• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 12/21/2019
  • AO: Fighting Yank
  • QIC: Freight
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Edison, Pockets, Dirt(R), Termite(R), Doodles, Boudin, Tiger, Shell Shock, Gump, El Tigre(R), Tesla(RRRRRRR), Brutus(R)

5 PAX posted for the end of the 40/50 challenge and swept the streets of Belmont clean for the CSAUP! We challenged ourselves to see who could find the weirdest thing. There were a lot of weird items we made up and lied about but it was decided the diaper was at least the worst thing.  Despite being grossed out we got it of the streets.


13 was the number for the boot camp. I’ll let you do the math here but by my count a lot more trash could have been cleaned up. Just sayin/not sorry!


Mosey to a nearby parking lot for some SSH and Don q’s. I didn’t have anything planned here so let’s get on with it.

Mosey to the bottom center area of the park.

The Thang:

Run the path all the way up to the middle school field and do 10 each of merkins, lunges, and WWI’s. Run back down and repeat. That’s one round….do 4 rounds.

Super quite this morning.

Mosey up to the field. Run a lap while the Q sets up some cones.

Bear crawl to each cone and at the cone do the exercise. Exercises at the cones were in this order 20 squats, 20 merkins, 20-4 count flutters, 20-4 count mtn climbers.  Run to the other end of the field and run the lap back to the start. Rinse and repeat. Do 4 rounds.

Still really quite. I guess these guys are just here to work. Tiger recognizes how weird it is when I don’t mummblechatter.

Mosey to the wall at the school.

Wall sits, then donkey kick ic and hold feet on the wall at the end(thank Pacman for this), rinse and repeat a few times. We threw some derkins in upon Boudin’s request. I introduced the dirty hookup to the crowd as well. That’s about time so lets mosey back to The Yank.

Finally a little trash talk began.



Announcements-Christmas party 1/4 get signed up to bring something, convergence 12/28 at Gashouse(Schielle) all other AO’s closed.

Prayer Request-Several family members battling sickness