• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 08/12/2023
  • AO: Folsom
  • QIC: Broke
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Sister Act, Gear Wrench, Stogie, Pony Boy, Roscoe, Dr. Seuss, Big Pappy, Sarlaac, Bedpan, Happy Trees, Wichita, Chili, Meat Wagon

With Round 2 of the PT tests coming up, YHC thought it might be a good time for a Q focused on form. After a warmup we moseyed to the block pile and partnered up. One partner rifle carries the block while the other does 3 Mike Tyson’s then runs to catch up. Switch out and continue in this manner back through the start and up to the tennis courts. We discussed the proper form for multiple exercises and explained The Thang. One partner does max reps in 2 minutes while the other checks form and counts reps. Suicides were done using the courts for 3 minutes. Here’s how it went:



HR Merkins

Big Boys





OH Press

Windshield Wipers


Tricep Extensions


YHC had a little more planned, but we were short on time and the natives were restless. Rifle carry the blocks back and head to the start for COT.

It seemed like the form was pretty good overall and the PAX pushed out a ton of reps. Wichita led the way with the most reps on most of the exercises with Roscoe and The Canoe also standing out. SA was partnered with Gear Wrench and I believe he made him quit a few exercises with time remaining due to his constant critique of the form. Not sure if it was warranted or if SA was just being SA.


F3 Dads next week at Folsom

2nd F lunch Wed

Hike 8/27

Coconut Derby 9/3

Convergence 9/4 at Fuse


Pray for Huck, Turtleman, Hacksaw, Westside family, Brillo, Sgt. Porkchop, Mayor, Nuthin


SA took us out.
I’m Broke