• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 09/25/2021
  • AO: PainLab
  • QIC: Tube
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: VooDoo, Pacer, Castle Rock

Hey hey hey, look who’s here. We were Blessed to have Sir BEDPAN and the notorious T-SQUARE join us this morning. Except T was only there to drop off 2 dozen bricks for Painlab and then he had to make a 360. Thanks for the coupons!!  Mumblechatter took over the group and the fall weather kicked in. WooHoo!! We picked a great morning to get our ars outta bed. 

Bedpan did his burpee warm up and ten minutes latter we split and went our separate ways, Hallelujah! 

We grabbed a pair of bricks,  gathered around our Indian friend and began to play music for him. I heard he liked Rage Against The Machine, Chevelle, Korn and a little Slipknot. At least I know VOODOO approved.

Set one 2Xs – 50sec on /10 sec off (all exercised done with coupon/bricks)

Closed tate press, Single hand bench press, Closed grip Skull crushers, Standing triceps kickbacks, Close grip overhead extensions.

Set two 2Xs – 50sec on /10 sec off (all exercised done with coupon/bricks)

Pushup side step, Push up one hand on brick (alternate), Chest press, Chest press decline with knees up

Set  three 2Xs- 50sec on /10 sec off 

Knee high taps, American hammers, Heels to heaven, Baby makers, Flutter kicks, Peter Parkers, Chair ups

Lets wrap it up with a little Mary. You call it, then lunge around the circle while everyone else does the exercise. Some Jack called for Burpees out tha gate. Curls, Rear delts, then Imperial Storm Troopers.

Time is up, lets meet back in the lot.

Prayer requests for those with COVID and those that lost against COVID. 

Prayers to the family of Derrick High who lost his battle against it.