• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 01/08/2022
  • AO: Folsom
  • QIC: Ball Joint
  • FNG's: Elsa
  • PAX: Mayor, Hacksaw(R), Wichita, Flintstone, Beatle Baily, Broke(R), Stogie, Sarlacc(R), Volt, Mozart, Sargento, GearWrench, Bedpan, Ozark, Montross, Allen Tate, Oompa Loompa(R), Huckleberry, Wattsup(R), Dirt (R), Sparky, Elsa (FNG)

I will never forget the first Tuesday of 2021 , It was a little rainy, and high 30’s, Sparky had blocks in the tennis court at Folsom.  That was the start on my F3 journey, and what a year it has been.  I have done some things , meet some good people, and basically I am not the same man I was a year ago.  So I have been thinking about how to incorporate one of my other passions in life, Drag Racing, into a Q.   I figured out a rough game plan and with the help of some OG Folsom guys this is how it went.


We ain’t got time for that… count off…20 pax ok cool, count off again …split pax up into 7 teams of 3 (one team had 2).  Yall get your team together and let’s mosey!  Across the soccer field to 2 parking lots right below the triangle.

The Thang:

Welcome to the Folsom Raceway!  In the lower parking our racing crew was waiting.  Montross was the Race Master (he had the clip board), Alen Tate was the official starter, and Huck was the finish line judge and protest dept.  On to the Racing!  I acquired 2 identically prepared 2001 Ford Rangers (one had more gas in it though), they were set up on the far end of the parking lot at the starting line.  The teams were put on a ladder (bracket) and the racing started!  your team of 3 had 1 driver and 2 pushers.  Flashlight start! Chase is a race! Let go!  Push as fast as you can to the other end of the parking lot to the finish line and if your team wins you move on to the next round.  Losers went in the losers’ bracket.  So, every team was cycled in and while not racing we had busy work to do.  Super Dora…one man ran the length of the upper parking lot, one man held a static position (plank/squat/crunch), one man did the work.  Burpees, Merkins, LBC, Squats, all in various amounts this kept everyone busy and warm while waiting on their turn to race.  With time running low and the racing coming down to the semifinal rounds, we switched up and grabbed my favorite coupon the brake rotor! 20 curls, rows, triceps, and chest press then run a lap.  repeato at 19, then 18 etc…   The Final round of racing was Team Sargento, GearWrench, Bedpan  VS Team Sparky, Sarlacc, Volt.   The Nantan cracked the whip and with the power of Florda Man and GW ‘s super calf muscles they pushed across the line victorious!  I’m pretty sure they even thew the hazard lights on as they crossed the finish line! Congratulations!  I’ll get ya’ll a medal or a trophy or something.

We had a FNG!  Good job Mayor!   My man said he his lips were cold and someone shouted out ELSA…and well there you go! Welcome to F3!  Dude had perfect Merkin Form BTW (Mayor maybe he can help you).


Jan 22– Q school after workout @ Gashouse 8:20  Breakfast after

Feb. 18-20 –F3 retreat in Flatrock-watch for preblast from Sargento

June 4–savage race–see Stogie

Prayer Request:

Big Pappy/family,  Gumby, RoundUP (6 kids!), Montross Uncle, Alen Tate’s Friend

I took us out in Prayer.

Thank you to Montross, Alen Tate and Huck..with out those guys the Folsom Winter nationals would not have been possible!  If you missed out we may have another opprouity for the summer nationals.  stay tuned!


2021 was crazy!  I did things i never knew i could do…  like wake up at 4:30 almost everyday of the week, lost 25 + lbs,  ran a 5k, ran 5 miles, ran 10k, ran a 1/2 marathon!?  do 100 burpees in 10 mins, and 450 merkins before 6:15 on a Tuesday, worked out in the snow/sleet/rain/sub freezing , lead a workout, be in charge of a AO , pay $160 for running shoes,  and the list goes on!  F3 is one of those things you don’t know you need it till you do it. Thank you to everyone that pushed me, encouraged me and just showed up to a workout.  you all inspire me to keep going and accelerating! I can’t wait to see what happens in 2022!


Ball Joint