Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 18, 2023

Name That Tune

DJ Push Play returned with a mash up of work out songs to kick Pain Lab into high gear. After 10 descending rounds of kettlebell swings and merkins, we jumped into the following exercises beat downs:

  • Thunderstruck – AC/DC: Squats throughout and Bobby Hurleys every time “Thunder” was sung
  •  Flower – Moby: Planks until the lyrics say to bring Sally up or down, to which many merkins were completed
  • I Get Around – The Beach Boys: Around the worlds with the coupon during the chorus, figure eights with the coupon during the verses

mosey to the backwoods of the Schiele

  • Jolene – Dolly Parton: Coupon curls throughout & shoulder presses when that dang Jolene is mentioned.
  • Hey Mickey – Toni Basil: Tricep dips from the bench each time “Mickey” is chanted. Mumblechatter regarding the year this song came out ensued (answer at the end of the backblast)
  • Jump Around – House of Pain: Lunges throughout and step ups on the bench when “Jump” is rapped.
  • Roxann – The Police: Everyone’s favorite. Burpees for every sweet Roxann. Mumblechatter ensued about Tube’s ex-girlfriend and him in the red light district of Amsterdam.

mosey back to the Schiele entrance circle

  • The Sweetest Thing – U2: LBC’s throughout, big boy sit-ups with “The Sweetest Thing” phrase
  • Tubthumping by Chumbawumba: Various ab exercises called out by the group to each verse

*Hey Mickey by Toni Basil was released in 1981

Another Jacked-up Nickel at the Yank

With chilly temps in the forecast and a bunch of the regulars running some dam race in SC YHC wasn’t expecting a large crowd this am.  Even with these factors we had a strong showing of 15 in Belmont including two FNGs.  Both of these FNGs needed the encouragement and apparently some time to think about it before joining us.

Introducing – Tardi Gras (FKA Chad Daigle) Pilgrim’s Progress and Anchorman had to work on TG for a year hence the name Tardi Gras.   Anchorman closed the deal with the FNG win in the end.

Introducing – Fireball (FKA Steve Flanagan) Boudin and Roscoe worked on Fireball for a bit with Boudin claiming the FNG victory. Welcome men!

Since we had FNGs we started with our disclaimer before Mainframe set off on his ruck and the rest of us took a short mosey to the bunker for warmup.  It went something like this.

Side Straddle Hop x 15 / Gravel Picker x 15 / Imperial Walker x 15 / Low Slow Squat x 15 / Seal Jacks x 15 / Morroccan Night Clubs x 15 / Stretch to Left Foot, to right foot, to center.  Right Foot over Left and Left Foot over Right.

Partner up for Partner Push across the Bunker and Back followed by Partner Pull across the Bunker and Back.

Mosey to Main Street for Step ups / Dips and Decline Merkins x 25 each.

Mosey around the block to the parking lot behind the Mercantile building for 4 Corners. (x2)

Round One = 10 Merkins at the first corner, 10 Merkins + 20 Apollo Ohno at the second corner, add 30 Squats at the third corner, and end with 40 Flutters at the fourth corner.

Round Two = 10 Merkins at the first corner, 10 Merkins + 20 Calf Raises at the second corner, add 30 LBC at the third corner, and end with 40 Air Presses at the fourth corner.

Mosey to the hill behind the Bunker for another jacked-up triple nickel.

After debate we ended up with a run to the top of the hill for 5 Jump Squats and back to the bottom for 5 lunges each leg x5.  YHC called ten and ten but was overruled as this isn’t a true triple nickel. YHC gave in far too easy on this mutiny.  Next time its burpees!

Mosey back to the Yank for a PAX led Mary and naming of our new brothers.


Lunch Tuesday 2/21 at Velencia.  Extinction Run 3/4 at Primal Brewery. Young Life Golf Outing 5/15

Prayers/ Praises

Continued prayers for Tooth Fairy, his M, 2.0 and the medical team they are working with.

Pilgrim’s friend who was in an accident. For speedy recovery.

For the PAX running the Dam to Dam.

Praises for the American Airline pilots who turned Anchorman’s plane around shortly after takeoff Thursday morning due to smoke and sparks in the cockpit.  YHC’s M, and a member of Lake Wiley FiA were on the same plane.

Thanks for playing along!


Folsom 2/16/23

YHC picked up a Q at Folsom from site Q Gear Wrench for 2/16. This would be YHC’s 2nd Q in the same week. Folsom workouts have been “coupon heavy” as of late, so YHC decided to utilize the tennis courts for the workout. The Bearded Brethren arrive. It’s 0530. Time to punch the time clock and get to work.

Warmup:  Seal Jacks, Gravel Pickers, Hillbillies, Arm Circles

Thang: Mosey to tennis courts.

Line up at one end and facing the far end of all 6 tennis courts. YHC originally called for 6 of the following circuits, but ended up with 5 due to some impromptu Mary in the middle. Each circuit consisted of:

  • 5 Burpees
  • Lunge walk across 1st tennis court
  • 10 Mike Tysons
  • Bear Crawl across 2nd court
  • 15 H/R Merkins
  • Lunge walk across 3rd court
  • 20 Reverse Crunches
  • Bear Crawl across 4th court
  • 25 Squats
  • Lunge walk across 5th court
  • 30 LBC’s
  • Bear Crawl across 6th court
  • 35 SSH at the far end
  • Mosey back to start

Three circuits were completed when YHC decided to circle to troops for a short break for some Mary. We performed Homer/ Marge to “Flower” by Moby (the bring Sally up, bring Sally down song). It’s been awhile since YHC had performed this. He must admit that it still sucks as bad as the last time he performed it.

Once finished we, resumed the circuit training for 2 more circuits. Quick mosey back to the flag for the pledge and time’s up.


  • 2nd F lunch at Venecia on 2/21
  • Extinction Run on 3/4 0900 at Primal Brewery
  • Community Foundation Run 4/1 Speed for Need will be pushing 4 track commanders
  • Viking Dash 2/25

Prayer Requests:

  • Huckleberry
  • Tooth Fairy’s 2.0
  • Radar’s Sister
  • Termite’s Brother
  • Clavin’s M
  • Wirenut’s Mom
  • Ratchet’s 2.0
  • Medicine Woman’s cousin
  • Melinda White

YHC took us out in prayer.



Midoriyama 2/14/23

YHC picked the Q for Valentine’s day because he LOVES to foster growth through pain. He searched the internet for some Valentine’s day inspiration for the workout. He came across the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre.

Back during the prohibition days, the notorious gangster Al Capone was smuggling Canadian Whiskey into the U.S. via the Detroit river. Another rival gang (The North Side Gang) was intercepting the whiskey shipments and attempting to muscle into Capone’s territory in Chicago. Although it can’t be proven, authorities (and Def Leppard, who was alive then) believe that Capone ordered the murder of George “Bugs” Moran and his leadership.

On 2/14/1929, four gunmen walked into a warehouse at 2122 North Clark Street in Chicago and murdered seven members of the North Side Gang. This event became known as “The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre”.

YHC had plenty of numbers to work with, so this is what he came up with-

Warmup: The usual stuff


Thang: Mosey to the large soccer field at the back of the park.

7 Rounds of-

  • 400 Meter Run
  • 2 Burpees
  • 14 H/R Merkins
  • 19 Big Boys
  • 29 Squats
  • 21 Werkins
  • 22 Reverse Crunches

This took up the whole time allotted and everyone pushed hard. While he was running, Broke was continually looking at his watch and wondering when the workout was going to end. Freight complained to the Q because he couldn’t spread the usual hate and discontent (a.k.a. constructive sarcasm). Hate to see it.


  • Extinction Run 3/4 @0900, Primal Brewery
  • Community Foundation Run 4/1. Sign up. Speed for Need will be pushing 4 track commanders
  • Q vs. Q Challenge
  • 2nd F lunch 2/21 at Venecia (formerly Shogun’s) off Garrison

Prayer Requests:

  • Tooth Fairy’s 2.0
  • Radar’s Sister
  • Freight’s 2.0
  • Gumby’s family
  • Pockets’ dad
  • Huckleberry
  • Clavin’s M
  • Watts Up’s family

YHC took us out in prayer.




Convergence @ Folsom Raceway — 2nd Annual Winter Nationals ’23

Pushing rocks, yeah thats cool, I guess. Concrete blocks for coupons, ahh, kinda boring. But here at the Folsom Raceway we push Trucks and Sling Brake Rotors son!

Ok with Flintstone’s Rock Pushing Challange in full effect, we are having record turnouts ! People are Posting, going to Q source, losing weight, and just getting better! To tie in to that at the 2nd Annual Winter Nationals we decided to have every Rockpushing team to come and see who was really pushing the hardest!
6:30 hits and we have 60!!! I said 60 HIM on the property ready to do battle! It was kind of like herding cats, but Flintstone got all the teams sorted out, at that point I turned it over to the Nantan to warm us up! Normal stuff SSH, Gravel Pickers, Hillbillys, Merkins, etc.. Ok time for the good Stuff!

We mosey across the park to the now Famous Folsom Raceway!

I had a awesome crew running the staging lanes. Rachet, Montross, Huck, and Big Pappy we all responsible for Race Operations. The Idea here is simple, two teams, two trucks one winner! Each 5 man team picked a driver the other 4 pushed. It was a Flashlight start by Montross and Big Pappy calling the finish line.

It was a double elimination bracket, so there was a lot of racing the whole hour. While the teams waited on their turn to race we had some work set up to keep everyone warmed up and ready to go. We had Super Dora! Exercise, static hold, and a lap. Burpees, plank, run. other exercises merkins, squats, MNC, Flutters, and others. But the big hit was the Rotors! 20 curls, triceps, rows, overhead press, chest press, then run a lap. Come back and do 19, then 18, etc.. All the groups had a turn at each!

In the Final round it was Team Bedpan vs Team Doodles with Team Bed Pan taking the win!

Good Work MEN! I don’t know if 60 is a record but that’s the most I have ever seen at a Convergence in my short time here!

Rachet’s 2.0
Tooth Fariy 2.0
Breaker Breaker/family
Boudians 2.0
Roundups new 2.0
Tirmites brother
Calvins M
I think there were more. Everyone has something going on Reach out to your Brothers and just asking them how they are doing, it can mean a lot!

2nd F Lunch Fat Tuesday 21st @ Venenica (old Shoguns on Garrison)
Viking Dash Feb 25th At Poston
Extinction Run Primal Brewery March 4th 9am
Q vs Q Challange coming up in March

Please standby for a word from our sponsor —–

If you need some extra zing in the morning, try Woke AF…because if your going to be Woke..might as well be AF! The Official Pre-Workout of the Folsom Winter Nationals!

Moleskin: Thank you to the SLT for letting me run with this! I did this last year on my 1 year anniversary Q and 20 men showed up! I was worried how it was going to go with so many but I feel like it was a success! Thanks again to Montross, Huck, Rachet, and Big Pappy for running the show! I cannot wait till the Next event at Folsom Raceway Park! Stay tuned…

And Welcome Cheeze Wiz!!

Thank for letting me lead!
Ball Joint

I Used to Love to go to Kohls

What a great day to be at Old School. Lots of mumble chatter about all kinds of different things. I think it took all of about 5 minutes for the conversation to go in 12 different directions about anything under the sun. That’s where the title of this back blast came from. Get out with your brothers and have some fun and get better while you do it!


SSH, Gravel Pickers, Hillbillies all xX 15 IC


Mosey to the stop sign for Merkins, Big Boys, Squats, and 30 second High Plank. We repeat this at each stop sign from Old School to the back of Carr Elementary. Here we did the Triple Nickel with pull ups and cdd’s. Mosey from here to the rotating porta jon that Pockets got to experience, he either got done quick or cut it short when the ride started. On the steps here we did 3 rounds of dips, derkin’s, and step ups x15 OYO.  Repeat the route back and the stop sign work was changed up to werkins, reverse crunches, lunges and a 30 second low plank. Got back to start with a minute left so 10 burpees was called and time.


Q v Q in March.  last day to vote 2/18 today!

Extinction Run on 3/4

lunch at old Shoguns on Tuesday 2/21

Viking Dash 2/25

Community Foundation run get signed up! Planning to push 4 chairs


Prayer Request:

Tooth Fairy 2.0

Ratchet’s family

Wirenut’s family

my family

Clavin’s M

Radar’s sister

Freight’s daughter




Great to see everyone on a cold Saturday morning, thanks for the opportunity to lead, it was an honor!

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