Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: December 2021 (Page 2 of 11)

Super Time at Folsom

13 Pax made the choice this morning to get better at Folsom. YHC was excited to see so many trucks come rollin in this morning.
12 Regular and one FNG.

Disclaimer was told to the fng and what F3 is all about.

Warm up : SSH, gravel Pickers, Mo rockin nite clubs, and then we moseyed.
the Thang:
mosey too the flagpole but at each light post you turn around and pick up the six. stay with the six until the next pole then mosey onto the next pole and come back to get the six. we did this all the way to the top of Folsom. Certain points we were just running in circles but the goal was to help some get better and some to build a little team work.

next we ran said distance did 25 big boys returned and did 10 squats, 50 merkins, 75 American Hammers, 100 mtn climbers.
after this we moseyed back to the parking lot for another round.
25 dips, 50 shoulder taps, 75 balboas, 100 seal jacks. after each set go said distance do 10 merkins and return.
with only a few minutes remaining we took some time to get to know our FNG.
then we all welcomed Super Dave.


Announcements; Convergence New Years Day at Mydoriyama. Ball Joints epic and about to be famous one year Q 1/8/21
prayer request: Nutria and his family as they travel to Baton Rouge, Family of a man who recently passed away in his sleep.
Big Pappys family, Sister Acts family.

The Bed Pan is full!

Where three or more are gathered

Sundays are known to be the long run day around here. This past Sunday happened to fall the day after Christmas.  For a lot of reasons that is not a great day for a long run. Some of us are deep into half marathon training and others just run 10 miles every weekend so it was proposed to move the long run to Monday. All agreed but then there was some discussion if a backblast should be written since it was an unsanctioned workout. An unnamed future office holder didn’t think it should, however later he would request it to help him in his quest to reach 200 workouts. Sounds like a politician!  I politely informed him I would do what ever I wanted too. Not because I’m an a-hole, nantan emeritus, or PAX of the year but because I’m freed to lead.(narrator: sounds like someone is building a resume, also he says things like this just to get under peoples skin) It was once discussed doing the long run in Dallas due to traffic on the east side on a Monday morning. One canoe requested we do it anyway because it would help with his commute to Pineville. Of course then he didn’t show up because he has been down with the sickness(not covid per the test he didn’t take). We had about a 1 mile section where things got a little dicey but all in all it was fine. Hal made me run race pace which is very contradictory to his training plan. Of course we were chasing faster men so you’ll have that. I must say I really don’t like running this far but I do enjoy running with the men I’ve had the pleasure to do it with. We always have some good conversations and usually a good laugh.

F3 name was almost “Quiver”

The men of Diablo Sammich rucked to Waffle House while curling a 20lb kettle bell.  (We took turns.)

We did lower half squats until the men begged for mercy.

Then we did a few more.

We did merkins (sp?) too but these seasoned individuals were too manly (or winded) to complain.

We had an FNG show up.  He’s a friend I had in an EH for a while now.  He mentioned he was into archery when he was younger and his favorite movie was Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

We almost gave him the F3 name “Quiver” but instead dubbed him “Locksley” as in “Robin of”.  He’s already said he’s coming back again this week.

Too Much of a Good Thing? Make it a Moderate Monday!

Moderate Mondays, just the thing to ease into the workweek after a hard weekend of F3 workouts, long rucks and runs, and cycling. In fact, YHC had one of those gravel rides Sunday afternoon in the Wilson Creek area that necessitated a moderate Monday.

Nice, easy warm up of Abe Vigoda’s to Don Q’s, some arm stretches, and a few cross-overs.

YHC set a 10 minute timer explaining that the Pax will be working major muscle groups from the bottom up. When the timer is up, Pax will move to the next group. Lunge walk across the street to the bank for calf raises, squats, drinking birds, and those weird one-leg squats where you stick the other leg out. DING

Timer set for 5 minutes of core, called by the pax. This included six shooters, scissors, Michale Phelps, pickle pounders, among others. DING

Timer set for another 5 minutes for cardio, or simply running to Martha Rivers and around the parking lot until… DING

Upper body time set at 10 minutes. YHC called for hip slappers, then a half iron hulk (1:4 merkin to air press, but only up to 5:20), short rest, and half iron hulk in reverse. MNCs, Sikorsky’s (or Chinooks), but definitely not Swarovski, a Whoopee called hip slappers and DING

Enough time to run back to the flag for a bit more Mary, and time!

Announcement: Convergence Saturday, January 1st, 7am at Midoriyama. All other AOs closed.

Prayers for traveling families and EZ Rider’s coworker.

YHC took us out.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

P.s. it was said out loud, by YHC, 200 Gashouse workouts for Orangeman in 2022.

6 miles

3 showed early for the extra mileage led by Defib. Now that I have a Garmin watch, I can keep track of the mileage and just for the record we went more than 1 mile….

5 ran, 2 rucked, all put in some miles then 6 of us enjoyed the unusually warm weather outside and finished up the 8 Block and discussed briefly about the concept of Word for the year. If you have not done the 8 Block thing before, check out the podcast by Italian Job, Tommy Boy, and CSPAN on “Stuff Worth Trying” a few weeks ago when they discussed this. It’s worth your time.




Merry Christmas from the Fighting Yank!

So we decided to have a Christmas Day beat down at the Fighting Yank to be of service to pax that not only needed it but wanted it. This can be a tough time of year for a lot of guys and keeping that beacon of light out there was important to to us. So 3 showed, one led, and went like this:


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Concrete Pickers X 20

Grapevine stretches

Time for a 4 corners, one we have not done for awhile.

Mosey up to Corner 1 at the gated house entrance for 10, 15, 20 of the following:

Fence squats



Mosey to the next corner. 10, 15, 20 of:

Big boys



Mosey to the Corner of Knowledge fro 10, 15, 20 of:

Step ups

Inclined merkins

inclined big boys

Mosey down to the 4th corner, do ascending burpees at each power pole.

Mosey from the 4th corner to the park and a triple nickel

Bottom: SSH X 5

Top: plank jacks X 5

Done with that we did a couple of Karaokees @ the shelter and followed them up with:

10 jump squats

10 Mtn  Climbers

Finish up with a sprint up the steps and do some Monkey Humpers.

Pledge and done.


Wonderful morning with great company. We stuck together and got better and even tried to set up a few of the fallen Christmas trees in the park. No Bah Humbug here!

Let’s roll into 2022 strong men! We. can do this. We will be the examples.



Twas the gloom before Christmas

It was the perfect opportunity for 19 HIM to get better Downtown today. This is what happened…

Circle up beside the Rotary pavilion that is home to the beautiful Christmas tree.


Pledge of Allegiance

Warmup – Goofballs, that is all

Mosey west toward US Hwy 321 for the first round of pain.

Route 66 – Do a merkin at each pole, increasing by one at each successive one.

Arrive at the front steps of First ARP Church. YHC felt, in order to prepare ourselves for the anticipated celebration tomorrow, that it was appropriate to read scripture from Luke 2:1-7. I encourage you all to do the same again.

Head to the most primo parking lot in all the land here on the church property for a Triple Nickel. At one end do 5 Jingle Balls (making sure not to do Parker Peters), run to the next island, do 1 burpee, keep going to the next island for Star Crunches. Do that x5.

Mosey back toward home base, stopping at McQuiter’s wall for the second reading from the Gospel according to Luke chapter 2 verses 8-12. Read it for your selves. We did 20 step ups each leg.

Mosey to the top of parking deck for the final reading. Luke 2:13-20 – This is our Lord’s birthday celebration!

The Thang – The Top to Bottom

Because the date is December 24th, we would do 12 Hallelujah squats at the top, run the stairs down and do 24 Heels to Heaven, then take the long way back up. Keep doing this until YHC says to stop. After the first round of this we switched the direction to go up the stairs and down the long way. We got in at least 3 full rounds of said routine.

Mosey back to the start through a previously unknown alley due to construction fencing impeding our route the other way. Time!

Announcements – Convergence at Midoriyama January 1st

Prayer Requests – EZ Rider’s coworker who had a stroke, Big Pappy’s 2.0 with covid, Orangeman’s family with covid, Dirt’s mother in law, Mayor’s friend’s recovery from surgery, CMPD, JJ’s brother in law’s father passed, Bartender at Primal’s family, those who struggle this time of year for various reasons

Moleskin – I wanted the Q for Christmas Eve because it’s a special day and the height of anticipation for a lot of us and those we love. Weeks and months of preparation and celebration on many fronts do make this the most wonderful time of year, as the song goes. Let’s stay focused on why we celebrate this special day though men. This is the birthday of our one true hope, Jesus. All the ancillary benefits of time with family and friends, good food, and all the rest are great but let’s not allow that to take our attention off of what we should be paying attention to. If you need a reminder, just read Luke 2:1-20, that will set you straight.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead! AYE!!!

Tequila and Buttermilk make a fine Christmas drink!

So YHC was up at Tequila Sunrise on this Christmas Eve, and one where at 7 am we would see the light for the first time in a while at the AO. So it was determined to be a get with it workout. Our Folsom brothers had posted at Downtown earlier so for them quite a hearty day for sure! Went like this as we headed to the filed, a crowd of 22 pax to do this ting.


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Grasspickers X 20


Mtn. Climbers

Pick a partner and time for some Kevorkians, partner assisted suicides as follows:

Round 1 – HR merkins

Round 2 – Jumps squats

Round 3 – CDDS

Round 4 – Big boy situps.

P1 – Run to the first goal and drop and do 5 of the called work, go to the end goal and drop and do 10. Run back to P2.

P2 – Do the called work the whole time.

Plank up and wait for six each round and then restart as a unit.

Over to the monkey bars, count off by 4s.

1s – Pull ups , 10X

2s – LBCs, 10X

3s  – Merkins, 10X

4s – Run across the field.

Go through each of these 3 times.

Assemble on the side of the field for some work.

5 burpees, start line, middle of field, other side,  lunge walk, mosey back.

Heels to heaven X 10 same as above, Broad jump across.

Count off by 2s, line up for bear crawl slalom, YHC on one end (1s)(back), our 2022 Nantan Sargento on the other. Then we did our thing and wore out the rest of the pax in the process. Again, as Bear Bryant said, winning is not imperative but getting tougher in the 4th quarter is! We were doing it.

Got a few minutes left so we did the following:

SSH X 10

Grass drill/chop-chop X 10

Hold plank for 2 minutes and finish!

Pledge, coffee at HT since we had a big crew today.


Great work today by the guys! Enjoyed the opportunity to lead this group. Gives me inspiration to do this and to be better. We’ve all had a difficult 2 years and it shows. But we’re going to be the guys who lead us back.

As I said in my GTE 24 AAR  I will look back on these difficult times and think that I was fortunate to be in the company of such men who stood up and led when the world needed them to.

God bless all of you and keep pushing the rock! This is what matters.






11 Boneheads showed up for my Christmas themed workout at the Goat. Nothing was really coming to me when I was working on my weinke, so I just went with something easy, on paper anyway. It was cold and I’m not sure I will ever get used to the cold, but this am seemed colder than usual. We started with a disclaimer and quick warmup then headed up the street past Floyd and Blackies. On the way we started to get a little spread out so we stopped at a light for some squats. We headed up into a parking lot then I was informed one side of the lot was an apartment complex so we quietly moseyed across the street to a church with a nice parking lot and the group was informed of the plan: the Christmas themed workout would be based on a Christmas movie we all know and love: DieHard. We started up by the church with a nice wall and did 10 reps of the “D” exercise then took a lap around the lot. Once we all returned we did 10 reps each of the “D” and “I” exercises then took another lap. Once we all returned we did 10 reps of the “D” then the “I” then the “E” exercises then took a lap. This continued until we finished all exercises as below:

D-Donkey Kicks     I-Imperial Walkers     E-Eight Count Body Builders     H-Hand Release Merkins which changed to Humpers, the monkey variety after the first round.     A-Ass slappers (similar to HIP SLAPPERS), however Tesla had to be cautioned multiple times to slap his own ass.     R-Reverse Lunge     D-Deconstructed Burpees

This took longer than I expected which actually worked out pretty well for me since I had nothing else planned. We moseyed slowly back and got 3 burpees at each light and took the long way around the Goat park. Once back to start we had time for some Mary then called it a day.

Great group of guys out here today. Everyone pushed the rock and more than half of us went to Floyd and Blackies for a little fellowship. It’s times like these I realize how much more this morning routine is than just some exercise group. It was nice to just slow down for the morning and hear about what is going on with everyone. We saw a few of the M’s coming in for coffee and 2-3 Pubbers coming over for fellowship and some blade sharpening.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead and for the guys who posted on a cold morning.



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