Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: December 2019 (Page 3 of 11)

Pub to Martha’s River (one week late)

YHC had my first Q at the Pub.


I was feeling creative and original, so I called a different destination – Martha’s River.  Roscoe was really confused by this because his knees were so cold and exposed from wearing shorts, so I told him it was was really clever wordplay for Martha Rivers.  Off we went and return we did!  Good work men!

Announcements – Dec 28 convergence

Prayer requests



Until next time…



  • 7 HIMs came out to Folsom on a brisk morning to put in some work.

Warm up

  • 15 SSH
  • 15 Gravel Pickers
  • Mosey to second light post
  • 25 Squats
  • Mosey to back to tennis courts

The Thang

  • A continuation  from King Pin’s Q, 4 corners
  • Lap one – 6 Burpees at each corner
  • Lap two – 6 LBC in cadence
  • Lap three – 20 Hillbilly Squats
  • Lap four – 25 Imperial Walkers
  • Lap six – 20 Merkins
  • Lap seven – 50 Moroccan Night Clubs in cadence
  • Lap eight – 20 Dying Cockroaches
  • 25 wide arm merkins


We celebrated the holiday giving for the Dallas Christian Ministries and Operation Sweettooth with personal YHC examples of those who benefited from those gifts. We are all here purpose and calling.  No purpose is greater than and another. If you called to give money or time, do it.  If you are called to lead a sunday school class or bible study, embrace it. If you called into ministry, missionary, or service, go.

Joshua 1:9 – Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Prayer Request

  • EZ Rider
  • Stogey
  • All PAX


  • Convergence on the 28th at the Gashouse
  • Don’t forget to RSVP for the Christmas party

Big Pappy


Putting Aside Our Differences

There seems to be an on-going rivalry between the fleet-footed men of The Pub and the ground-pounders of FIAblow…I mean Diablo Sammich. General taunting from Whoopee and his gang of hoodlum elves seems to be a weekly thing! However, I was pleased to see the open invitation to join the ‘sumbritches’ from FIAblow…I mean Diablo….for breakfast at Waffle House.

The men from FIAblow…oops, darn it….Diablo pulled the velcro tight on their bright white New Balance orthopedics and mall-walked to Waffle House. 5 of the 7 HIMs from the Pub ran mostly uphill in freezing temps at a brisk pace to meet up with those ‘sumbritches’ for some fellowship, food, and drink.

It should be noted that head elf Whoopee’s jukebox selectiins started off as, shall we say, questionable. Fortunately, he listened to Boudin (the smart one from FIAblow…oops, gosh, I mean Diablo) and quit playing songs off his daughter’s Ipod.

I am still curious why they made the runners sit in the corner booth, segregated from the mutha ruckers. I suppose all of our manliness and handsome good looks were just too intimidating. We’ll try not to be so awesome next time Whoopee. Thanks for the invite though!

Announcements: convergence 12/28, rsvp for the Christmas party


A Lump of Coal for All

It was an absolutely gorgeous morning for a Christmas Day bootcamp.  Unfortunately for the pax that posted it was obvious that they made the naughty list because Santa arrived early with a sleigh full of coal.


Warm up:

20 SSH

20 Moroccan Night Clubs

10 Merkins

Then it was time to unpack Santa’s Sleigh – Each pax was given one garden block

Warm-up continued with curls,  overhead presses, and squats with coupons



Mosey to concession stand with block – That was terrible – running with a block is not doctor approved.


50 Blockees

100 Triceps extensions

200 Curls

300 Overhead presses

Next was time to run some more with blocks partner up.  One partner runs  clockwise the other counterclockwise around concession stand with block when you meet up with partner do 1 Booyah! merkin – continue around to front and do 2 and continue until you get to five then count down back to one.  A real crowd pleaser!

Time to mosey back but luckily for pax Santa called an Omaha and we meandered back for some Mary which included American hammers and pelvic thrusters both with blocks





Convergence 12/28

Holiday Party Jan 4th



Dry Rubs M still in hospital

HushPuppy son with flu

All those battling holiday depression


As always it was an honor to serve

Until next time Defib – OUT!


Christmas Eve Workout at Folsom

Thanks to everybody for coming out today!

  • Warmups: 15 side straddle hops, 20 Moroccan night clubs, 15 Gravel pickers
  • Workout: Ran to flag pole, did 13 burpees,  1/2 way to parking lot did 13 wide arm Merkins, then to bottom parking lot. 4 corners (13 reps at every corner), squats, burpees, LBC’s, Merkins, Plank Jacks, CDD’s, American Hammers, Hillbillies
  • Wrap Up: Good word -Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”

Montross Heads Into The Storm

Just like Drake, I’m going Back to Back. I had my first Q at Sandlot/Neverland/Dark Balls/Ya Mamas House yesterday. The cold rain kept us in the shelter so today, I figured I’d do a complete 180 and we were gonna move!

I arrived early to scope out the lay of the land and make last minute weinke adjustments. Seuss had hung the shovel flag with care, before off heading to Folsom and the land of facial hair. HIMs rolled in and it is 5:30 so let’s do some work! I didnrecycle.uesterdays Christmas Playlist. Here Is The Link!

Warmup: SSH 10 IC, Toy Soldiers 10 IC, Don Quixotes 7 IC. The 7 means nothing, I was just getting impatient. Let’s mosey to the school entrance.

The Thizzy-thang:
In full disclosure, the first 30 minutes of this Q were stolen from a Sister Act Q so you know it was hard!

Zachary Tellier Workout – in honor of a Charlotte man who was killed serving our country. A real HIM, for sure!

10 Burpees, run a lap around the parking lot and round-about.
10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, run a lap around the parking lot and round-about. (I heard a train sometime during this set…noted)
10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, run a lap around the parking lot and round-about.
10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, 100 LBCs, run a lap around the parking lot and round-about.
10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, 100 LBCs, 150 Squats, run a lap around the parking lot and round-about.

A few of the faster men started an extra round as the 6 finished up. Good work! Short mosey to the side of the school.

5 burpees for the train earlier.

Elevens across half the parking lot featuring Big Boy Situps and Flutter Kicks

We have a few more minutes so circle up for Mary. It’s Christmas Eve and I Qd a 12 Days of Christmas theme yesterday so I went back to it here. We went around the circle calling core exercises. The only limit was we needed to do 12. We went just a bit over but 8 guys called exercises including American Hammers,Mountain Climbers, Windshield Wipers, Freddie Mercuries, 6 Shooters, some kinda roll-up crunch voodoo Top Hat cooked up, and others.


Announcements: convergence 12/28 at Gashouse, RSVP for the Christmas party 1/4 (and vote for superlatives), Midoriyama is closed today, Prison Break and Snoballs are open). Pray for Dry Rub and his M, Medicine Woman, Huck, Montross’s neighbor (lost his Dad), families at Christmas. YHC took us out in prayer.

I mentioned it during CoT but will point it out here too: keep those who are struggling at Christmas in your prayers. So many people in our communities struggle with strained family relationships, split homes, financial struggles, and memories of those who have passed. Be kind to them and pray for them. That being said, if anyone dosen’t have plans around Christmas, you are welcome to join me and my family tonight for dinner in Bessemer City. Just text me or DM me on Slack! I promise you won’t be the only non-family member there and you are welcome. There are always friends that don’t have other plans there. Merry Christmas!!!!


12 Days of Christmas on a Rainy Day

As I checked out the forecast a few days ago, I started regretting having signed up to Q. I am ok with cold. I am ok with rain. I hate cold rain. Oh well, rock pushing ain’t easy. My plan: stay as dry as possible! I put my weinke together, laid out the clothes, and took to Slack to see Short Sale has the Q at Mt Hollywood. I proceed to rib him and remind him of the time he overslept and fartsacked his Folsom Q.

Yes, this is foreshadowing.

4:30, 4:45, and 5:00 a.m. pass and YHC is still sound asleep. I am not sure what happened but I awoke at 5:07 and I live 20 minutes away from Martha Rivers. This is no bueno! I know Pappy will be there so I ask him to cover some warmups for me. I am out the door about 5:13. I arrive about 5:32. Not too bad! Fortunately, I planned ahead.

We have an FNG so I give a quick disclaimer and I give Slaw my speaker and phone to carry the tunes. Mariah’s All I want For Christmas is blasting as we jailbreak to the nearest picnic shelter. I have my weinke written on a piece of cardboard but it is dark and there are no lights. All good though, I prepared and packed my shop light.

Christmas songs play as we repeat a 12 exercise circuit. Sing it with me to the tune of 12 Days of Christmas…

12 American Hammers
11 Monkey Humpers
10 Mountain Climbers
9 Imperial Walkers
8 Big Boy Situps
7 Superman-Ironmans
6 Jumping Squats


4 Backwards Lunges
3 Plank Jacks
2 LBCs
And a Merkin and a Burpee

We ended up doing all exercises in cadence except Big Boys and Jump Squats. We also changed to 10 LBCs IC and increased the Merkin and Burpee count at the end of each circuit. We completed 6 circuits. Each guy counted different exercises, no rest until the end. Then, for Slaw, we finished with 10 Merkins and 10 Burpees!

Welcome Chad Carper to F3! He is the principal at WC Friday and is now known as Belding. He was invited to Folsom!

Today’s Christmas Playlist:

Convergence Saturday 12/28 at Gashouse (Schiele Museum at 7), RSVP for the After Christmas party on 1/4, the Pub will meet as ususal and mosey to Waffle House to meed up with the sumbritches from Diablo Sammich at Waffle House for some 2nd F, Midoriayama closed Tuesday, Prison Break will decide today (check Slack), Defib leading workout Wednesday at Snoballs (Martha Rivers Park) at 530 am, New Years Murph at 7 am at Martha Rivers. Prayer requests- Dry Rub’s M, Stinky Bird’s baby is 1!!! (Praise), my neighbor’s family, famalies amd those whonare struggling at Christmas. Pappy led us in prayer.

Building a Strong Foundation

I’ve not Q’ed in quite a while, since the end of September according to my records. With the week off, I had circled this morning as my chance to finally post at Mt Hollywood. Nothing against this AO but it doesn’t fit logistically on my daily commute to downtown Charlotte. As I made this plan, I saw the Q was available and Broke was kind enough to grant me the opportunity – I should have checked the weather forecast. This time the weathernerds got it right but it’s hard to miss 90% chance of rain. I did a reconnaissance mission to scout where I might take my PAX, the only question was – how many would there be? I set multiple alarms to ensure I would not be late (thanks Montross) and arrived early (new concept for me). Broke was waiting in his truck and a few headlights followed with Red Ribbon running from his nearby home to give us a total of 5. A quick disclaimer stated the smart ones fartsacked this wonderful opportunity (if I had not committed to the Q – I’d have been there with you – well not literally, but in my own bed – you know what I mean). As a Kotter Q, I stumbled through a cadence that was this:

  • Seal Jacks x 10
  • Imperial Walkers x 10
  • Butt Kicks x 10
  • Toy Soldiers x 10
  • Jingle Balls x 10 (Merry Christmas)

We did that under the front shelter of Mt. Holly Middle and I asked the PAX to make a run for the bigger and lighted cover of Ida Rankin across the street – the only difficulty was working our way through the puddled parking lot but we arrived and to find the nice bricks Santa had left earlier. I went with what I know best – a timed Tabata workout with a brick in each hand. We performed each exercise x 30 seconds, with 30 second rest after each set and did each set 3x

  • Set 1:
    • Straight Arm Jacks
    • V-Ups
    • American Hammer
  • Set 2
    • Flutter kicks w/ arms holding bricks over chest
    • Backbreakers (new exercise named by Sargento – too difficult to explain but a core pleaser)
    • Squat with arm raise
  • Set 3
    • Merkins
    • Single Line Suicide
    • Moroccan Night Clubs (bricks in hand)

Then we moved to a new set with 2 minutes of exercise followed by 1 minute of rest

  • Jump Squats x 20, SSH’s x 30 then Burpees the remainder of the time AMRAP
  • WWI x 15, Freddie Mercury x 20 then LBC’s the remainder of the time AMRAP
  • (grab your bricks) Hammer Knee R x 20, Hammer Knee L x 20, Scissor Runs
  • Leg Raise x 15 (hold bricks with arms extended overhead), Jack Knifes x 20, X Crunch AMRAP

That was a good ending point to head back early and call time. Prayer requests were shared for EZ Rider’s family, Freight’s Grandmother, Tiger’s Dad, then the M’s for Sargento, Broke, and me. Remember the Convergence at GasHouse on 12/28 and the after Christmas Party on 1/4 (check your email).


Luke 6:48 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

48 That one is like a man building a house, who dug deeply and laid the foundation on rock; when a flood arose, the river burst against that house but could not shake it, because it had been well built.

As 2019 winds down the final steps for the year, maybe you’re like me and take some inventory of the year. I often think of moments and experiences as bricks that build my foundation to provide both mental and physical strength to weather through the storms ahead. Leading into the passage in Luke 6:48, Jesus shares that his words are used to build the foundation, so if we apply that 3rd F and live 3rd, those principles can help us battle through the flux. As for the First F, as untrained amateurs leading through a variety of odd exercises, I believe a strong core is essential. I went with that as a theme, adding the bricks as some resistance and strength building. Having the chance to Q at Mt Hollywood, in addition to earlier Q’s of 2019 at Folsom were a few missing bricks in my foundation that I now have in place. With all the work that has been done by the PAX this year, if we think of our Gastonia Region as a almost 5 year old neighborhood, look at all the great houses we’ve built, but like any house, we can always make updates or improvements, and in the neighborhood, there are vacant lots for FNGs.  As always it was an honor to lead.

“The Chase” at Crossroads

11 Pax for a Pre-Christmas Crossroads:

1 came in hot; 1 departed in silence (We missed ya, Goldigger)

1 Rucked (You were missed, Mayor and Freight)

10 Ran (2 of us chasing Broke)

10 for Q Source Review

Thanks for the participation, the push, the encouragement!




We Made It Up

YHC forgot he had no one covering this week until in the middle of the 40/50 CSAUP. So with no weinke, this was made up on the fly with a lot of help from the PAX.

We “warmed-up” with Gashouse. Once we split up, the PAX gathered around bringing whatever equipment they had.

We started with a little tabata. 90 seconds of work, followed by 30 seconds of rest. We went around with each member calling an exercise.

We then partnered up and moved on to a little dora.
100 curls
200 overhead presses
300 chest presses

The PAX knocked this out and there was still a little time.

YHC broke out the Deck-o-Death. We went a few cards in before Gashouse rolled in. We joined them for their Tubthumping ending and all that followed.

Good work men and thanks to all for Co-Q’ing.

See Defib’s backblast for incorporating the 40/50 challenge into all aspects of life.

Watts Up powering down.

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