Attendance from Twitter.
DRP taken.
Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
Attendance from Twitter.
DRP taken.
Attendance from Twitter.
Probably running and/or rucking involved.
All were better because of it.
Attendance from participation.
It involved exercises and jack-o-lanterns.
Shoulda been there
Warmup was completed by Linus. He then took Gashouse off for some fun and left PainLab for YHC. Linus also had a FNG show he had been EHing. The FNG decided to join PainLab…
YHC had separated the deck into suits. For those that don’t know, the deck is setup as below:
Clubs = Core
Hearts = Cardio
Spades = Legs
Diamonds = Upper Body
On your turn, the PAX would draw one card from each suit and then the group would do them. (Order determined by draw-er).
Mosey was modified to lunge walk as appropriate for each member of the group.
We completed all thirteen rounds before Gashouse reappeared.
We got in a few rounds of Mary before the bells pealed.
I am sure Linus will cover it, but welcome to our FNG, now known as Hermie.
It was an honor to lead.
Watts Up powering down.
Wow, hard to believe that we are about to close out another year. The pax in our region continue to work hard and have shown the discipline to consistently push the rock the entire year. No time to let off the gas now, let’s finish out the year strong. Make plans to spend time with your F3 brothers at our end of year Convergence. Not only a great time of fellowship, but a beatdown will be delivered!! Look forward to seeing everyone there.
Location: Gashouse
Date: 12/28/2019
Time: 7:00
12 showed Thursday morning to make room for extra stuffing!! With time expiring and no warm up, Let’s mosey!!
We leave the parking lot and run 9th st to 8th ave. Up to 10th st. Turn left down Mayflower st. Turn left again at 8th st. Turn right and go down riverside dr. Then left on 1st st. Then left on S Main st. Continue down the steps at the end of the street and continue up 8th, turning left on Center st. Then stopping back at the start. This completes a roughly 2 mile loop.
We stopped at every intersection completing various exercises. All exercises are in cadence, with the PAX helping call out a few of the exercises we also sprinted up the steep hill on 1st street.
American hammer
Crunchy Frog
Diamond Merkin
Rocky Balboa
Nolan Ryans
Mnt Climbers
Pretzel Crunch
With the route done we finished the last few minutes doing a warm down/ stretch.
Cotton Pickers
Overhead claps
As we circled up, I told the PAX about the story of Gideon. How he waited to see Christ, as God promised him. When Gideon saw the Christ child, he thanked God for his promise and prayed with great joy. There are many things for us to be thankful for. Just like Gideon, we have many promises that God is sharing with us everyday.
With the holidays here, I asked the guys to keep each other in their prayers and I asked that we all pay attention to those around us. When engaged in conversation with others, pay attention to them. Make sure that others know that you care about them and make sure you hear them!
9 showed up for an afternoon workout at Midoriyama. Warmup began with a 1 mile mosey across the road to the paved trail. We stopped several times for some hillbillies and imperial walkers, also doing some down hill sprints and up hill sprints. We continued back to the parking lot by the ball field. We circled up and completed these exercises in cadence. Continue reading
Greetings gentlemen: I hope all are recovering from the Thanksgiving holidays. I know its hard to pursue the 40/50 challenge when there’s so much opportunity to fail. However with the T-giving holiday behind us its time for the final push. We have started strong and we need to finish strong! So many have rediscovered living an austere life – Limiting the unnecessary excesses and becoming better men in the process . Many have lost weight and all have become healthier by limiting excessive calories. If nothing else we will go into the new decade better men for our perseverance. A big part of this challenge has also (for me) finding ways to give back. Therefore with this in mind I would like to close out the challenge with a CSAUP. On Saturday December 21 we will have the “Not So CSAUP CSAUP” at all three AOs. Post at the AO of your choice – Starting at 5am at Folsom and at 5:30 at Gashouse and the Yank we will ruck the surrounding community and pick up trash along the way. The rucks will be led by Pockets at the Yank, Big Pappy at Folsom and myself at Gashouse. The rucks themselves will be challenging with stops for pain along the way. The ruck will end by the time the regular bootcamps start (so plan on another hour of pain to follow the ruck). If nothing else this final push will send you off into the end of year holidays feeling good about yourself. So I challenge you – don’t blow this off – Find the time to make the community and yourself better!
12 men put in some work at Midoriyama.
SSH, Grass Pickers
The Thang:
Been a while since I’ve done block work at Midoriyama, so tonight that would be our main focus. Each pax grab a block out of my car and take a short fellowship mosey to the long parking lot across from our gathering point. 5 exercises called here.
50 Curls
40 Chest Press
30 Goblet Squat
20 Tricep Ext.
10 Burpee w/ block jump over
Run to far end of parking lot then back.
We completed 5 rounds of this. Great work by all, this was a good burn.
Next, time for some 11s. Do this on the short side of same parking lot. Exercises called are Incline Merkins and Thrusters . Start with 1 Incline Merkin on block, carry block to otherside for 10 Thrusters. Carry block back for 2 Incline Merkins, then back across for 9 Thrusters. Continue until the numbers are reversed and finish with 10 Incline Merkins and 1 Thruster.
Time is almost out, carry block back to flag. Finish it off with 10 Blockers. Time
Prayer request
Honor to lead you men tonight!!
Sister Act
So what we do at crossroads to make it easy, if you have Q source, you also have the Q for that day. Lucky me, with all the rain and lightning it was my turn. No early birds at 0600 so I stayed in the truck to avoid the majority of the downpour and Broke, SA and Slaw get out around 0630. Slaw & SA ran, Broke and I rucked and finished up at 0715. Lots of puddles to splash in. Then go inside for some Qsource on Accountability (Team). Thanks to those that showed up for both. its a bit of a reach with the title based on the picture, but I went for it.
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