Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Servant Leadership

  • Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 06/27/2021
  • AO: Coconut Horse
  • QIC: Short Sale
  • FNG's: Old Granddad (Robert Buckles)
  • PAX: JJ, Defib (R), Roscoe (R), Wheelie, Flintstone

At the Coconut Horse this am a few guys scattered before the official launch time of 0630. A few arrived just ahead of schedule. You can tell it is now summer as JJ rolls up in a tank top. He and I share a similar view of not being cold. Roscoe drug his neighbor out of the fart sack – a Kotter – F3 Wheelie. I had an FNG join us too. The clock struck and the PAX went out for some First F at the famed Coconut Horse loop.

Upon return we gathered for the COT, sharing prayers for Uranus, Linus’ dad, Roscoe’s Father-in-Law, and Dr. Seuss’ family. No new announcements for this group. Time to name the FNG: Robert Buckles is a long time friend. I met Robert at Camp Seagull while we were counselors, Robert in archery and me on the tennis staff. That was 1991. Flash forward a few years after Robert and family settle into Gastonia as he was a cotton broker. Funny how some paths will cross. We go to First Presbyterian Church in Gastonia along with others, including Roscoe who presented to the Henderlight class on the power of F3. For those unfamiliar with the demographics of First Pres, the Henderlight Sunday School class has an average age of near 70 and that may be generous. While most are retired from professions, these men carry much wisdom from life’s observations so for those that are in our middle-ish years, we can learn from them in many ways.

Roscoe’s message that Sunday was doubtfully going to EH many but it did trigger Robert’s mind to inquire. So we discussed yesterday. I offered that we’d begin with a walk if he’d commit to posting at 0630. Sure enough he did. Robert is an old soul from East Tennessee. He doesn’t meet strangers and he enjoys bourbon. We kept with that theme, sort of, and named him Old Grand-dad which is actually distilled in Kentucky, but never the less, welcome to our brotherhood.

In Q-Source, we are selecting our own topics. Initially I searched for wisdom on time-management and procrastination – my jesters. I could have shared a list of words or paragraph, but really I just need to focus and get on things faster (“Now” is my word of the year). Feel free to offer words of encouragement anytime. I felt a topic broader than my own personal challenges would be best for the group. Servant Leadership is nothing new, but something I think about. For those of Christian faith, no better example is that of Jesus that his entire ministry was built on that very thing. In John 13:1-17, the story is recounted of Jesus washing his disciples feet. It has always been a powerful image. Robert Greenleaf was an American who founded the Servant Leadership Movement. Much of his philosophy was further developed by Larry Spears. I share these men with you so they are properly credited with the lesson. You’re welcome to Google the topic and learn more but the six main points we discussed were:

  1. Seek to understand others and listen carefully to what they have to say
  2. Avoid making assumptions
  3. Recognize and understand one’s fears, the resolve to grow in your bravery over time by gradually confronting and overcoming these fears
  4. Leading is good. Serving is better. Serving then leading is best of all
  5. To the greatest extent possible, insist upon the right to make decisions that affect your own life, and support others in their own quests for those same rights
  6. Show people that they matter to you

Many of our leadership opportunities in F3 follow these key point. The SLT, Site Q’s, and other leadership opportunities are to serve others without any compensation (financial, praise, etc.). Some of the worst mistakes to make are assuming anything. Some of the worst beat-downs I’ve suffered have come at underestimating what I thought might be an easy workout. #6 – showing people they matter – it’s a big one. We often share, you’re posting is not always for you, sometimes it’s for the guy in the circle dealing with something that just needed to get his mind away from it and couldn’t have done it without you.

Q-source is a valuable thing – well beyond the book DREDD wrote. There are always opportunities to learn and improve. Thankfully we have Christ as a model for us but many others in our earthly world to help our journey.

1 Comment

  1. Breaker Breaker

    Well said words Shortsale!

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