Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 1, 2020

Next Man Up!

So when YHC showed up at the AO for a humid beat down it was pretty apparent at 5:28 we did not have a Q! So as Vanilla Ice pulled in we got to work with YHC taking over sans any real prep other than experience. Went like this:


Stretches, arm and Grapevine.

SSH X 20

IW X20

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Cherry pickers X 20

Mosey over to the field for some Jack Kevorkians as follows:.

1 set HR Merkins, 5X, 5X

2nd set: Big boy situps, 5, 10

3rd set: CCDs: 5, 10

4th set: Jump squats 5, 10

What we’re doing here is partner one runs halfway and do the exercise as above and then all the way and do that number, while partner 2 does them all the time of partner one’s run&work. Then we flapjack partners.

4 corners as follows:

Corner 1: 10 SSH

Run the field to corner 2

Corner 2: 10 SSH, 10 merkins

Lt. Dan to Corner 3

Corner 3:  10 SSH, 10 Merkins, 10 squats

Lt. Dan to corner 4

Corner 4: 10 SSH, 10 Merkins, 10 squats, 10 Diamond Merkins

Head to the sidelines for 11s, Dips on the benches, LBCs on the opposite side of the field.

Done, – pledge and COT.


Humid morning and a failed alarm clock transpired to make for an interesting morning. Glad to step up and it turned out to be a buttermilk morning for sure! Pax worked hard. proud of all the efforts.

Couple of things for the pax. 1st, Vanilla Ice and Nutria are job hunting. VI as a teacher in the school system here in Gaston County ,Nutria in the chemical sales business. Any help would be appreciated including being a reference and if you know someone in the biz, let’em know and advocate! That ‘s a lot of why we are here men.

Looking forward to Saturday at the Yank. Everything is set with Sam and we may have visitors from Metro and Lake Wylie. Getting back to first principles is pretty necessary right now.

Great to have the opportunity to lead today. You show up for these things. So when in doubt, get up and post!



Brick Masons

-warm up —- SSH & MNC
-we did shoulder brick work
-then trapezius brick work
-did a couple of ab brick work
Then did 11’s with wide merkins & diamond merkins
Finished with some Mary
Prayer requests
YHC closed in prayer
-it was a struggle for me. 4 years ago on this date, I walked in from posting to my M screaming & crying into her phone. She had gotten the news that her sweet Lauren was in a bad car accident & didn’t make it. Trauma does crazy things to your body. My rock is extra heavy & will not move. But I glad to have all of you cheering me on & helping me. Until next time, T-Square out

Core Run

Simple work out this morning


Warm up : 15 LBC, 15 Flutter kicks, and 15 Dying cockroaches

Mosey down toward Gastone’s hill with 3 stops to get in  50 LBC, 50 Flutters, and 50 Dying cockroaches

Mosey up toward Dollar general parking lot and do 100 LBC, 100 flutters, and 100 Dying cockroaches

Mosey to Planet Finest parking lot and partner up for 300 LBCs, 300 Flutters, and 300 Dying cockroaches – partner 1 starts the exercise while partner two runs the parking lot.

Mosey back to the start in reverse stopping an only doing 10 each of the 3 exercise ,  with 30 seconds left so run around the bank and through the sprinklers

2.6 miles complete along with the listed reps above.

Announcements:  PT test at Gashouse on July 18

Prayer request: family members, Hippa, JJ’s parents, and others

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!!


Until next time

EZ out!!


Prison Break

17 @ the Prison this morning.

We had a good run and a good fellowship. Another great morning with the guys at prison break. Lets keep pushing the rock men!



PT July 18 Gashouse

Annihilation work out at the yank I think. Pizza Man Q

Rabbit Ears VQ @ Folsom in the morning! come support our brother

Prayer Request 

Purple Haze family

Mayor Family

The Hovis family

Our Community

Each other

Thank you men for the opportunity to lead

Round Up

The Storm 6/30

14 at The Storm this morning!


25 Hand Release Merkins

25 Plank Jack’s

25 Hand Release Merkins

25 Mountain Climbers


Mosey the long way to the roundabout up on the main road with the sculpture.  Next exercise called here;

10 Rounds

5 Burpees

10 Hand Release Merkins or curb dips

15 Squats/Bobby Hurley’s/Tiger Squats(pax choice)

5th and 9th round bear Crawl to middle of roundabout and back out.

Mosey to roundabout down the hill in front of school.  Here perform 50 LBCs.  Then NUR to loading dock on other side of school.  Partner up.  Got in 1 1/2 rounds of Partner 1 AMRAP Hand Release Merkins, Partner 2 jumps up and down on loading dock 5 times.  Then switch

Mosey to wall on side of school.  Wall sit with 25 air presses.  25 Calf Raises. 10 Vertical Wall Jumps.  Mosey to flag!  Time.



Prayer Request



Wet Nutz

Breaker Breaker @ The PainLab

Today is YHC’s VQ for the Painlab. YHC has participated in a few painlab sessions, mainly when on IR list, trying to limit high impact exercises, ie, running. I really enjoy this workout, so it was time to step up and Q.

Warm-up with Bootcampers led by Hushpuppy. Painlabers then grabbed their coupons and formed a large circle to prepare for the beatdown!


10 minutes AMRAP

  • 10 burpees
  • 10 air squats
  • 10 big boy sit-ups


For Time

  • 50 SSH I/c
  • 40 mountain climbers
  • 30 walking lunches
  • 20 American Hammers I/c
  • 10 merkins

Rinse and repeat 3x



  • 20 kB swings
  • 12 kB o/h presses
  • 15 high pulls
  • kB curls, 21
  • 10 kB snatches, ea arm
  • 10 kB upright rows, ea arm
  • 15 mountain climbers
  • 20 jump squats

Rinse and repeat


10 minutes EMOM

  • Minute 1 = 10 burpees
  • Minute 2 = 30 sec planks
  • Minute 3 = 10 merkins


Indian Walk around parking lot

Round of Mary and then Bootcampers returned.


  • Announcements
  • Prayer Request

Hushpuppy closed us out in prayer!


Thank you all for the opportunity to lead you this morning! Great work by all!


Breaker Breaker

Double Respect Birthday Beatdown

It’s a beautiful day at Midoriyama. The sun is shining. Nope, rapidly darkening skies with thunder on the horizon and moving swiftly our way. Birds are singing. Nope, oh well, at least it’s my birthday.

I see Gold Digger’s car in the parking lot, as he’s probably running a half marathon for EC.

It’s 1730. Time to rock.

No FNG, so no disclaimer. We have a shovel but no flag. Pledge to the imaginary flag.

Circle up.

Since I am now officially a forgetful old geezer, I graciously allowed the PAX count our exercises as we progress around the circle.

30 Side straddle hops (YHC)
30 Side straddle hops + 30 second plank (Broke)
30 Side straddle hops + 30 mountain climbers (Dr Seuss) + 30 second plank
30 Side straddle hops, 30 mountain climbers + 30 shoulder taps (Tyson) + 30 second plank
30 Side straddle hops, 30 mountain climbers, 30 shoulder taps + 30 little baby crunches (Love Boat) + 30 second plank
30 Side straddle hops, 30 mountain climbers, 30 shoulder taps, 30 little baby crunches + 30 squats (Def Leppard) + 30 second plank
30 Side straddle hops, 30 mountain climbers, 30 shoulder taps, 30 little baby crunches, 30 squats + 30 dips (Purple Haze) + 30 second plank
30 Side straddle hops, 30 mountain climbers, 30 shoulder taps, 30 little baby crunches, 30 squats, 30 dips + 30 calf raises (Gold Digger) + 30 second plank

We learned that our esteemed educator (Dr. Seuss) counts really slow in cadence and he can call 30 mountain climbers in 6 seconds when single counting.

About this time, Q called it quits 15 minutes early due to lightning in the area. I’m truly sorry that we missed getting to add 30 merkins (Wichita), 30 flutter kicks (Pockets) and 30 burpees (Blart).

I’m sure all are happy that I lied about my age.

Prayer Requests for Sister Act’s family, Purple Haze, Mayor’s mom, Clavin’s M, HIPAA, T-Square, Whoopie was doctoring someone’s dad and others I can’t recall.

YHC took us out.

Freight is responsible for refunding your prorated ticket costs.

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