Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 22, 2021

A Tough Friday at Tequila Sunrise

13 PAX for a traveling beatdown and 1 rucker for a total of 14 putting in the work on a fine morning at Tequila Sunrise.  Here’s what I remember:

The Thang:

  • 10 x SSH (IC)
  • 10 x Don Quixotes (IC)
  • 10 x Dying Cockroaches (IC)
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)

Orangeman wanted to know how close we were staying.  Not very close.  Today, we’re going to be moving.  As he’s emerging from IR, he decided to ruck, and the other 13 PAX in attendance were off.

We moseyed slowly down the drop off lane on the park side of Belmont Central, keenly aware of holes that put our Site Q on the IR.  Once we got to Park Drive and the threat of stepping in holes decreased, we picked up the pace, to the sound of groans from the PAX.

The destination was First Presbyterian Church in Belmont, but it was going to take a while to get there, so we had a couple stops along the way to get some work in.

  • 1st stop: Corner of Elizabeth and Eagle
    • 10 x Burpees (OYO)
  • 2nd stop: end of Eagle
    • 10 x Burpees (OYO)
    • 20 x Monkey Humpers (OYO)
  • 3rd stop: entrance to the church off Main
    • 10 x Burpees (OYO)
    • 20 x Monkey Humpers (OYO)
    • 30 x LBCs (OYO)

Not a lot of room at the end of Eagle, but no PAX were run over.  Alls well that ends well.  Once the rhythm of the work was established, Buckeye and Seuss put the pedal down, with Bubba Sparxxx right on their heels.  YHC just let them know where to, and they were off.  Boudin kept an eye on the Six.

We finished our mosey to the circle drop off off of South Point Rd where YHC announced a little DORA 2-4-6.  Nothing’s ever simple with YHC at the helm, so there was a catch.  3 PAX would be grouped together: 1 doing exercises, 1 with a hold, and 1 running.  With a baker’s dozen PAX, that meant there would be a group of 4.  Rebar was the last to join, and it probably took him a solid minute to decide which group to join.  Stall tactics that I’m sure the rest of the PAX didn’t mind.  Anyways, here’s how it was set up:

  • 200 x Merkins / Hold: 6 inches
  • 400 x Australian Mountain Climbers (count one leg only) / Hold: People’s Chair
  • 600 x Flutter Kicks (count one leg only) / Hold: Plank

Run: Around the first set of parking spaces and back

So we broke into those Australian Mountain Climbers, and there was no way we were going to get them all done in time, not to mention, we didn’t really want to get them all done in time, so we omahaed to counting both legs really quickly.  Same went for the flutter kicks.  Looks like YHC’s eyes were bigger than his stomach.

They say time flies when you’re having fun, so we must have had a great time, as the weinke was full of more surprises that there was just not time for.  We needed to work our way back, so we headed back around the church to the entrance off main and started undoing what we’d done earlier:

  • 1st stop: entrance to the church off Main
    • 10 x Burpees (OYO)
    • 20 x Monkey Humpers (OYO)
    • 30 x LBCs (OYO)
  • 2nd stop: Park across from the American Legion
    • 10 x Burpees (OYO)
    • 20 x Monkey Humpers (OYO)
  • 3rd stop: Under the cover of the drop off line at Belmont Central
    • 10 x Burpees (OYO)

And we were back with 2 minutes to spare.  Quick, let’s get in some Mary!  Boudin, start us off!

  • Boudin: 5 x Burpees (OYO)

Shoulda seen that coming. Ok, Rebar, you’re next!

  • Rebar: 10 x Lunges (OYO)

That’s enough of that.  Time was called.


  • F3 Dads – July 17th @ Gashouse

Prayer Requests:

  • Uranus & family on the loss of their daughter, Sadie
  • EZ Rider & family


Somber end to the morning as Tiger broke news of Sadie’s passing.  It’s good and important to have each other and the COT.  At the same time, the pain and heartbreak are very real too.  We were all sad and shook.

As of this writing, I’ve been back in The Gloom for a year now.  I can’t say it’s gone quickly.  Lots of work and sweat and miles and burpees and ten-counts and pearls of wisdom and just utter stupidity over the course of this year.  Thank you to all who have invested in me, as I’m stronger because of it.

Looking forward to another long and stupid year.

Yabba Dabba Doo


11 total on Tuesday at Midoriyama. We play ultimate frisbee every so often as a part of the workout so I thought I’d change it up and play some soccer. Luckily Pizza Man and Buidan weren’t there to school us. It was obvious some guys needed this experience because there were a few that struggled a bit. either way we had some fun.

The Warmup:

We did some WW2’s and some merkins. I’ve got the Growruck PT test coming up soon.

The Thang:

Mosey to the little field and split into teams of 5. Only rule was you had to dribble it through the goal. Dribble in soccer means kicking the ball up the field past opposing players while maintaining control. This is done by keeping the ball close to you. A kick from 20 yds away is not dribbling! This was for clarification in case a few people still don’t get it. We played intensely for about 10 minutes then we took a break in the middle of the field for some more WW2’s and merkins. Game on for another 10 minutes. Somewhere in here Mayor showed up and joined a team. He chose poorly as even though they had numbers my team won! I forgot to mention that when a team scored the other team had to do 5 burpees. We played 3-10 minute rounds with some exercises sprinkled in. It got a little rough at times. There were some illegal slide tackles and some aggressive body movements but that kind of stuff is good for you.

The COT:

Announcements-service project items for July(haven’t received much this month)

Prayer Request-Some of our kids are struggling, Sarlacc, Turtleman


Crossroads Ab miles.

9 of us on a fiery fourth of July.  Some showed early and some showed late. Some ran long, some rode long, I did July Ab challenge and run as well.

Good work men!!


We then merged into the Ingles and proceeded to talk Q-source. Thanks guys for all you do!!



Bunker Burpees and Bunker ABs

Burpee and AB challenges.

Slow mosey with bricks to each designated spot for Burpees and AB work. Carry Bricks the whole workout. Nine total spots.


  1. 11 Burpees @ 15 Flutter kicks. IC
  2. 11 Burpees @ 15 LBC
  3. 11 Burpees @ 15 Leg Raises
  4. 11 Burpees @ 15 PlankJacks IC
  5. 11 Burpees @ 15 American Hammers IC
  6. 11 Burpees @ 15 Mnt Climbers IC
  7. 11 Burpees @ 15 Sit-Up Twist both sides.
  8. 11 Burpees @ 15 Turtle Crunch
  9. 12 Burpees @ 15 Freddie Mercury

Warm Down. IC

SSH x 15 with bricks

Arm Stretch

Overhead Claps x 15 with bricks

Arm Stretch

Squats x 15

Leg Stretch

PROPER Toy Soldiers x 15

Leg Stretch

Good work guys!!

Respect @ PB

Knocked out some miles with all the old guys at prison break! We all got better and pushed the rock a little. Thankful for these men in Respect and their leadership role they all have a part in leading our brotherhood in some way, shape or form.

No matter the AO, continue to push the older guys so they can continue to push us!!

Service items to freight or broke
50 miler September 3rd and 4th taking up donations. Toys and money
Lunch tomorrow at the mall
JJ5k sign up

Prayer Request
Barrel racer friend with cancer
Turtle man
SA, slaw, freight daughters



The Goat Burpees and 2 Ruckers

Warm up!

Arm Stretches

SSH x 10

Arm Circles

Leg Stretches

Cherry Pickers x 10


The Thang

Mosey to First Baptist Church 

9 AB exercises and Burpees. 2 rounds. Each exercise is wrote in a parking space. Perform five Burpee‘s and the ab exercise in each parking space. Then move onto the next. Pause after each round for some stretching. 

AB exercises are.

Sit-up twist.

Flutter Kicks.


Freddie Mercury.

Leg Raises.

American Hammers.

Plank Jacks.

Mnt. Climbers.

Turtle Crunch.

To complete the July AB challenge, we must do a third round of the AB exercises only.

Return to start.

Warm down with Marry and 10 Burpees.  

Ab and Burpee challenges complete for the day!!!


Bos collecting shoes and trash.

Freight service project


Thanks guys!!

Uh Oh Terry

I had Back to weekdays at Folsom. So I decided we needed to know what it felt like to be Terry.

So we did the thang and it was brutal.

Prayer requests:

  • Big Pappy
  • Westside’s mother in law
  • SA Family
  • Turtle Man
  • Handcuff
  • Purple Haze’s niece
  • Stogies customer Killian


same as previous backblast

Back up Terry

It was July 1st at Folsom.  Being as it was the 1st of July I themed it back up Terry.

The Thang:

Run every workout and then yell back up Terry and do everything in reverse.

Prayer requests:

  • Big Pappy
  • Westside’s mother in law
  • SA Family
  • Turtle Man
  • Handcuff
  • Purple Haze’s niece
  • Stogies customer Killian


same as previous backblast

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