• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 11/30/2019
  • AO: PainLab
  • QIC: Watts Up
  • FNG's: Hermie
  • PAX: Cheesehead, Clavin, Dry Rub, HIPAA, Les Nessman, Stogie, Sweet Leaf, Top Hat, Voodoo

Warmup was completed by Linus. He then took Gashouse off for some fun and left PainLab for YHC. Linus also had a FNG show he had been EHing. The FNG decided to join PainLab…

YHC had separated the deck into suits. For those that don’t know, the deck is setup as below:
Clubs = Core
Hearts = Cardio
Spades = Legs
Diamonds = Upper Body

On your turn, the PAX would draw one card from each suit and then the group would do them. (Order determined by draw-er).
Mosey was modified to lunge walk as appropriate for each member of the group.

We completed all thirteen rounds before Gashouse reappeared.

We got in a few rounds of Mary before the bells pealed.

I am sure Linus will cover it, but welcome to our FNG, now known as Hermie.

It was an honor to lead.

Watts Up powering down.