Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 6, 2020


7 men resisted the fartsack this morning, and did some running! Wichita ran his fastest mile to date! Sarlack continues to the rock, not missing a chance to better himself! Kingpin ran thinking about how he is gonna hurt us at Folsom this Saturday. Broke talked about how he was gonna take it easy, he and Barrel Racer took off like there butts were on 🔥! Purple haze lagged back with me for a mile or so, then caught passing gear! Good job men!

Announcements! JJ5K will be September 26th be sure and sign up! They need our support! And it’s the only race I know of coming up!
Mt Mitchell hike the next day!

Prayer requests! Sister Acts daughter and family, my nephew, school workers, our community!

No Grievances Here

A good crowd this morning came to the PUB to get their 1st and 2nd F going.  I spent some time researching a new, unique route but couldn’t keep the mileage to 5 miles so I was going to go with two routes and let our 1st F Q choose.  Broke correctly chose the safer route and we ended up taking GDSR, left on E. Perry, right on Lee, left on New Hope, right on Armstrong Park, right on Armstrong Park again and back to the Pub.  I knew Udders was posting this morning as he always lets us know if he is in town.  He came in late so we said the pledge, got in starting position, and exercised.

I realized in the first 100 yds I forgot to do any type of introduction or disclaimer so I yelled out to the PAX they were on their own.  Shortly thereafter I announced that your grievances were not welcome here.  I believe Sargento was complaining about something to do with the route but I can’t remember.

However, Sargento deserves a shout out for rucking some home grown tomatoes to my casa yesterday.  I ate a bacon mater sandwich for breakfast today and it was wonderful.

We spoke a little about learning something new each day and I learned a little more about Waterboy this morning and his love of classic cars.  Be on the lookout for an emergency brake powerslide when he drives in hot to an AO near you.

Oompa showed off his new scar from his tumble yesterday at Martha’s House.  Turtleman wasn’t there.

Announcements:  Annihilation August 29th at the Gashouse

September 19 CSAUP at Folsom (Broke QIC)

September 26th,  JJ5k

September 27th Mount Mitchell Hike

Prayer Requests:  Breakers Stepdad sinus surgery recovery and healing, Sister Act’s Daughter,

Defib’s father drove by the AO after we were done with some McDonald’s breakfast and he received some candor from his “Family” doctor who lectured him on his food choices.  He also EH’d him for another workout.

Always a pleasure!


Let’s take Delilah dancing

When 0530 hit this morn, 4 had joined YHC.  Still no Les Nessman, but maybe next week.  Dry Rub was given an excused absence for work, but where were Voodoo and HIPAA?

Anyway the show must go on.

We knocked out the pledge and headed for Planet Fitness.

Here everyone took Delilah for a spin around the parking lot while the rest of us AMRAP’d an exercise.

From here, we rucked over near the abandoned car wash for some wall sits with ruck on the front.

Its again time for everyone to have some one-on-one time with Delilah.  Take her to the Union Road and back while everyone else AMRAP’d a different set of exercises.

A quick wall sit before setting off to ruck back to the start, “cutting” through the neighborhood.

Unfortunately, the wolverine we encountered in the neighborhood caused us to be 5 mins late getting back. DOH!

Announcements:  Annaliation -GasHouse – Gump, 29-Aug;  Mt. Mitchell – Gastone – 27-Sep; Upcoming CSAUP – Broke

YHC took us out.


On a side note, found out Sledge has been secretly hording marsupials…


Watts Up Powering Down.

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