• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 05/03/2021
  • AO: The Sword
  • QIC: Sparky
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Dr Seuss, Wichita, Big Pappy, Sarlacc, Oompa Loompa, Wirenut

A few men got out and ran or rucked this morning, then met up for the Word to start the week.

Psalm 119:105 ,Your word is a light to my feet and a lamp to my path.

By the regular study of Gods word we can navigate through this life in a way that glorifies God and lead our families and others in this same direction! Your leading others whether you know it or not! Are you leading them to a path of destruction? Or are you leading them to the one who offers eternal life?
Seuss sends and a few others send me some awesome words of encouragement on a regular basis. In one of the text he sent just the other morning it said “ Christ is the foundation from which the new man must draw the influences of life and strength or he will decay everyday!
The thing is, when we aren’t in Gods word regularly, we don’t just stay in the same place spiritually… we tend to get swept down river grabbing at other things to save us, only to be swept further down river because it was just a rotten limb… but thankful we have a God who cares and comes to us in our time of need!! We don’t have to fight this river to get to him, he comes to us, that’s a good God!

when we study Gods word it renews us, it transforms us, we start to see things for what they are! We tend not to fall into traps and snares of this life!  We also can see to help others that are around us !

Announcements- Snowbird men’s retreat September 24-26

Prayer request- SA, Big Pappy, family

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!!