Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 26, 2021

Did someone say Fibonacci?

There were 6 HIM who showed up at the premier Wednesday workout TRB. YHC got an idea to come up with some sequence work. This is what happened…


Warm Up

Mosey to the back parking lot where YHC explained the Thang.

Some of us have heard of the mathematician Fibonacci and his famous sequence. He didn’t invent the sequence, he just figured it out. It goes like this, each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. It goes like this, 0,1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377 and so on. Because F3 involves exercises, we did this.

1 Burpee

1 Burpee

2 Merkins

3 CDDs

5 WW1 situps

8 Bobby Hurleys

13 Lunges each leg

21 Mountain Climbers

34 Flutterkicks

55 Squats

89 Side Straddle Hops

144 LBCs

233 Air Presses

377 of nothing! That’s too much!

Mosey up to the front of the school and back for some trivia.

Fibonacci was born in what year? 1170 AD.  Do 11 Alternating Shoulder Taps and 70 Moroccan Night Clubs

The great band U2 was formed in what year? 1976. Do 19 Werkins and 76 Goofballs

Mosey back to the front of the school this time.

Another great band Led Zeppelin has sold how many albums? 111 million in the US and 300+ million internationally. Partner up and do 111 Merkins and 300 Dying Cockroaches. The partner who runs will go down the way to the last light. Time’s up!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead men!

Announcements – Convergence, Blood Drive November 10 at South Point Methodist, Extinction Run

Prayer Requests – Pillager hernia surgery


Goat Island 9-23-21

Seal Jacks IC x 20



Hillbilly Walkers IC x 20

Slow Merkins IC x 10


Mosey behind the restaurants and wind up at the bottom of the stairs.

5 Burpees

10 Diamond Merkins

20 Squats

40 Flutter Kicks

80 Calf Raises

Mosey around the buildings and plank at the bottom of the stairs for the 6.

Rinse and repeat 2 more times.

Mosey to the basketball court for stage 1 of Lazy Dora.

Partner up for 100 Merkins.  Partner one does 10 Merkins while partner two planks, then flap jack until each partner does 50 Merkins.

Mosey up 7th Street and turn right to the parking lot at Riverside Baptist Church for stage 2 of Lazy Dora.

Select a different partner for 200 flutter Kicks.  Partner one does 20 Flutter Kicks while partner two holds feet at 6”, then flap jack until each partner does 100 Flutter Kicks.

Mosey to the train bridge for stage 3 of Lazy Dora being careful not to trip over the ridge in the road at the intersection of South Main and Standpipe Hill.  It’s dark at this corner and the ridge blends into the pavement making it difficult to see.  YHC tripped on it and took a spill.  Anyway, a sore wrist and a skinned knee builds character, right?

New partners at the train bridge for 300 squats and wall sits.  By now, you know the drill.

Mosey to the parking lot above the stairs for Circle of ABS.  Each pax calls out an AB exercise of 10 reps, then mosey around the buildings stopping on the stairs for 20 calf raises.  Rinse and repeat.

Head to the flag.


Thanks for participating men!


Cherry Picking Time

Tiger announced that he would not be able to Q Saturday at Folsom. Since we had a site Q failure and I had already requested to Q the said Saturday, I agreed to take it on.

This HIM’s were few in number (6 total) as several are at Snowbird and some were running the JJ5K and not wanting to double post, except Ball Joint.

Clock stinks 6:30 and we begin.

Proper warmup for Westside (who chose not to come):


10 Gravel pickers Moroccan Night Clubs (while I explained what we would be doing)

The Thang:

Mosey to the park entrance flag pole, stopping at each light pole for:

1 burpee

5 merkins

10 shoulder taps

We said the pledged then

3 minutes of Cherry Picking

Mosey to the front parking lot for Dirty 11’s:

Mike Tyson on one side Burpee in middle and CDD’s on other side with Burpee in the middle

3 minutes of Cherry Picking

Mosey to the Trump wall for the Triple Dime:

10 Dips on the bleachers

10 Pull ups on the black rail

Climb the Trump Wall for 10 Merkins climb down Trump wall

Repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 (Triple Dime)

3 minutes of Cherry Picking

Mosey to the Tennis Courts for escalator 4 corners:

1st corner – 10 V-ups

2nd corner – 10 V-ups, 20 Freddie Mercury’s

3rd corner – 10 V-ups, 20 Freddie Mercury’s, 30 Flutters

4th corner – 10 V-ups, 20 Freddie Mercury’s, 30 Flutters, 40 LBC’s

3 minutes of Cherry Picking

A complete round of Iron Hulk (1:4 ratio, merkin and raise the roof)

Run a lap around the complete tennis area and back to flag for

3 minutes of Cherry Picking


We discussed how Growth is greater than Goals. Goals are temporary and Growth never ends.


Convergence Oct 2 Downtown, all other AO’s will be closed

Prayer Request:

Stogie’s dad

Big Pappy family

Volt’s family

Sister Act

Many others were made


Back from the Depths

It has been a while for myself but it was good to be back at Coconut Horse to Q.

Did not sleep well last night and was up around 5:00 am so I went on to the AO to Ruck at 6:00 am not knowing if any other ruckers would be there or not.  All I got was Quiche and Sargento leaving for some EC.

I took off with Jocko in my earbuds for a 5 mile Ruck.

Around 7:00 am I was approaching the other ruckers (Flintstone, Barney and Maybeline) when I was  passed by Quiche and Defib.  This at least confirmed I was not the only ones on the course.

Made it back in time for the COT and some fellowship.

Followed by 6 of us (Sargento then left early) to start the Q Source lesson this week which was on The Way of the Shepherd.  We just finished this book in our leadership series at GSM a few weeks ago and is a good read on leading teams.

Until the next one.  Aye!

Stroganoff Way of the Shepherd Summary

The Patent Pending Raining Blood workout

The Bunker Q was open so I grabbed it from HIPAA because Q’ing is good for you, whether you realize it or not.  If you are reading this and you haven’t Q’d in a while or ever, I encourage you…no…I EXHORT you to sign up for one!

Sargento had the YANK Q and began the warm up with of course, Goofballs, and the patented R o L, and L o R stretches.  After that the Yank and Bunker folks split up and we headed to, you guessed it, the BUNKER.  Nutria showed up during the warm up.

Circle up around the speaker for some raining blood warm up.  This is the second time introducing this warm up and the first time in Belmont so it was extra special.  The Yelp reviews should be in anytime now but I anticipate it garnering five stars.

We then lunge walked (CHAD 1000 training style) 50 yards.  There was some debate on the length, but Google Earth has it as 50 yards.  As a planner, I wouldn’t attempt to short change the PAX on the training.  See picture.

Next we inverted the THANG and it went like this…

25 reps of the following exercises IC for round one

Merkins, Squats, LBC’s Flutters, Wall hang for time, and air presses.  Then lunge walk 100 yards

Next round 50 of the same exercises (first one done calls time)  Lunge walk 100 yards

Next round 75 of the same exercises (first one done calls time) Lunge walk 100 yards

Next round 100 of the same exercises (first one done calls time) Lunge walk 100 yards  Nutria bailed out but got credit  for the workout since he stayed the requisite 30 minute minimum required as per #F3250

Then we moseyed back to start.

Thankful for the young studs to my right like Vidal Sassoon and Olson for having young fast twitched muscles and powering through the exercises.  Top Hat was getting it done as well and his feet click together like Dorothy’s red shoes in the Wizard of Oz while doing Flutters.

Simple exercises but not easy.

Announcements:  Convergeace downtown next Saturday, Oct 2

Prayer Requests:  Sargento’s nephew fell out of a bush and broke his arm.  At the Coconut this morning I learned that it was a Nelle Stephens Holly which YHC considers a tree.  We had a discussion about that.  I believe it is actually an adaptable shrub so maybe we are both right.  (Cue Monty Python  “SHRUBBERY”


Couch Potato’s son broke the same bones.  Bos’s sister in law.  YHC’s M and FIL.

It was a great morning with cool temps and the PAX got it done.  Four for Coffeerama at Cherubs where dubious plans were unhatched to combat Russian Cyberhoaxes and we discussed pranks, including this all time great….Making sure Orangeman and Watts Up see this one….

Sigma Nu alumni celebrate the biggest football prank of all time


Always an honor to lead!   Roscoe

Inappropriate Stories

10 strong at Crossroads with the topic of Q3.11 Contentment.  It was heard that several runners indulged in happiness during their run.


  • Sister Act
  • Huckleberry
  • Unspoken

Convenience is at the Downtown on Saturday at 0700

Big Pappy

The Story of Nathan Hale

In was a wet and rainy morning but 11 weathered the Storm and and learned a little about the American Patriot Nathan Hale.

The Thang

Stop 1

  • 55 Hillbillies
  • 55 Mountain Climbers
  • 55 Freddie Mercury’s
  • 55 Dying Cockroaches

Stop 2 – 3 Sets

  • 14 Burbpees
  • 18 Big Boys

Stop 3 – 2 Sets

  • 75 Squats
  • 75 Rocky Balboas

Stop 4 – 2 Sets

  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 RH Nolan Ryans
  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 LH Nolan Ryans

Stop 5 – 2 sets

  • 12 Burpees
  • 76 Morrocan Nighclubs

Stop 6 – 2 Sets

  • 22 Mike Tysons
  • 76 LBC’s

Stop 7

  • 21 Merkins
  • 21 CDD’s
  • 21 Mountain Climbers
  • 5 Burpees

Finished up with the pledge, COT, Prayers, and annoucements.


Big Pappy

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