• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 04/20/2024
  • AO: The Fighting Yank
  • QIC: Gavel
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Pinto, Freon, BOS, Watts Up, Tesla, Tooth Fairy, Tardi Gras, Jane Fonda, Eh Yall, Orangeman, Montana, Anchorman, Goose, Doodles, CPAP, Rebar

We went from a lot happening on 4/20 to almost nothing in Belmont. This was the original date for the extinction run but there was a 5k scheduled for Belmont so it was moved. We thought the roads would be blocked so BOS warned us but they were opened all the way until 0800 just before the 5k was to start. The roads seemed to be open by the park just after the last person came trotting by for the 5k. All of the hustle and bustle for no reason it seemed like.

Growing up I originally thought the 420 was a police code for the devil’s lettuce but I learned later it life that it wasn’t. I took the police code theory and ran with it, literally, we almost had 3 miles running around Belmont on this clear cool morning. Here’s what I remembered.

Mosey to shelter for warmup:
Stretches, sort of
Seal jacks x11 IC
toy soldiers x11 IC
overhead press x11 IC
gravel pickers x11 IC

Mosey to track to use the field
1st police code – 314 Indecent Exposure. 11s of Hello Dolly’s and monkey humpers, run the width of the field.

Mosey the long way to the bunker, thanks to Rebar 🙂
2nd police code – 10-72 prisoner in custody. Triple nickel of HR merkins and overhead press

Mosey to Main St. for route 66 of CDD’s
3rd and final police code – 10-43 in pursuit.

We ended at Nelly’s and saw Hunckajunk blocking a road. We asked for an escort through the closed roads at 0800, he said good luck with that.

Fellowship mosey to the office parking lot for DORA. Find a partner. 100 LBCs, 200 Flutters and 300 MNC.

Mosey back to start for Iron Hulk and 4 minutes of Mary. We tried the mary in the “closed” street but it was in fact not closed, 4 minutes before 5k start too. Oh well. Time!

Goonie ruck 5/4/24 0300
Rice and beans 5/14/24 1745
Extinction run 5/18/24 0900 Primal Brewery

Jackson Curtie
Madaline 12 y/o w/ cancer

YHC prayed.

Thanks men.