• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 01/31/2024
  • AO: The Ricky Bobby
  • QIC: Nutria
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Kool Aid, Cheesesteak, Stagecoach, Orangeman, CPAP, Tesla

Day before the “Pushing Rocks” challenge kickoff, rocks were already being pushed at The Ricky Bobby.  Here’s what I remember:

5 burpees to start, then standard disclaimer and warmup.  Cheesesteak was amazed as I called 5 more burpees for the train 2 seconds before he heard the whistle!  On to The Thang:  Each pax received a pink folded-in-half sticky note “wild card” to – optionally – be presented at any point during the workout, at which point pax were required to follow the written instructions.  Then, the regular beatdown continued.  We got through a full round of dirty 11s (hand-release merkins and jungle-boy squats with 1 burpee in the middle each way) and moved on to alligator merkins the long way across the parking lot.  This was intended to suck.  It took 30 seconds of alligator merkins before Orangeman pulled out the wild card.  We did 59 burpees (as a group) as instructed, then Omaha’ed the remaining alligator merkins and circled up for a called exercise (AMRAP) while each pax in turn ran to the end of the parking lot and back.  We did Bobby Hurleys, American Hammers, and Nolan Ryans until they hurt or someone pulled a wild card or both.  Somewhere in the mix, Tesla presented the wild card that called for Stargazers!  Too bad there were no stars to gaze at on this cloudy humid morning.  After another round with Heels to Heaven, moseyed back to the flag for 4 minutes of Mary.  Orangeman’s 6-shooter was fully automatic with an infinite magazine, so Kool-Aid pulled one last Wild Card and did 10 burpees while the rest of us did Mike Tysons until time.  Whew, that was a lot!

Announcements – Folsom Nationals Feb 10

Prayers for marriages, pax on IR, Orangeman’s friend struggling, and Nutria’s daughter in spelling bee

I appreciate the HIM’s who came out today and didn’t take a “rest day” before Pushing Rocks.  I hope you got your money’s worth and even had a little bit of fun, except for the alligator merkins, that was just stupid from the get-go.  Thanks also to Roscoe, from whom I shamelessly stole the idea for the “wild cards.”  Good ideas are worth repeating/copying!

  • Nutria