Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 4, 2019

Blame it on Seuss

Last Wednesday YHC was over at Caravan Coffee in Belmont when Dr. Seuss walked in for a cup of java and relayed to me that I had the Goat the next day. To which I replied i did remember that and asked what his disposition would be Saturday as I would be leading the Yank. he said he might be there but really like the EC run beforehand at Folsom. So YHC  took that to mean we just weren’t tough enough at out here in belmont on Saturday. So we decided to turn it up a notch. Went like this:



SSH X 20

IW X 20

4X Merkins X 10

Mtn. Climbers

Halfpipe set 1 – 2 repeats

Top of Heartbreak Hill: 5 jump squats

Bottom at Pad: 5 burpees

Top of stairs: 5 butt to the road monkey humpers

Back on the pad, partner up for DORA 1-2-3

Set 1 – Merkins X 100

Set 2 – Big Boys X 200

Set 3 – LBCs X 300

Run up the stairs to the street, down to the Yank, then back down to the pad. P1 runs first, P2 does the work and then flapjacks until team goal is met.

Halfpipe set 2 – 2 repeats (same as set 1)

Mosey over to the corner of Knowledge

10 X each:



Step ups

Burpee broad jump to the middle walkway. Broad jump to the end.

Mosey back and down to the Field of Dreams:

Bear Crawl and agility run slalom. Everybody get two turns. Perfect!

SSH X 10

3X squats X 10

Mosey back down the field.

Halfway : 5 HR merkins

End: 5 Hr merkins

Halfpipe Set 3 – 1 roll. Same as above.

Over to the fountain for final warm down and stretching.


Pretty upbeat workout today. Didn’t see the need for EC myself. So we blamed it all on Seuss. Why not? he’s wan’t there to defend himself! Ha ha ha! Gotta love a good scapegoat.

Prayers out to Lyn Hamm and her whole family. They are really going through it now .

Quality leadership coming up. Looks like we have Tiger and Top Hat stepping up next couple of weeks. That should be fun.

Great pleasure and honor to lead this group.



Five runners showed in the Gloom at the coconut just before sunrise. Quiche was there as he and Gold digger got a run in before the official workout. For Gold Digger it was EC but since Quiche didn’t stay for the official workout he gets no credit at all. Well, maybe a little!

Diva and Gold digger were out front while Clavin, Whoopee and I were the six. At some point I noticed mud on the greenway and it reminded me of Monk and his several “near misses” where he almost busted during previous runs.  Therefore I dialed him up via FaceTime and he accompanied us for about a mile along the run. The great news from the DC region is that Monk started a Q Source already, has friended the Nantan of his region and is helping the acceleration of his new region. He is also starting a running AO. (Remember the Pub?

I will confess that Linus did return from some sort of a run after the COT which counts as a post at the Coconut so I apologize for not giving credit originally  I thought he had poured water on his shirt or purchased a shirt with pre-sweat stains  thanks goes to Whoopee for calling me out and having Linus’ back


Several PAX had to leave before the Q Source but several more showed up  Linus, SledgeOmatic, Whoopee, and T-Square were at the Q Source where we discussed dancing idiots, vision, acceleration, cats, F3, humility, guard rails, and fast runners

A great start to the day!  Aye!


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