Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: February 2023 (Page 9 of 11)

Happiest Place in Mt. Hollywood!

Warmup: 15 x Toy Soldier; 15 x Goof Balls

Moseyed to the “Happiest Place in Mt. Hollywood”, jogged to the hill on Glendale Ave. where I had 10 exercises wrote down in the parking lot at the Mt. Holly First Baptist Church.  Each PAX choose a place and began the exercise.  After each exercise the PAX would take a lap around the parking lot and then move to the next exercise continuing until all exercises are complete.

  1. 20 Merkins
  2. 40 Jump Squats
  3. 20 American Hammers
  4. 20 CDD
  5. 10 Burpees
  6. 20 Freddie Mercuries
  7. 30 LBCs
  8. 30 Mountain Climber
  9. 30 Smurf Jacks
  10. 20 Big Boys

Next, started at the bottom of the hill with 10 merkins and then ran to the top of the hill and did some Crunchy Frogs.  Ran back down the hill and did 10 Werkins and ran back up the hill.  Had to Omaha at that point due to time constraints.  Started heading back to the Middle School stopping at a few spots along the way to some flutter kicks and Big Boys.  Finished up with 50 calf raises and 20 Mike Tysons.

End with COT



Tiny Dancer

A dozen PAX posted at Folsom on a chilly Saturday. Several didn’t show for the EC run with Seuss, hate to see it.


It’s cold let’s move. Slow mosey up to the flag for the pledge. Mosey back to the tennis courts where we would stay for the remainder of the workout.

The Thang:

Partner up.

P1 does suicides across 1 court then 2 while P2 works on 300 mtn climbers counting one leg. Switch until complete.

P1 bear crawls 1 court and back while P2 works on 100 WWI sit ups. Switch until complete.

P1 broad jumps 1 court and back while P2 works on 200 merkins. Switch until complete.

P1 does Wojo’s across 2 courts and back while P2 does seal jacks. Do this for 3 rounds. Wojo’s are a crowd pleaser. Well, if you do them right or at all. It was noticed some people just looked like ballerinas dancing about. Hate to see it.

P1 does sidewinder crawls 1 court and back while P2 planks. Do this for 3 rounds.

P1 does karaoke 3 courts and back while P2 does Freddy Mercury’s. Do this for 3 rounds.

We split into 2 teams for a suicide relay race. Each member of the team does 1 court, then 2 courts, then 3 courts. Good times. Nothing like a little competition to get people pushing.

We finished up with a couple rounds of Rugby sprints.




Announcements-Convergence next Saturday at Folsom 2/11, Extinction run 3/4 at Primal

Prayer Request-Apologies I let time get me




Indian versus Chief ?

Prayer Request: 

Wirenut’s Family, Ratchet’s Family, Big Pappy


Convergence- February 11th at Folsom

Extinction Run- March 4th


My VQ: Testing the F3’s principles of leadership development.  Can we follow as well as lead?   Can we be an Indian and a Chief?

  1. Started off Side-straddle hops and slowing increasing the tempo.  Ending with 19 reps versus 20 (that would be a deceptive cadence in music theory- ending on a note/chord that’s unexpected).
  2. Modified “Route 66” utilizing big boys as our vehicle…. starting with 5 and increasing by 5 at every light pole.  going contradictory to Route 66 standards (not 11 light poles in route)
  3. Dirty Elevens (Mike Tyson, Squats)
  4. Another Modified Route 66 with side hammers.  Starting with 5 and increasing 5 at each light pole
  5. Tripe Check (chair position, plank, sprint with 3 partners, 3 sets)
  6. Ending with Iron Hulk (going to 7 instead of 10)
  7. 5 Burpees
  8. Pax called exercise to finish

 Lots of mumblechatter due to modified route 66, Calls on time (like i didn’t have my watch on ((maybe it was to aide me cause i wasn’t wearing my glasses- YEAH, that was it!)), and going to 7 instead of 10 of the Iron-Hulk.  As the military cliché states…”you’re not happy unless you’re bit$hing!   WE HAD A HAPPY BUNCH!

Love the comradery,  challenges, accountability to make each man better ! .  As Proverbs states….As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.

To answer the question ….”Can we follow as well as lead”?  YES, but even better…the notion is as General George Patton was quoted as saying….”Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.”   These men were here for purpose! 



Coconut Horse 2/5/23

11 answered the call for a run/ruck on a beautiful  Sunday morning.  9 stayed for Q source to discuss Cover and Move as a strategy for Teamwork as outlined in Chapter 5 of Jocko’s Extreme Ownership



Convergence 2/11 Folsom

Extinction run 3/4

Viking Dash 2/25 Poston Park


Huck, Turtleman, Wirenut family, Radar sister, Nutria brother in law, Tooth fairy 2.0, Clavin’s M, Slim Shady family

Let’s Try That Again

For any PAX showing up to The Sandlot looking for the Q on the Teamup app, they were going to be sadly disappointed. The scheduled Q took an unexpected trip to the IR so YHC had to step in and help this group of rock pushers start their work week. As we stood around waiting for 0530, there were some comments about when the scheduled Q would show and comments that he’d be coming in hot. It was at that point that YHC informed them of the change and directed them to submit any feedback to The Sandlot’s Director of Customer Satisfaction, Leeeroooy Jennnkins.

0530 on the clock, let’s get started. Disclaimer

SSH IC x 15
Merkins IC x 10
LBCs IC x 15
Imperial Walkers IC x 15

Count off, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Let’s mosey towards Gastone’s Hill. Stop at the first light post for 3 squats. As we continued to mosey the PAX called out, “Car back”. However, no car ever passed. Stop at next light post, 4 squats. As we stopped at this light post, I noticed that there were a couple PAX catching up. It appears we’d picked up one from the car that never passed. Stop at each light post, for squats. At some posts, the count increased by 1, and at some, the count decreased by 1. The final light post was 7 squats.

We ended up at Gastone’s Hill. Up the hill, stop at each mailbox on the right for 1 merkin. At the top of the hill, the youngsters (Maybelline and Amazon) were waiting, holding Al Gore for the 6. It was at this point that YHC looked at my watch for a time check and found that my watch hadn’t started to track my movement. This meant it wouldn’t track the workout. This meant if it’s not on Strava, then it didn’t happen. I actually considered a mosey back to the flag for a restart. At 0545, this was not possible.

So we moseyed down the hill and took a right into one of the cul-de-sacs. We moseyed to the end and restarted, sort of. My watch hadn’t started and we’d picked up a PAX so YHC felt like a reset was in order. So in the back of the cul-de-sac, we did a Halfpipe-esque, whisper version of the warm-up.

SSH IC x 10
Merkins IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Imperial Walkers IC x 10

Count off, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Mosey out of the cul-de-sac stopping at two light posts for 3 and 4 squats respectively. Back up the rest of Gastone’s Hill stopping at the mailboxes on the right for 1 Merkin.

Mosey back down the hill, hang a right, through the Dollar General parking lot to the Food Lion parking lot.

Escalating Four Corners in a square
Corner 1 – 10 Hand release merkins
Corner 2 – 10 Hand release merkins, 20 Squats
Corner 3 – 10 Hand release merkins, 20 Squats, 30 SSH
Corner 4 – 10 Hand release merkins, 20 Squats, 30 SSH, 40 Flutter Kicks (count both sides)

De-escalating Four Corners in a rectangle
Corner 1 – 40 Flutter Kicks (count one side only)
Corner 2 – 30 SSH
Corner 3 – 20 Squats
Corner 4 – 10 Hand release merkins

Mosey behind Planet Fitness. YHC thought about jumping over the wall into the office parking lot. After thinking better of it, the Q was talked into jumping the wall. The PAX followed. Really wasn’t that dramatic. The wall was pretty short.

Quick round of Dora 1, 2, 3. Partner up now that we had an even 10.
Partner 1 ran to other side of parking lot and back. Partner 2 performed AMRAP Mike Tysons
Partner 1 ran to other side of parking lot, did 1 burpee on the other side, and ran back. Partner 2 performed AMRAP Jump Squats
Partner 1 ran to other side of parking lot, did 2 burpee on the other side, and ran back. Partner 2 performed AMRAP Crunchy Frogs

Mosey back to the flag.

Folsom Winter Nationals 2/11 @ 0630 – all other AOs closed that day
Viking Dash – Post Park 2/18
Extinction Run 3/4 @ 0900 – Primal Brewery in Belmont
Young Life Golf Tournament – 5/15

Prayer Requests
Watts Up – Niece’s son has open heart surgery this Weds
Youth from JJ’s church, Charlie, had seizure Sunday morning while at church (follow-up… unfortunately, he had almost a dozen cluster seizures starting Sunday evening)
Wirenut and family
Bubba Sparxx’s grandmother
EZ Rider’s son
Hushpuppy’s co-worker’s son

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Bulldog Being Bulldog

Bulldog mornings making bulldogs out of bulls & dogs.

Warm Up:
Imperial Walkers

Lunge walk down 10 merkins karaoke back hit 15 kettlebell swings – 5 rounds

Mosey to end of the lot & back

Waiter walk with kettlebell, 10 merkins, waiter walk back, hit 10 squat curl press – 5 rounds

Mosey to end of the lot & back

Grass Pickers, Toy Soldiers

Dips, Checst Press, KB Swings,

Flutterkicks, 6 shooters, Crunchy Frogs, windshield wipers


Announcements: Winter national Feb 11th, Extinction run March 4, May 15 golf tourney

Turtle man, Brother-in-law, extended family, Huckleberry, Wire Nuts dad,  Bubba Sparks grandmother,Watt’s Up niece’s son having open heart surgery,


Pretty cold morning in the gloom at 0700 at The Yank.  All vets, so a quick disclaimer.  Per usual, I sprinkled trivia questions throughout the workout.  Smart group of guys today, I didn’t stump them on many!

We started with a warm up run around the block and ended at the pavilion for some Corewood:

  • Crunch Frogs
  • Pretzel Crunches
  • Dying Cockroaches
  • Protractors
  • American Hammers
  • Box Cutters

Short mosey up to the track where I explained my M is a school teacher and this previous week was the 100th day of school, which served as my inspiration for the workout.  The pax had to do 100 of each exercise and run a lap.  They could split it up however they wanted.  Most ran a 1/4 of the lap and did 25 of the exercise at each stop.  We did 100 of each of the following:

  • Merkins
  • SSHs
  • Lunges
  • Squats
  • Overhead Claps
  • Mountain Climbers

Mosey up to the front of the old middle school for four corners.  Started with 10 big boys, then 25 derkins, 25 CDDs and 25 Bobby Hurleys.

Mosey back to The Yank.  Still had a little time so we did 20 merkins at The Yank.


  • Feb 11 – CSAUP at Folsom at 6:30
  • Mar 4 – Extinction Run
  • May 15 – YoungLife Golf Tourney


  • Nutria was thankful to whoever found his lost DL and mailed it to him
  • Brutus – 8th grade friend from Kenya passed away
  • Weren’t – Father passed
  • Watts Up – Nephew


Core Day at PainLab 1/4/23

Another great turnout at the Gashouse! Defib held an intro to CPR with some really good stats on heart health. Some how we had to work for the answers. Good work Defib, we all got educated. After the split, I took my group to educate them on the importance of core training. I found a good 6 min abs workout by Jeff with Athlean-X. We only had 35 minutes left to get to work, so lets not waste any time.

We circle up in the parking lot, hit our six, and start with hands back raises for 60 seconds (much harder than I thought), transition directly to Peter Parkers for 60 seconds, then to cross knee planks (aka slow Peter Parkers) for 60 seconds, and finally a 30 seconds rest. Next we do scissor v-ups for 60, starfish crunch for 60, then upper circle crunches for 60, and finally a 30 sec rest. 

We grab our coupons and riffle carry them to the bridge. Drop the weight and bear crawl up the top of the hill. Hit the bench and push out 20 triceps dips, recover and do 20 step ups, move to the Hobbit rock and push out 20 incline merkins. Now lets mosey down the hill, pick up our coupons and round the world with them back up to the parking lot. 

Next set is more core! On our six for LBC’s for 60 secs, baby makers for 60, heels to Heaven for 60, and then a 30 sec rest. Start back with rev-LBC’s for 60, oblique LBC’s, American hammers, and finally a 30 sec rest. Time was running out so we rinsed and repeated the LBC’s, baby makers and heels to Heaven before time was up. 

Good work men! We returned to meet bootcamp and finished with some flutters.

Once again, great job to Defib. 

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