• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 07/27/2021
  • AO: Bulldog
  • QIC: Tube
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Spiderman, Nutria, Orangemen, Hermie

You open the door when you ask your Q the day before if “we need kettlebell tomorrow” and then you fartsack. Now I’m not just picking on HIPAA. This goes out to all of you knuckle heads that ask your site Q the day before and then you don’t show up… Rudolph, Toro. You know who you are, I mean WTF3 man! …..disclaimer, if some emergency happened over at HIPPA’s house this morning, then I apologize, but that is your only excuse. 

AND, while I am at it. When you are site Q and you have someone cover Q, you are supposed to be there too…. Where is my man Time Frame. You better have a damn good excuse too. Love ya, mean it!!

…..Back to the fun stuff

Tube was cutting it close this morning, I will admit. Mother nature calls for me first thing in the morning. I will blame it on her.

5 men show for a classic core workout with no weights. My right SI joint has been screaming at me and it is just now letting up, so no added weight for me today.

We start with some warmup stretches for 5 minutes, then begin our 3 sets:

Set 1:

50 secs of work/ 10 secs of rest for transition to the next exercise. 

Side Straddle Hops, Squats, Grass Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Merkins. Rinse & Repeat 1 X

Set 2:

Crunches, Flutter Kicks, American Hammers, Big Boy Sit-ups, Heels to Heaven, Mountain Climbers. R&R 1X


Burpees, Carolina Dry Docks, Reverse Crunches, Incline Push-ups, Triceps Dips. R&R 1X

Good work men! Thank you for showing up this morning to get your day started right.

Prayer requests:

Turtleman’s recovery, Orangemans’s M is traveling to LA for work, Diabetic children and for the people that feel the need to steal. We are in a very unique time right now and people are stealing from department store brazenly out in the open. Homelessness is out of control. We have never seen the likes of what we see today. Take a moment today to just pray for those less fortunate. Humble yourself and reflect if you are having a bad day. Amen