• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 01/21/2024
  • AO: Crossroads
  • QIC: Broke
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Mayor, Bedpan, Wojo, Freight, Sister Act, Purple Haze, Wikileaks, Dr. Seuss, Sarlaac, Gumby

We say all the time that you’re not only posting for yourself, but to also be there for the man beside you. At Crossroads on Sunday, this principal was in full effect.  On the eve before what was projected to be a morning in the low teens, Mayor reached out on Slack for a “pacer” for his training run. He had two PAX hard commit to being there for him and both helped him achieve his goal. That’s some HIM stuff. Shout out to Bedpan and Wojo for the strong work and leadership by example. Freight also had a run goal he had to meet, but he took off so fast that nobody could catch up to him and pace him. He smoked his goal as well.


11 PAX in total for a cold run and a Qsource discussion on Language.

Prayers for Sarlaac, Turtleman, Luke Newsome, Gumby, Gumby’s neighbor, Wojo’s dad, Bubba Sparxx, Ball Joint, Seuss’ dad, Bedpan co-worker.  Praise for family of Mayor’s co worker who got good test results


YHC took us out

I’m Broke