Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: December 2019 (Page 7 of 11)

1/2 crazy

This has been a rather intense year for me running another 10 miler ( correctly ) and not hurting self in the process, running 3 5ks, Spartan Sprint, Warrior Dash, Bonefrog Sprint and A lot of boot camps and running AOs. So earlier this year ( can’t remember if it was at Mount Hollywood in April or even earlier ( which is what I suspect) at the Storm there was discussion of what WE all want to accomplish this year or in the near future. When I spoke of a 1/2 marathon Orangeman issued a challenge realizing all I had on plate for the year but advising me of how late in the year the Santa Hustle was ….. that I should consider it, and I did and am so glad not only to him but also to Breaker Breaker who many times ran with me at the Pub as we have a similar time ( although he’s gotten faster recently) and to a couple of guys along the way for their advice.
Upon arriving today I noticed Gump finishing up with his lovely 2.0 on the fun run and this got me stoked for my turn at the race!
Several of the key players were present waiting for the 1/2 to start and a few others for the 5k.
The 1/2 started first with Breaker Termite and myself huddled back towards the 10-11 mile section At the start gate and Orangeman Tiger and Doodles all closer to the front. It was an amazing accomplishment for myself and Doodles who finished just ahead of me for our first 1/2 marathon each.  Breaker Breaker definitely did better than last year as he told all afterwards  And Tiger spoke to me later of having done a number of these races over the years.
During the 5k my M and Oompas M sported their reindeer outfits and walked along with TimeFrames M. Time Frame, both his 2.0s and my 2.0 ran the race as well as Oompa Loompa and Oompa sported Vuvuzela as well as an unnamed pax from Rock Hill.
The weather was perfect, the course like last year had to be modified due to excessive rains But still remained challenging.

any contemplating a run at next years 1/2…. reach out to any or several of those who ran this year …. you will not regret the experience!

The Few, the Proud, the Yank Posters

Moroccan Night Clubs IC
Seal Jacks IC

Mosey to the Pull-up Bar. I got lost along the way! Pockets had to show me the path…
1-2-3 Ladder
1 Pull-up
2 Thigh Slappers (hang on one arm and slap your thigh with the other, then hang on the other arm and slap the opposite thigh)
3 Knee-ups
Announced we were going up to 7 but ran out of gas at 4.

Mosey to the front of the middle school.
Dora from the benches to the fence.
200 Dips
200 Merkins
Pockets and I made short work of this.

Mosey to Hawthorne St
Bucket carry down then up x 3
Shellshock appeared as we were ascending on our 1st bucket carry.
“Hey you guys F3?”
We had that sneaking suspicion that someone was following us…

Mosey to parking lot behind Old Stone
I turned on my car, plugged in my phone, and cranked it to 11 for…
the Baby Shark Ab Workout!
We did 2 rounds because some lady interrupted us about her parking there during the first round. The HIMs liked this one. My 3 year old asks for this version of baby shark every morning.

Beats By Bed Pan

Warm Up
Imperial Walkers, Burpees, Don Q.
Fellowship Mosey
AMRAP 4 min. each set. take a lap after each set is complete.
10 High Knees, 10 SSH, 10 Seal Jacks, 10 Squats.
10 Lunges, 10 Hill Billy Squats, 10 Calf Raises, 10 Rocky Balboas
10 LBC’s 10 American Hammers, 10Flutters, 10 ski Merks,
10 Shoulder taps, 10 merkins, 10 dips, 10 CDD’s

Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, Karoke in the middle

Sprint on burpee sprint back then two burpees, we repeated this a few times then it was time.


The Bed Pan is full

I need rain gear……

Pulled into the parking lot at 5:15 all alone. Finally at 5:25 i see some head lights-Whoopee, and then some others.  Finally 5:31 Sargento gets to the Pavilion stage around the Christmas and we are ready.


Quick mosey/run to the parking deck for some dry space to start the warm up

Slaughter Starter  20 burpees (Asked Slaw if he wanted to call it but he said no your are the Q)

Merkin jack x 10

LBC x 10

Flutter kicks x 10

Mosey to the last covered level, running both side before advancing to the next level

Circle up for Burpee Jacks (thanks Clavin) Merkin jack x 10 , and Flutter kicks x 10

Mosey back to the bottom

Circle up for Burpee jacks x 10, Merkin jack x 10 , LBC x 10 and Flutter kicks x 10

Quick 10 count in between some of these (some counted faster than others)

Partner up: partner one does listed exercise while partner two runs to the last covered level and back down the stairs

100 Squats

200 LBCs

400 flutter kicks

Another quick 10 count the rinse and repeat with the following:

100 Merkin jacks (modified down to 50)

200 flutter kicks

400 LBCs

Quick 10 count

Mosey back to the last covered level and back down stop at each level for the following

sprint from wall to wall  – levels 4 & 2

Nur from wall to wall -levels 3 & 1

Mosey back to the Pavilion and gather at the Christmas Tree

2 minutes left to finish with a 1/2 Slaughter starter (10 burpees)


Announcements: Christmas Party (after Christmas), up coming CSAUP, convergence 12/28  Gashouse, EC rucking/shopping , i most likely forgot a few

Prayers – Roscoe-has a friend with two kids fight against a tumor and Leukemia,  DryRub’s M, Tiger’s dad, Sargento-a kid he know has been passing out, EZ Rider’s son


Thanks for allowing me to lead!!


Until next time

EZ out!!


“Yeah, I’m gonna need better shoes.”

Palmetto 200 training is kicking into high gear. There was a nice crowd out there on this fine morning. All runners this time, no ruckers. Today even brought out Kingpin for his first PrisonBreak post. He logged in about 3.5 miles and all in basketball sneakers. That’s real rock pushing! He did determine there will be a shoe purchase very soon though. Nice work by all.


YHC took us out in prayer

First Gashouse house Q.

Gashouse Q

No warm up. Let’s mosey to Laurel lane. continue to Castlegate Street, left on Dixon Road  then left on Burtonwood Drive stopping at each intersection and performing 10 Hillbillies together in cadence. Continue to the parking lot of First Presbyterian church.

Route 66 time.


Dying cockroaches

WW1 sit-ups

Skater Squat

Toy soldiers.

Return to the flag for the warm down.

Cotton Pickers

Imperial Walkers

Don Q


1 leg deadlift.

im pretty sure this was what happened! A little late on the BB. Most of the memory evolves a few PAX refusing to do some of the Route sixty six and refusing to do other exercises. Good leaders are Good Followers.


Crossroads 12/8

Nice job men!!  Good to see Bobby and Brake this morning!!


Convergence 12/28 at Gashouse 7:00

Christmas party 1/4

Prayer Request


Appreciate the opportunity to lead!

Sister Act

No Burpees

15 showed at Midoriyama on this beautiful evening

Warm up SSH 10 IC


Merkins 10 IC

Lbc’s 10 IC



Mosey to hill for 11’s squats at bottom lbc’s at top


Back to playground for a little  Dora

50 pullups

100 perkins

200 dips


Mosey to parking lot for some descalating Mike Tysons on one side bear crawl to other side and Rockie Balboas untill six arrives for 10 to1. You are welcome Tesla.

Back to start for a little mary..




Announcements  :

Roadie and Roundup collecting for Dallas Christian Social Ministry for there angel tree to provide toys and such for kids..

Montross collecting p200 money…

Christmas party Jan. 4th Preblast coming??



Prayer request given ,several with family members needed prayer, also those dealing with illness .


Out with prayer


Again with the switchero?

Confusion in the gloom?  Okay Clavin, start with the pledge and warmup! The torch was passed when all muscles were loose-ish.

YHC took us on a mosey around Pelicans so I could ditch my coat in the truck, then mosey to the picnic shelter.

20 step ups each leg OYO

dips IC x 10

American hammer x 30 IC

The main thang, inspired by a brutal Sister Act workout Downtown in the parking deck.

5 exercises, 10 reps each then run around the Martha Rivers concessions building and back to parking lot beside the picnic shelter. Repeat 5 times, wait on the six in between.


Imperial Walker Squats

Plank Jack Merkins

Smurf Jacks

Monkey Humpers

Back to the picnic shelter for 20 more step ups each leg OYO.

Dry Rub led in some flutter kicks IC.

Mosey back to Pelicans, but stop at entrance for 15+5 big boy situps

Mosey back to Pelicans… TIME!

Prayer requests:  Recovery / healing for Dry Rub’s M,  Outhouse’s dad, Watts Up father in-law.  Continued prayers for EZ Rider’s son.

Gastone shared some insight; it’s an honor and a privilege to be able to post, exercise, enjoy one another. Anything that keeps us from being out with the PAX and sharpening ourselves can leave us wishing and longing we were there and able.  Summary – let’s not take for granted our ability to get out and post!



Stinky Bird takes to the nest, over and out.

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