together and encouraging each other. I set goals and WE met them and you all pushed. Great work again by all. Never quit.
40pull ups
100 mericans
120 LBC
2.47 miles
All in 45 mins guys!!!

F3 is not about out doing the other guy. This is Iron sharpens Iron guys. It’s about having a goal in front of you and pushing to it. It’s not about you not being as good or strong as someone else. It’s about being out there. Wanting to have a better life. Healthier life. It’s about making yourself better for yourself, your family, your job and community.

Remember all events coming up. Check the email News letter sent out each week. Also remember all the prayer request. I appreciate the chance to lead you G.O.A.T.s. Til next time…….AYE!

Four Corners!

Pax started rollin in one by one. It was nice to see the return of Mayor with his beardless face. Dolph returned to the herd this morning as well. Great turn out by all this morning. Mumble Chatter about “sore legs and let’s get this party started.” Pax not fully aware of what was to come…here’s what happen…best I remember!

Mosey around the islands with butt kicks,high knees, left side shuffle, right side shuffle.
Circle up:
Welcomed FNG
SSH 20ic
Wind Mills 15ic
Mericans 10ic
Freddy Mercury 10ic
Morocin night club 20ic

The Thang:
4 Corner Esclade
Mosey from corner to corner (sorta)
Corner 1- 10 Burpees
Corner 2- 10 Burpees, 10ic mericans
Corner 3- 10 Burpees, 10ic mericans, 15ic LBC
Corner 4- 10 Burpees, 10ic mericans, 15ic LBC, 20ic Mt. Climbers
Corner 4- 10 Burpees, 10ic mericans, 15ic LBC, 20ic Mt. Climbers
Corner 3- 10 Burpees, 10ic mericans, 15ic LBC
Corner 2- 10 Burpees, 10ic mericans
Corner 1- 10 Burpees

6/7 exercises(failure to remember)


Always a pleasure to lead you guys. Had a lot of mumble chatter. I like it!!! Sorry about the long lunge mosey from corner 1 to 2….. BAD IDEA, mistake was noted and will be felt for days after.
Remember all events coming up!
Remember prayer request
Great to have new FNG (respect) Steve aka “Chaps”
Til next time fellas!!!


On this last episode of Goat Island I wanted to somehow tie it all together. Not sure on how it was going to go or how I was going to do this,then it hit me……So as I rolled in to the island and notice no one there yet I sit back and relaxed and started to drift off……Zzzzzz!

BOOM! And sound of a train rollin behind me I see those dang goats in their u-haul. Jacked up on something, these two were in rare form this morning. As they opened the back up smoke rolled out like a scene from Fast Time at Ridgemont High or Up in Smoke. As the smoke cleared, here’s what was delivered to the 7 pax at Goatisland.

Warm up:
SSH 20ic
Wind Mills 20ic
Mericans 10ic
LBC 15ic

The Thang:

One Round of The Vern:
10 pull ups
Mosey 200yds
20 dips
Mosey 200yds
25 mericans
Mosey 200yds
Mosey 200yds

Meet in Kazeebo
99 LBC
9 burpees
99 high knees
9 mericans
99sec squat holds
88 LBC
8 burpees
88 high knees
8 mericans
88sec plank

Mosey to bottom of hill at parking lot.

5-10-15 ladder
Mt. Climbers/Squats

I need to take a moment get props to T square for his tuck and roll skills. My boy trips on a parking bump stop and tucks it rolls out of it and still beats us to the top of hill to start exercise. Well done sir. Well done!! #wehaveourownblackopps




Thanks again guys for allowing to be apart and lead. It’s a great thing to be out there with you all. Guys are getting stronger and faster. ISI men. We all are here for one another. To help and guide each other. We are not and will not be in competition with each other. We are a family and family sticks together. HIM!


BRR Challenge put out by Whoopee
BRR- still need HC guys to do this.
Burpee-thon in May
Backyard Brawl in April
Check email blast sent out weekly for more info. If you are not on mailing list get on it!

Mercy-The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Psalms 103:8

Outhouse – Mom
Dolph- Dad
Mayor- for power to be restored and the conservation of priceless commodities. #cambodiamilk.

Sent from my iPhone

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