Men putting in the miles this morning!! Nice work.
Round Up/Hacksaw/Seuss 50 mile run Labor Day weekend
McAdenville workout on Labor Day
JJ5K in Stanley on 9/25
Prayer Request
Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
Men putting in the miles this morning!! Nice work.
Round Up/Hacksaw/Seuss 50 mile run Labor Day weekend
McAdenville workout on Labor Day
JJ5K in Stanley on 9/25
Prayer Request
We are definitely in the dog days of summer. YHC picked up the Q knowing it was going to be a scorcher. The PAX kept rolling in despite the 95 degree heat. YHC was glad to see a great crowd. It usually rains when YHC has the Q at Midoriyama, but there were hardly any clouds in sight. Nantan asks “what are we doing today?”, to which YHC replied “a little bit of this, a little bit of that”. He’s saving his energy for the Hood to Coast relay. YHC doesn’t care. It’s time to push rocks!
5 Burpees
Don Q’s X 10 IC
5 Burpees – Moaning and groaning from Gashouse leadership (current AND past) begins
Grass Pickers X 10 IC
YHC dropped the last 5 Burpees due to what he had in store
Mosey to soccer field closest to dog hill and find a shady spot. Once all PAX arrived on station, YHC announced a different kind of triple nickel – The 555 Standard. More moans and groans from leadership as the Q explains. It’s 5 rounds of:
15 Burpees, 15 Squats, 15 H/R Merkins, run a lap around the soccer field.
YHC must admit that this was tougher than it looked on paper. The sun beat down relentlessly and there was no breeze blowing (unless you count Purple Haze and Blart’s flatulence). Some PAX modified as needed. Mumblechatter was prolific during the whole evolution.
Mosey back to the shady side of the turd shack for AMRAP (10 minutes worth!):
10 Merkins
15 WW1’s
20 Squats
Time’s up.
Service project items are boxed Tuna, Granola Bars, Breakfast Bars.
JJ5K on 9/25/21 (pre-blast just posted).
Combo workout with Mt. Hollywood and the Sandlot combining on Labor Day in McAdenville in the parking lot by the river (at the Castarphen bridge). 0700 start time.
Labor Day 50 miler in Dallas headed up by Roundup and Hacksaw.
Prayer Requests:
Montross’s Mother
The situation in Afghanistan
The Barnett Family
Barrel Racer
Family of Jennifer Walker
Family of Brooke Foster
Sargento mentioned the husband of one of his clients with a large mass on their kidney
Kids and teachers going back to school
YHC took the guys out in prayer.
YHC wants to thank the PAX in attendance. It was hotter than $2 pistol out there and the men pushed hard through the heat. It may be difficult for some PAX to make it to the hottest AO around, but YHC encourages you to post if you haven’t. There seems to be more mumblechatter due to the workout being in the afternoon since everyone is awake and has already had a long day at work. YHC finds it’s a great way to unwind and relieve the stress of the day.
Fair winds and following seas,
We had a great morning at Tequila Sunrise on Friday, August 20.
Seeing no FNG’s, I gave a brief disclaimer and we took a short mosey around the parking lot of Belmont Central and then circled up for the Warm Up.
Windmill x 10 IC
Gravel Pickers x 10 IC
Sun Gods x 10 IC (Forward and Backward)
With Week 0 beginning August 28, I thought it would be a great idea to get our PAX ready for an Iron Pax workout. The Iron Pax workout started in 2018 so I took a workout from each year and modified it a bit.
IRON PAX Challenge #1
For 15 minutes the PAX did a set number of exercises. However, at each minute each PAX would perform 2 burpees (for a total of 30).
The exercises were 25 hand release merkins, 50 leg raises, 75 squats, 100 big boy sit ups, and 125 ssh. If you finished the workout within the 15 minutes, you started back over again.
IRON PAX Challenge #2
The next challenge saw us do three rounds of the following. After each round, each of the PAX would run a lap.
25 Smurf Jacks
20 Plank Jacks
15 Merkins
10 Bonnie Blairs (Double Count)
5 Burpees
Iron Pax Challenge #3
It’s nice to have the lines painted at Belmont Central. We gathered on the lines and performed the following.
5 burpees (jump the line after each burpee) followed by 20 diamond merkins
4 burpees, followed by 20 wide arm merkins
3 burpees followed by 20 mountain climbers
2 burpees followed by 20 peter parkers
1 burpee followed by 20 parker peters
Labor Day workout in McAdenville beginning at 7:00 a.m. Mount Hollywood and Sandlot will be closed.
Roundup and Dr. Seuss Labor Day weekend run beginning on Friday at 5:00 p.m. in Dallas. Come support these pax by running with them or contributing to a great cause.
Iron Pax Challenge begins August 30, 2021.
We had a great visit from Plan B from F3 New Bern.
We’re finishing up the dog days of summer and the cooler fall days are fast approaching. It’s time to stop using the hot and humid weather as an excuse not to get out and run, walk or ruck and the perfect way to do that is to sign up for the JJ5K on September 25th, 2021. F3 Gastonia has been a sponsor of this event for the last few years and we are continuing that sponsorship again this year. Some quick facts about the race:
This is a great opportunity to support the region and also enjoy some fellowship with your F3 brothers. You don’t have to be a runner, come out and walk or ruck, or just hang out at the F3 tent and support your brothers. I hope to see you there!
I’m Broke
There was a great turnout at The Ricky Bobby today – 16 PAX and YHC. There was a good mix of stalwarts and PAX that YHC hasn’t seen for a while.
This turnout is likely the result of the AO-hyping that Nutria does on Slack each Tuesday evening, ever since he took over the reins as SiteQ at TRB.
“No FNGs.” (After writing that phrase in yet another Backblast, it concerns me that we haven’t had too many FNGs out recently, as far as I know.)
Questions for all PAX to reflect on (YHC included):
Mosey over to the field for…
During Mary, the PAX gave a warm welcome to M Breaker Breaker as she made her way into the school for today’s classes.
Link to Name-O-Rama on Twitter
Prayer Requests
Cinderella took us out in prayer
Thanks for the opportunity to lead!
—Bubba Sparxxx
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