Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 18, 2020

A test, a saylark, kotters and B-side soundtracks

Big Pappy hollered at me a few months ago to Q, I said make it a surprise Q.  Well, it fell on the same day as the PT test, but that kind of works well, as every one knows I love running about as much as a root canal.  They’re equally painful.  Speaking of pain, let’s do a couponless Pain Lab!  Parking lot had a lot of guys, kotters and an FNG.  This is great!

Review what is F3, what it is we’re going to do today, and the disclaimer.

Warm-Up:  SSH, Squats, MNC, IW, Merkins, LBC.  Now up to the tennis courts.

Theme of the day is movie soundtracks, in honor of Big Pappy who is always very awesome with thematic soundtracks.  So let’s get to the 80’s movies, with a few exceptions.  So much whining about the deep cuts 🙂

50 squats OYO, plank for 6.  Rudolph leads exercises for 30 seconds.  We repeated this x 3

Max out merkins OYO, hold 6″ for 6.  Rudolph leads exercises for 30+ seconds.  We repeated this x 3

50 lunges OYO, plank for 6.  Rudolph leads exercises for 30 seconds.  We repeated this x 3

Diamond Merkins Max out OYO, hold 6″ for 6.  Rudolph leads exercises for 30+ seconds.  We repeated this x 3

I’ll try to list below the winners of the soundtrack contest.  Again, whining.  If I remember correctly, we landed right at, or close to 7:05, which meant it was time for the test:

3 groups, I think 2 groups of 6, 1 group of 5.  Unfortunately, my group was facing the sun, whereas one was in the shade and another facing away from the sun.  Brutal.  I put on the soundtrack from “Hoosiers”  and let it roll for 15 minutes.  In 15 minutes we got in 84 Burpees each.  That was great, and I saw a lot of leadership in each group to push their crew, count out, and pickup the 6.  That’s what I love about Hoosiers, TEAM!

*It should be pointed out that Kingpin was eager to get to 100.  The test is the test, but after the workout was done he told me in the parking lot he’d get those 16 so he could hold the belt.  LOVE IT.

I called body destroyers for a bit, then went to stretch, then 5 minutes of yoga to cool down.  Time for the important stuff:

Announcements: uuuhhh….PT test today.  Not much else!

Prayers:  Huck, T square, Allen Tate’s shoulder, Sister Act, Medicine Woman.  Prayers for our friends!

Moleskin:  I left the guys with about 2 minutes of a good reality check.  You are the tip of the spear.  You are the leaders.  We will not give into division, taking sides, politics, hate, accusation or the like.  We will rise above it, and exhibit the true male leadership that is needed: compassion, understanding, help, faithfulness and guiding the world to a positive place.  You must never give into negativity.  Check yourself.  We have it better than all of recorded human history.  Act the part, lead, and if ever in doubt, well, ask what Jesus would do.  After that, compassion and positivity will fill your head and your heart.  That’s the stuff of leaders.

Name-O-Rama extra juice:  FNG is Greg Taylor, great new guy that Oompa brought.  Could not be more polite and busted his tail.  We discovered he’s a bookworm and he likes Star Wars.  HIPAA said “that worm thing from Star Wars!”.  I confused that with the pit monster from Return of the Jedi, which is known as the Sarlaac pit.  During Name-O-Rama he said his name was Saylark.  The legend is born 🙂

Soundtrack trivia!  Mixed bag here 🙂  Forgive me if I get one wrong:

Lunatic Fringe – Vision Quest – Roundup won (wrestling movie!  Linda Fiorentino……hot hot hot hot hot hot hot)

War – Rocky IV – Tater Hole if I remember correctly.

The heat is on – Beverly Hills Cop – Montross got this for sure.  And was a great Burpee partner in the heat!

Mighty Wings – Top Gun – NO ONE.  LOSERS.

Princes of the Universe – Highlander – Stogie got it.  And we agree, movie sucks, TV show good

Star Trek – Pearl Jam….I think.  It’s the new one, so it was close

Theme from Predator – Predator – Kingpin got it after the first bar.  Excellent

Theme from Total Recall – Total Recall – NO ONE.  This one is forgiven, deep cut

Great work men, what a blessing Folsom is.


July 2

We did not do a namorama-Q fail. And it is very late. Dang, not a good example. If I am lucky, no one will read this…..ever. It was July 2 and I believe we had the regulars.

PT test at Gashouse

29 PAX gathered in less than ideal weather for a PT test at the Gashouse. The disclaimer was the short form, we knocked out the pledge and then headed up to the track at Grier for the main event. It went like this:


400 meter run

100 Merkins, LBC’s, Squats and SSH’s (complete all reps of each exercise before moving to next)

400 meter run

75 reps of each exercise

400 meter run

50 reps of each exercise

400 meter run

25 reps of each exercise

1600 meter run


This workout looks pretty simple, but it’s a grind. The PAX really pushed this morning and it was awesome to see such a good crowd! I had a ruck option for those who don’t consider themselves runners, but everyone chose the run option and it was evident that those present were there to work hard and get better. Pizza Man and Sister Act led the way and both jumped right back in when they were finished to push and encourage others. The mumble chatter was low, but the words of encouragement were not. This is one of the things that makes F3 great, everyone wants to see those around them succeed and is willing to help them whenever and wherever they can.


If if you didn’t make it to the workout today, consider doing this OYO. Send me your time (or how much you complete in 40 min) and I’ll keep a record for the next time. I’m hoping to repeat this later in the fall when the weather might be a little better.


It’s truly a pleasure to be a part of such a solid group of HIM’s and I appreciate the opportunity to lead.



Annihilation workout at The Yank next Sat. – Pizza Man with the Q

Gashouse and Hollywood need Q’s

Be on the lookout for a blood drive in Gastonia to support the F3 effort – Freed to Bleed


Prayer Request


SA’s 2.1

Those battling addiction

Law enforcement

School teachers and students

Civility in our community and nation


Queso job interview

Sparky’s nephew


YHC took us out.


I’m Broke


11s again??

It was a beautiful, hot, steamy morning at the Bulldog.  7 HIMs showed for some work.


Warm-up: MNC, SSH, LBCs


11s merkins and squat curl press (mosey 25 yards and back in between)

11s big boys and dips (mosey in between)

11s curls and over head pulls (mosey in between)

11s swings and rows (mosey between)

Just in time.
Announcements:  PT test Saturday

YHC was took us out

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