Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: September 2020 (Page 6 of 10)

Voodoo Special

It has been an honor to be Site Q for Bulldog for the past year +.  Watching it grow from the beginning with regulars like…HIPAA, WattsUp, DryRub, Pedal, Rudolph…until is has grown to have a steady 10-15 every Tuesday has been awesome.   F3 has been, as most of us feel, an anchor.  It’s starts my day off right, clears my mind, fills it with positive energy, and lifts me up when I need that little push to get out of my own way.  It reminds me, in the COT, to let God go before me and shape me into a better man everyday. Anyway, enough of that .  I am really happy to hand over the reigns to Timeframe.  He is going to do a fantastic job.  Here’s the fun we put down.



MNC x 20

Low slow squats to stretch it out x 10 OYO

Merkins x 10 IC

Imperial walkers x 10 IC



100 Curls

200 Swings (personal bell)

300 Step ups / calf raises

While P1 goes P2 will (1 lunge walk down/ bear crawl back until curls are done…rd 2 lateral lunge down/ high knees back…rd 3 duck walk down 5 burpees then high knee back

Voodoo Special:

Mary: American Hammers, LBC, Freddie Mercury’s, Crunchy Frogs, plank jacks all x 25

Repeat x 2

Miscellaneous pain: repeat 2x times

Arnold presses x 10 each arm

Upright rows x 20

Over head pulls x 20

Super man presses x 20

Chest presses x 25


Announcements:  CSAUP Saturday, Mt Mitchell

Prayer requests:  Tubes Friends battling addiction and liver disease, Buckeyes Friend and family,

YHC took us out.

Westside block party

It felt good at Folsom this morning the temperature was cooler.But the burn was soon to come in the form of a block party Westside style.

Warm up:10 gravel pickers,10 mncs,10 ssh,10 mountain climbers,10 merkins all IC

The wod:emom 3 sets of 2 exercises back to back recovering every third minute we did

curls/big boys

overhead press/flutter kicks

tricep extensions/squats

vertical presses/alpos

pullups/calf raises

Time! We pledged it up I closed us in prayer.Thanks for the opportunity to lead this morning guys until next time syitg Westside out

The Storm Revisited

YHC was looking through the archives of backblasts for The Storm to try to resurrect/try something new.  Unfortunately, many of the early workouts involved the footballs stadium and/or the weight room.  But  intermingled among all that were a few ideas that came together to make today’s weinke.  So here goes…

12 had joined YHC when 0530 arrived.  No FNGs, so only a brief disclaimer.  No flag as site Q is in MI, so will have to figure that out later.


  • 10 SSH IC
  • 10 CDD OYO
  • 10 Squats IC
  • 10 Merkins OYO

The Show:

Move toward the school a few yards and run old school suicides using the parking entrances.

A quick count off to ensure all were still present (Really it was to give the Q a chance to catch his breath)

Mosey to the roundabout and circle-up.

Plank.  PAX 1 runs around the circle back their spot, completes 10 merkins.  Then PAX 2,   Continue to stay in plank until all have completed the run and merkins.

There was a count off or a 10 count here, don’t remember which…

Mosey on around the school to the parking lot behind the buses.

Time for 11’s.  Jumps squats at one end of the parking lot, plank jacks at the other.

Again, there was a count off or a 10 count here, don’t remember which…

Mosey on around the school to the staff parking lot.

Triple Nickle. – Burpees and LBCs within the parking lot.

Another count off or a 10 count here,..

Up the ramp to the loading dock.

Jump off the dock, run to the ramp and bear crawl up x 2

Mosey on around the school for a form of Mary…

PAX calls an exercise.  Its done for 30 secs.  After 30 seconds, we mosey to the next light pole, making our way to  start.

Exercises included:

  • Flutters
  • Boxcutters
  • Grinders
  • Merkins
  • LBCs
  • Spidermans
  • I think there was one more.  Guess you had to be there.


Roscoe googled up a flag for us, and we complete The Pledge of Allegiance.

And that is time!



  • CSAUP this Saturday @ Folsom.  (Yank is closed unless someone want to take the Q)
  • JJ5K 26-Sep
  • Mt. Mitchell Hike 27-Sep
  • IPC @ Cloninger Park, Dallas – 0530 tomorrow (16-Sep)
  • IPC @ Grier (GasHouse) 1730 tomorrow (16-Sep)


Prayer Requests:

  • Buckeye’s college roommate
  • Sister Act’s family
  • First Responders


Good Work this morning, men!  Hope you got your money’s worth.


Watts Up Powering Down.

Sword/ Hebrews 12:1 “Run”

5 Men resisted the fartsack, and focused on running a race set before them!
“Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

John Piper said “ Hebrews 12:1 is a command to look at your life, think hard about what you are doing, and get ruthless about what stays and what goes.”

This command in Hebrews doesn’t come out of the blue! The writer tells the people to lay aside every weight, and sin that clings closely, and let us run the race that is set before us!

He is talking to a church that has gone into a passive, coasting mode! They have begun to have a lazy sense of security. The disease of drifting and neglecting has crept into the church! The people are growing careless and spiritually lazy. Does this sound familiar?

The main point the writer is making here is “RUN”!

Run the race set before you!
Dont stroll , don’t wonder about aimlessly!

Run as in a race with a finish line and with everything hanging on it! Because it is!
When he says “every weight “, it may not be sin, but may be something slowing you down, keeping you from running!

Ask your self about the things in your life, does it help me run? Is it in my way? Slowing me down, or hindering me from pursuing Christ?  from growing in my relationship with him? From leading my family to know the one who loves them more then I do?

Prayer request- SAs family , Big Pappy, our community, each other

Announcements- CSAUP, JJ5K


11 posted to Crossroads Sunday and either ran or rucked. No riding this week. 10 stayed for Q-Source where the topic was consistency. As for the title you had to be there.

Never Forget!

Ironically, 11 PAX gathered at the Pavilion for a very muggy and humbling gloom honoring all those lost during the 9/11 terrorist attacks 19 years ago.  This morning was nothing like that of September 11, 2001 as someone had clearly adjusted the “humidistat” to 100%.  No FNGs but the standard disclaimer was presented.

  • Warm-Up
    • SSH x 9 IC
    • Moroccan Night Clubs x 9 IC
    • Grass Pickers x 9 IC
  • Step-ups x 110 OYO (Count both legs) @ Pavillion
  • Mosey to the wall (Alliance Bank)
    • Wall Sits w/ Arm Press x 9 IC
  • Mosey to W Main Ave / S South St begin 11 stops w/ 9 reps @ each block to 4th Ave cross to S Marietta then return to E Main Ave / Dr MLK Jr Way then to Parking Deck
    • Burpees x 9 OYO
    • LBCs x 9 IC 
    • Lunges x 9 per leg
    • Merkins x 9 IC 
    • Big Boys x 9 
    • Air Squats x 9 IC 
    • Dips x 9 IC 
    • Dying Cockroaches x 9 IC 
    • Toy Soldiers x 9 per leg 
    • Shoulder Tap Plank x 9 IC 
  • Mosey to Parking Deck / Climb each set of stairs to next floor / Run to opposite set of stairs then repeat
  • Once at the top repeat all exercises x 11
  • Mosey back to Pavillion 
  • Round Robin
    • Each HIM calls an exercise x 9 or x 11
    • Then recall / share where they were that day
  • PoA / Announcements / COT
  • Water Boy prayed us out

It was truly an honor to lead such a great bunch of HIMs on such a special day.

Variety at the Coconut Horse

8 pax showed up at the Coconut Horse for a variety of beatdowns – 4 for early start Ruck, 1 for a 10+ mile bike ride and 3 for the traditional route 5 mile run.    Seven then stayed to discuss how to improve Consistency through simplifying life, creating routines and focusing on bandwidth.  Good to see Bumgardner (Redwood Kotter) back in the gloom.



Sept 19th – CSAUP at Folsom – 5:30

Sept 26th JJ 5K

Sept 27 Mt Mitchell hike

Prayer Requests:

Breaker Breaker’s daughter-in law, students and teachers going back to school,  friends and family battling addition


Until next time Defib out

Dueling Bluetooths (Blueteeth?)

YHC hasn’t Q’ed in a while so when BOS mentioned having an open spot at The Yank I took it. Most of our PAX know’s I fancy myself to be a DJ of sorts and it was time to bring out the jams once again. Fair warning or motivation was thrown  out on Slack the day before. Maybe that’s why we had 2 FNGs and a Cotter show to know! Here’s what happened…

El Tigre brought out his daughter’s boyfriend (memories of Broke and Golddigger anyone?), Boudin brought out his brother-in-law and Oh Wow was back after a couple year hiatus. Obviously they all heard the hits would be played this morning. The disclaimer was given and we had a lengthy warm-up of 10 Goofballs IC.

Mosey down to the Pit for stage 1

The mid-90s classic “Return of the Mack” by Mark Morrison – On every time he says “you lied” do a burpee and every “return” do a merkin. Good for getting the blood pumping.

Mosey around the corner to the street with all the parking spaces for the classic Bill Withers jam “Lovely Day”. Right about when we were going to the funny guy Roscoe tried to override the DJ action but the mutiny was short lived. Lunge walk toward Main Street until he starts saying “lovely day” then do high knees until he stops. When he does go back to lunge walking.

Mosey across the tracks to the alley of death. During Usher’s party song “Yeah” we hold a V-Up position and every time he says “yeah” contract to the full “V-up. This was really really hard and most had to modify to LBCs and whatnot.

Mosey back to the big Glenway Avenue lot for Fall Out Boy’s “I Know What You Did in the Dark”. Many might say this isn’t a good song but it’s fast paced and perfect for doing karaoke back and forth across the lot, so that’s what we did the whole time. Heart rate is going now!

Stay where we are for the F3 standard Roxanne. This time we’ll hold the plank position and every time Roxanne is said we do a full L and R shoulder tap. Feel the burn.

Mosey around the corner while listening  to Roscoe’s death metal stuff. Good gracious! Stop on Main Street and grab some curb or brick shelving for MC Hammer’s “Can’t Touch This”!!! Every time he says “can’t touch this” we do a dip and when he’s not saying that do Rocky Balboa’s on the curb.

Mosey to the wall at the vet’s office, hold the people’s chair while LL Cool J sings “Mama Said Knock You Out”. Every time he says knock you out do an air press or air punch. It’s a pretty long song and holding the people’s chair the whole time sucked.

Mosey back across the tracks and up the sidewalk into the park to the covered picnic tables. Do step ups while Sevendust rocks out “Black”. The volume was up and that was good because four minutes of step ups is a lot.

Stay at the picnic tables for the finale “Flower” by Moby. We F3 guys know this one as “Bring Sally Up”. It sucks but will burn our your abs like nothing else. It was great.

Mosey down to the Yank statue for a couple minutes of plank and then we’re done.


The Yank is closed next week 9-19-20 but needs Qs after that

Mt Mitchell hike and JJ 5k later in September.

Young Life golf tournament October 5th. See Buckshot for info. Breaker Breaker wants to get a foursome together for it.

Prayer Requests:

Dry Rub’s wife

Roscoe’s wife because today is their anniversary and they’ve been married 22 years or so.

Welcome FNG’s Cajun Gourmet (Boudin’s brother in law Brad) and Scurvy (El Tigre’s daughter’s boyfriend Jake) and it was great seeing Oh Wow again. Come back soon guys!!!

Thanks for indulging my musical side today men. You may not like my music but you’re always up for pushing the rock! I had fun! Next time Short Sale might show up.



Gashouse Rendition of Iron Pax week 2

24 HIM decided to fight off the fartsack and post for what would be the hardest IronPax challenge this year.  YHC arrived early to set up cones and flag.  The first thing I noticed was that 25 yards between the flag and the cones was a lot further than I expected – Not good when rifle carrying a 35lb cinder block.

We started at Schiele for a quick warm up of 20 SSH and 20 LBCs before heading over to Grier for the formal challenge – “A wheel of Misfortune” This was an AMRAP  43 minute wheel and spoke designed workout with a 400meter run to start and after each round.  After the initial 400meter run start at the center of the wheel with 10 squat thrusters. Pax then  rifle carry block periphery of wheel 25 yards away to one of 6 cones  to perform an exercise then rifle carry back to center for 10 squat thrusters – Exercises at each cone included, 25 Derkins, 25 Blockees, 25 Weighted Squats, 25 Block Swings, 25 vertical presses, and 25 Alpo’s (crossed arm block raises).  All Pax (Painlab and bootcamp) participated.  Rifle carries and squat thrusters proved to be the archenemy and mumble chatter was quite minimal.  All pax killed it – pushing themselves beyond the usual Gashouse /PainLab work.  In the end I believe all were fairly proud of their achievements.  Despite being gassed at the end YHC called out 5 additional squat thrusters to remind everyone that you are more capable than your mind would have you believe (see David Goggins).  Tclaps to Freight who proved that despite a diet consisting of livermush it is still possible to push through over 540 reps in 43 minutes. I suspect if he took better care of himself he would have beaten SA today.


Sept19 – CSAUP

Sept 26th JJ 5K

Sept 27th hike Mt Mitchell

Blood drive date TBD

Prayers requests:

Friends and families battling addiction, Clavin and his family, SA’s daughter, Pizzman’s family, Double Stuf’s friend in ICU, Breaker’s daughter-in-law


TAPs go out to F3Lake Wylie and the friends and family of Jay Grigg – F3 “Cash” – RIP



As always it was a true honor to lead this outstanding group HIM,



The SA

8 PAX posted at Midoriyama on Thursday.  It was cloudy all day but the sun made an appearance just in time! Being a gracious Q I took us to some shade upon request. It didn’t help much since the humidity reached 237%.


SSH x 20 ic

Let’s mosey

The Thang:

At the far soccer field we lined up at one goal line for what I call the SA. His birthday was this week so a little shout out to him. Now to be clear this isn’t one of my hero WOD’s but he’s alright. The SA was created from trash talk and during a time Nantan Cooper said F3 wasn’t allowed but those with a rebellious spirit still met to exercise and stayed 6 feet apart. SA only believes you need about 4-5 exercises so I created a WOD with just that.

The SA

10 Bonnie Blairs(count one leg only)

20 WWI

30 Merkins

40 Squats

NUR 100 yds, RUN back

Rinse and repeat for 35 minutes then do a round of Iron Hulk.

You can make the SA as hard as you want. You can push yourself or just slow down and work through it.  Yesterday I tried to hang with SA and my legs are paying for it today.




Announcements-Nothing new but a ton going on

Prayer Request-Double stuff’s dad and friend, SA and family, Slaw, Clavin. Praise report-YHC has lost a little weight and I’m no longer considered obese just over weight.

SA took us out


What I like about SA is he is an exaggerated version of YHC. He doesn’t always let the words fly to just anybody like I do but he doesn’t mind letting them go. He doesn’t show emotion and doesn’t let smack talk affect him. As a matter of fact he is probably the only person I know that engages the smack talk as mush as I do. I just love to give and get it! So much fun! Anyway deep deep deep down he’s a pretty good guy and even though we don’t always like it we need the physical battflippers to push us. I do hope that one day he starts listening during Q-source instead of trolling on Strava.


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