Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: December 2019 (Page 10 of 11)

We Covered Dallas

Medicine Woman wasn’t feeling well so I hijacked the Q for the premier Dallas Wednesday running AO. Arriving a few minutes before 5:30 am and Sparky and Seuss were on their way towards uptown Dallas. Me, Broke and Oompa took off toward the college where we saw Hacksaw going towards Folsom. We crossed paths with Roundup and then Doodles. Tater Hole was rolling through the college somewhere. Broke, as he is famous for, pulled me to my fastest pace in a while. I almost didn’t show but I am always glad when I do.

Announcements: Bring toys for Boys and Girls Club to all Saturday AO’s this week, Convergence at Gashouse (Schiele Museum) on Dec. 28th at 7 am, After-Christmas F3 Gastonia Party at Lewis Farms on January 4th.

Remember Broke’s M, Tiger’s Dad, Dry Rub’s M, Freight’s grandfather and family.

COT: Doodles took us out!

Wednesday Morning Gym Class

It was a crisp and clear morning at the Labyrinth.  9 of Gastonia’s finest showed to better themselves and the men around them.  It was a very nice morning for some sweat and comradery.



SSH x 20 IC

Mountain Climbers x 10 IC

Mosey to parking lot of park.

Squats x 20

Merkins x 20

LBC’s x 30

Mosey to crossroads at front of park.

Squats x 20

Merkins x 20

LBC’s x 30

CDD’s x 20

Mosey to maintenance shed.

Squats x 20

Merkins x 20

LBC’s x 30

CDD’s x 20

Jump squats x 10

Mosey to clubhouse in center of ball fields.

Dora of sorts.  Not using the 100, 200, 300 count method but 3 sets of AMRAP.

Partner up.  Partner 1 runs and partner 2 stays and does called exercise then flapjack.



Mosey to shelter

Step ups x 20

Dips x 20

LBC’s x 30

Derkins x 15

Step ups x 15

Dips x 15

LBC’s x 50

Derkins x 10

Mosey back stopping once at a parking lot light for 20 squats

Mosey back to Snoballs.

Times up.

It was a very nice beat down and the guys as always were inspiring.  It was a perfect way to start the day.

As always I cant tell you how great F3 has been to me, my life, my job,  and marriage.  The change has been in attitude.  It is such a great way to start the day around guys with much better attitudes that what I ultimately experience throughout the remainder of the day.  If we can take our refreshed positivity and encouragement into our day and effect 1 person we have no idea what kind of ripple effect it will have in the community.

Thank you PAX for the support and encouragement.

Aye!  Cheers!  Peace!



Who’s Glory Do You Seek?

I was pumped about this mornings workout, have a good friend of mine coming for the first time, fng! So yesterday I wrote up the normal workout, loaded the blocks, posted on slack and Gump came to visit, good seeing you on a weekday!
530 hits and we have a good crowd, let’s get started!

Warmup- SSH, Don Qs

Partner up and head to the tennis courts!
When we got on the courts I shared a verse with the pax, 1Cor 10:31 “So whether you eat or drink , or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Something to think about while we get it done!

P1 start the reps/ P2 run the courts rotating until complete!

100 Blockees

200 curls

200 triceps

200 LBCs

Then return the blocks and circle up for Iron Hulks, those hurt!

Back to the verse! Who’s glory are you seeking in your daily activities? In your job, home, f3…? If your seeking your on glory, these things will be empty! God put you right where you are for a reason, it’s for His glory!

Name the FNG “Anthony Michaels”, now known as Wichita! He is somebody the Lord has used in my life for a long time, Good to see him this morning!

Announcements – bring toys to AOs this Saturday for operation sweet tooth! CSAUP the 21st!

Prayer request- Gumps student lost his mom to cancer, MW, each other!

It was a pleasure to lead today!



Burpees and Merkins

Warm up

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Merkins
  • 30 Squats

Mosey to the flag

we had to stop by the light poles on the way that’s my favorite.

1st pole 5 Burpees

2nd pole 10 Merkins

3rd pole 20 Squats

Mosey on to the flag circle up and we got the pledge in.

10 Merkins

20 LBC

20 Flutters IC

Mosey to the side parking lot for some dirty 11’s

Squats and Mountain Climbers with 2 Blockees on each pass

Mosey to the triangle

1st point 10Merkins

speed bump catch 3 burpees

2nd point 20 mountain climbers

speed bump catch 3 burpees

3rd point 30 Squats

speed bump catch 3 more burpees

we done that for 2 rounds

Mosey to the lower parking beside the new football field

Partner up

1 partner sprints down and back while the other is doing merkins as many reps as possible we done this with

Sprint/Merkins, Sprint/Squats, Sprints/Flutters

The last part of the workout Sister Act introduced Iron Hulk and that was a good way to finish the upper body blow out!

Prayer request

MW family member

Each other


Thank you for the opportunity to lead you guys.

Round Up weed killer

3 @ Starkville

It was a little chilly and traffic sucked, but two of the most solid HIM’s in the Gashouse decided to join YHC for a little playtime with coupons.


We did a lot of reps of a bunch of exercises, all with coupons in hand. If you want to know more, come on out next week and see for yourself.



Operation Sweet Tooth – bring gifts to AO’s this Sat

Convergence at Gashouse 12/28

Not so CSAUP 12/21

Christmas Party 1/4


YHC took us out.


I’m Broke

Monday Strong

9 HIMs showed in the gloom at the Snoballs parking lot to get the week started off in a positive way……with a nice beat down on a cool Monday morning.

Quick warm up with 10 IC side straddle hops and 10 IC imperial walkers.

Let’s mosey to Martha Rivers Park to the center of the baseball fields.

The Thang

Let’s do some 3 spoke work as follows:

3 groups to run out to the end of each of three spokes of the baseball field wheel.

Group 1 – 50 Merkins

Group 2 – 50 LBC’s

Group 3 – 50 Squats

Plank for the six between each set.  One set is done after all three groups have ran all three spokes.


Mosey to the back soccer field for some four corners:

10 Merkins – 20 Squats – 30 Mountain Climbers – 40 Flutter Kicks

Repeat in reverse

Repeat set one

Mosey to the picnic shelter for some last work in the park:

IC dips X 15

IC derkins X 10

IC step ups X 20

IC dips X 10

IC derkins X 10

Time running out, time to mosey back toward the start

One quick stop at the Park entrance for 30 IC Flutter Kicks

Mosey back to Snoballs for the COT

Announcements – Prayer Requests – Circle Up

Thanks for showing up and allowing me to lead.

Good work men.

Until the next one.



Foggy @ The Storm – 11/19

Twitter and Slack communication sent out notifying PAX to come out to YHCs beatdown. – Check

Wienke complete – Check

Alarm set with correct time – Check

It was a very foggy morning driving to The Storm this morning. Received a late text the night before from Sargento indicating he would be getting some EC in by running from his house to the Storm and wanted a ride back home after the workout. As I was driving to The Storm, I was hoping he didn’t run down Cramer Mountain due to the heavy fog. As I pulled into the parking lot, noticed his car was already there, along with 14 other cars. Nice turnout for the gloomy morning.

Its 5:30am, time to get going. No FNGs, so gave an abbreviated disclaimer and the Pledge


  • SSH x 30 I/C
  • Don Quinn x 20 I/c
  • Merkins x 15 I/c
  • Mountain Climbers x 20 I/c


The Thang

Starting at top of parking lot, Burpee escalator. Start at first tree on the left, 1 burpee, run to next tree, 2 burpees, and so on… There were eight trees for a total of 36 burpees.  

Mosey to the Round a bout

  • Burpees 10x
  • Squats 10x
  • Merkins 10x

 Next at round-about, called on 3 PAX to name an exercise, 

  • 1st exercise at round-a-bout 10x
  • Mosey to school building for 2nd exercise 20x
  • Mosey back to round-a-bout for 3rd exercise 30x

Repeat with 3 more exercises 2x

Mosey to front of school for Dora 1,2,3

Partner up for 100 Derkins, 200 Squats, and 300 LBCs

Now time for some Shoulder Taps and Box Jumps 

10 reps,  15 reps,  and then 10 reps

Everyone on your Six

Rosalita x 20

Flutter kicks x20

American Hammers x 20

Repeat, 15 reps,  and then 10 reps

Less than two minutes left in workout…Head back to shovel flag.



Prayer Request – Virus’ Mother-in-law with hip surgery, Anchorman, Queso broken thumb, Tiger’s prayer list, Lynn Hamm, and YHC’s uncle

YHC closed in prayer.

As always, it was an honor to lead you all today.  Hard work by all.


Breaker Breaker

11/28 Midoriyama

10 made it out to Midoriyama on Thursday, November 28th.  We clocked in on time at 1730.

Warmup: Toy Soldiers, LBCs, Flutter Kicks and a burpee

Mosey across the street to the parking lot.

Deconstructed burpees.

To the turd shack for a wave of Australian Mountain Climbers.  This was not a crowd pleaser.

Back to the parking lot for the Marine 16

Wave of merkins and wave of squats

Slow mosey back to the launching point for Mary and the Pledge.


Announcements and prayer requests

BOM: YHC took us out.   Sorry this is incredibly late.


Traditions at Mt. Hollywood

14 Strong men started the warmup in the premier workout spot in Mount Holly. Cool and breezy morning. Let’s get after it!
SSH x 15
Right over left x 10
Left over right x 10
Cotton Pickers x 10
MNC’s x 15

Mosey to the Presbyterian Church’s well-lit back parking lot.
Count off to partner up. What’s this? Only 13, we lost one somewhere! Must have been a Sparky (bathroom) situation!
Partner 1 runs back to the parking lot entrance for 10 Merkins and returns while Partner 2 does Flutter Kicks AMRAP, 2 sets each.
Then CDD’s, Plank, Squats, SSH all 2 sets each. I must say the old Merkin form was pretty close to perfect! Ask Sister Act. He’ll tell you! Slaw’s unnamed partner seemed to not be in that big of a hurry and was close to last to finish each time! Red Ribbon, Pillager, Shell Shock and Freon were leading the way on these. Speedy!

Mosey to BB&T wall for Rugby Sprints. Exercise until I say “Sprint” then sprint across parking lot, sprint back across lot then walk back across lot.

Between 5 and 15 reps of theses Exercises were performed:
Mike Tyson’s
Imperial Walkers
Plank Jacks
Toy Soldiers (Slaw was waiting on me to mess these up)
LBFC’s (Sister Act was mad about these, I blame Freight)
Mike Tyson’s again.

Mosey back to the school benches for 80 D’s. I used to always make the joke about this being Ash Pond’s college transcript but Ash Pond has disappeared from F3 and may never be seen again so I changed the joke to be Sister Act’s college transcript to keep the joke alive. Just kidding SA!
20 Dips (single count called by Slaw), 20 Dollies (single count called by Sister Act), 20 Dying cockroaches IC (called by Broke), 20 Derkins (single count called by Tesla).

Word about establishing faith traditions for your family during this holiday season. Lead your family in these. If you don’t really have any holiday faith traditions, start this year.

Back to the shovel flag which was blown down by the breeze. Broke picked it up.

Convergence on December 28th at Gashouse at 7:00 am
Christmas Party at Lewis Farms on January 4th, likely RSVP.
Keep pushing on the 40/50 challenge.
Encouraged the guys to bring in some FNG’s to Mt. Hollywood and help Broke out with the Q schedule.

COT. Remembered the prayer requests made. Tiger’s dad. Broke’s M. Tiger took us out.

*NMM I found out Tesla will be Double Respect this week so congratulations to him. There are not very many Double Respects that can make it through an F3 workout or are even willing to try! Pillager shows up without his beard and we thought we had a new guy. He looks very young! Buckeye ran EC this morning then did the warmup then got in the Jeep and left so he may have gotten his extra credit but no backblast credit! I was a little disappointed at the lack of speed during the Rugby Sprints but a little encouragement seemed to help push things along! Thanks for the chance to lead!

Family Tree

9 PAX joined YHC for the boot camp at The Yank on Saturday. Wet Nutz originally had the Q but called in sick. Pockets had Q’d about every workout he could the past week and since I was leading the Food Ruck that morning he asked if I’d like to take the reins.


Let’s mosey. Stopped off at a Baptist parking lot for some warmup exercises I came up with on the spot. All I remember was Golddigger renamed In/Outs to penetrators.

Let’s mosey some more.

The Thang:

We found ourselves at the Greenwood cemetery.  There are three roundabouts and we did bear crawls, crabwalks, etc around them. Mosey to the bottom of the hill where I explained my Grandmother lived next door to the cemetery, our family has a plot here, and as kid I learned to ride  a bike here. CDD’s for when I flipped over the handle bars. Mosey to Grandma’s house. Her husbands name is Bob and he was a Marine for close to 30 years so 22 for the Vet’s. Over to my Great Uncle/Aunts house for more family stories and some zombie walks. Now for the hill on Faires Ave! This hill was terrible and we did it about 3 times. The third time we went to the former home of my Great Grandparents and Quiche requested we run the hill again. Mosey back to the cemetery to my family’s plot. Time to head back. Some PAX just love to run so they kept going while the rest of us stopped off for more exercises at the Baptist parking lot. Time.



Announcements- you know



It was a pleasure to lead this morning. Great group of rock pushers out there this morning. We would have hit a few more family members if we had time. Of course we would have to climb the hill on Julia! All in all we put in about 3.5 miles. The word on the street is some PAX didn’t think I had that kind of mileage in my Q set. Well ya know I’ve been around for a while and just might surprise you sometimes.



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