• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 12/23/2023
  • AO: PainLab
  • QIC: Hunchback
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Stagecoach, Nutria, Voodoo, Hot Dog, Cheesesteak, Time Frame, Hermie

This morning at PainLab, I had the honor of leading the F3 workout, and it turned out to be quite the memorable experience. The atmosphere was charged with holiday spirit as we embarked on a Christmas-themed fitness challenge. The twist was the incorporation of trivia questions, adding an element of fun and competition to our usual routine.

As I rallied the participants for an hour of festive fitness, I received a surprising message from Stagecoach, my first EH back in 2018. It turns out he hasn’t posted in a whopping 2044 days, but today he expressed the desire to join in the workout and compete against his brother Cheesesteak, who has been consistently showing up.

The workout itself was a concoction of exercises and trivia questions, with two teams going head-to-head. Each round featured a trivia question, and the winning team got the luxury of an easier exercise, while the losing team faced a more challenging one. It added a dynamic and engaging element to our usual routine.

However, the morning took an unexpected turn during question three, which revolved around the highest-grossing Christmas movie of all time. Stagecoach’s team confidently declared “The Grinch,” while my sources insisted on “Home Alone.” The discrepancy led to a bit of controversy, and I must admit no one gracefully handled the mistake, hence this text when I returned to my vehicle post-workout.

Cheers to another memorable F3 workout at PainLab. See Gashouse backblast for announcements.

Prayers to our brother Sledge