Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: December 2018 (Page 8 of 9)

Operation Sweet Tooth

ATTENTION ALL PAX (no grinches)….
Saturday, Dec 8 and Saturday, Dec 15 presents two unique opportunities for the PAX of the Gastonia region to come together to support Operation Sweet Tooth for the 3rd year. OST is the organization created by F3 Olive, who lost his daughter to an illness in 2016 but out of the sadness created the campaign that carries on her memory by giving to others. In this season of giving, F3 Gastonia will once again partner with the Gastonia Boys and Girls Club to make this Christmas a little brighter. Below is a list of items recommended to donate. Cash and gift cards are welcomed as well.

Read more about Christina Marie Latini and Operation Sweet Tooth here. Also find out more about the mission of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Gaston.

We plan to deliver the gifts to the Boys & Girls Club in person on Monday, December 17 at 4:00 PM.  If you want to participate in person, we will meet in the parking lot at the Gastonia Boys & Girls Club located at 310 S. Boyd Street in Gastonia. It’s always good to have as many PAX as possible to be present to present presents (yep… I did that again!).
So head over to the Schiele Museum on Garrison Boulevard and get there prior to 0700 to join a large circle of your brothers. Find some time in the next 2 weeks to do some shopping and bring you gifts for collection.

Recommended Gifts…
Basketball, Football, Soccer Ball, (Sport Balls)
Fidget Spinners
Learning Games Ages 1st – 5th
Books/Reading 1st – 5th
Math Books 1st – 5th Grade
Anything About Science
Ninja Turtle Toys
Baby Dolls and Clothes, Barbie Dolls
Nail Sets, Nail Polish, Bead Sets
Cooking and Backing Set
Mine Craft
Remote Control Car
Thomas Train
Walkie Talkie
Arts and Craft Sets
Board Games
Stuffed Animals
Contact Bandit with any questions.




Mosey to gazebo for WARM UP:

Febreze– IC- 2 Big Boys, then sit with feet 6 inches off ground for 10 air presses, 4/20, 6/30, 8/40, 10/50


Still in gazebo around the Christmas tree, One Pax calls an exercise then runs a lap while the remaining Pax performs the routine AMRAP.

Fellowship Mosey across bridge (Dragon Walk Omaha’d due to conditions)


5 Burpees,

10 walking lunges each leg,

15 Imperial Walkers,

20 Merkins,

25 Plank Jacks,

30 Squats

SPMILB-OYO- back to bridge- 3 Sets

30 Seal Jacks,

25 Peter Parkers,

20 Monkey Humpers,

15 Imperial Walkers,

10 Walking Lunges each leg,

5 Bobby Hurleys

Fellowship mosey back to gazebo

Hurricane Hoedown: IC

7 seated flutter kicks

reclined flutter kicks

regular flutter kicks

LBC flutter kicks

Descending- 6,5,4,3,2

5 Burpees


Many Pax are doing the 40 day challenge initiated by Tiger.

Well, today was Proverbs 27. In it was verse 17- Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

Basically, we are refreshed, challenged, motivated, by being around each other. You guys encourage me daily. So, let’s keep sharpening each other and remembering what Christ did on the cross and living in light of His sacrifice, death, and resurrection.


Convergence at Schiele on December 15 at 7am;

Christmas Party at Quiche’s place at 6pm same day. If you didn’t get the email invite, let one of us know.


Tiny Tim’s wife

Reach out to those that we’ve not seen in awhile


Name the FNG- Welcome Noah Fox aka Red Raider. Thanks Gumbo for bringing him and Storm out. Q fail on my part for not recognizing we had an FNG; I thought it was Storm from apologies. Red Raider did say he was a twin:)

Anchorman took us out in prayer.

Again, what a blessing to get to work out, run, Q with you guys!!





City Boy

Apparently if you don’t live in Dallas you are considered “City Boy”, this is according to the Folsom GroupMe chat. Well this “City Boy” decided to take the Q, even though I have been hesitant to Q there again after very consistent slim showing of PAX when I Q there. The night before I guessed that about 4 PAX would show from the normal Folsom crowd.  Arrived at Folsom on the cool, brisk morning to actually find 5. Should’ve been 6 but I guess Sparky got stuck in his tree stand and couldn’t get out. In all fairness Sparky did let YHC know his Sandy V, I mean his Medicine Woman Leg, I mean his leg, was bothering him the night before. Although the PAX did let me know that they thought he said his leg was fine??? Its all good Sparky, you’re my family so I let it slide.



Next, grab a cinder block and head to the Tennis courts.

The Thang:

I’ve really missed seeing Mayor at workouts, I know his back has been bothering him so not calling him out for not posting. He’s a true HIM. That said I decided to take a page out of his book and brought the HUNDO to Folsom but with some added twists. The HUNDO is 100 reps of a given exercise. Here were the instructions given to the PAX from the City Boy:

Do 100 reps of the exercise. If you stop/pause during the reps it’s 1 burpee for each time you stop. Keep that number in your head and wait until you finish your 100 reps. When we are all done with our reps, we will collectively add up the number of stops amongst the PAX and multiply that number by 2. ALL PAX will perform said number of burpees.

1st set:

100 curls

Apparently Volt didn’t understand this City boy’s instructions. Maybe I talk funny?? All I know is when some PAX stopped the first time they did their burpee. I told them to wait.  Boy was Volt hot when we all finished and he had to burpees together! Yes, Volt, even you had to do them. I know you didnt stop during your set, but we did. And this was explained in the instructions.

4 stops = 8 burpees

After Volt complained we mixed up the HUNDO a little and went on a small mosey around the Tennis courts, in a very weird, HIPAA like fashion.

Arrived back at our blocks

100 Chest presses. Lets mix this up and start doing Flutter kicks when you hit 50 reps. If memory serves correctly, everyone finished their sets with no stopping

Mosey around tennis court again, but this time just around the outer edge, nothing fancy this time.

100 Overhead Presses

6 stops = 12 burpees

Mosey around tennis court again in that weird HIPAA way

100 Dips. Try and use the cinder block if you can. Bedpan disappered out of the tennis courts for these. We only can assume he actually did the exercise, but I doubt it.

5 stops = 10 burpees

Mosey around tennis court again in that weird HIPAA way

Volt had enough of my delivering of pain and decided it was best he hit the road. See ya man, Ill make sure you get in the Backblast!

100 Overhead Tricep Extensions but with a twist. I decided to call this a 50/50 split as i knew we’d be stopping a lot on this. So heres what we did. Break out the F3 workout deck. Do 50 reps. If you stop during the 50 reps, grab a card from the deck. After we all finish 50 1 PAX grabs a card from the deck to perform after we finish all 100 reps. Do your other 50 reps, again If you stop during the 50 reps, grab a card from the deck. Now that we finished the 100 reps grab another card.

10 stops = 20 Burpees

4 Cards were drawn in total. Bear Crawl (Q chooses distance), High Plank, Low Plank & Rosalittas. We bear crawled to the net and back then did our planks about 45 seconds each, then T-Ron led us on Rosalittas.

70 Burpees total today!

For the PAX trying to figure out what the hell YHC was doing when moseying, this was the end result. Little fun with Strava.



Announcements – Xmas parties F3 & Camp Sertoma (Pre-Blast coming soon) on the 15th. Convergence on the 15th. After Convergence Clavin leading a run to the “Santa of Dillards” house (1.5 miles?)

Prayer requests

YHC took us out

Gentleman, always a pleasure coming out to Folsom. Best mumblechatter around. It is a bit of a drive for me but always well worth it. I appreciate your hard work this morning. See you all soon.









Waiting for the Six

It was 25 degrees at the PUB this morning,  F3 Gastonia’s premier weekday at 0530 Thursday morning running workout leaving from Publix.  YHC was fortunate to be on the Pub’s Christmas Card this year and all I had to do was Q the workout and write this marginal piece of journalism.

At 0529 there were  six of us ready to go and then here comes JJ.  As JJ sets up the American Flag Anthrax rolls in hot.  A very brief disclaimer began with me claiming that I am an idiot and there was agreement all around.  My people!

We started with the Pledge of Allegiance and then were off on the run.  Stroganoff and Breaker Breaker ran towards HT while the rest of us ran  5 miles down  Gaston Day School Road to S. New Hope and then into Gardner park and back up.

Defib was far and away out front today and most didn’t see him after he jetted out of the Hickory Tavern parking lot.  Yes it was dark but he was just that fast.  Anthrax and JJ were the second to last and announced that they got tired of slowing down to run with Tool Time and just ran ahead of him.   At the end of the run as we waited and waited for the six the sweat began to turn into ice on our foreheads and the chill was setting in.   Tool Time must have been really slow today as we never saw him come in.  We were all waiting and waiting and hypothermia was setting in so we went back to our warm cars and left.

It was an honor to lead today.  The PUB is yet another AO that is full of great guys and fellowship.  Aren’t they all?

Prayers for families and friends struggling with loss.

We reflected on the life of George Bush (41) and what a great hero, public servant, and humble and classy leader he was.   We could all try to be more like that.

Enjoy the Christmas Card!




Better Late than Never

IHC being a Clemson Tiger, whose team had taken down their feathered rivals by 3 touchdowns, he led the 11 PAX through 3 (touchdowns) rounds of accumulators with 7 (points…get it?) exercises each. It went like this:

Round 1:
1. 4×4
2. Burpies
3. 3-count CDDs
4. 40 sec plank
5. Hip slappers
6. Zombie walkers (lung-lung-squat for 1)
7. Goof balls

Short mosey

Roind 2
1. Bolt 45 (leg burner)
2. Alligerkens
3. LBCs I.C.
4. 40 Morocan night clubs
5. X’s & O’s
6. Big Boy situps
7. Bobby Hurrleys

Short Mosey

Round 3
1. Burpie
2. Mike Tysons
3. Goof Balls
4. 40 second plank
5. Monkey Humpers I.C.
6. Lunges
7. WMD (werkins, merkins, diamond merkins)

Mosey to flag and no time for a round of 21’s

Bear Hunt

11 pax showed tonight for the workout.

                              Warm up

Don Qs 

Side straddle 

Toy soldiers

Morockin nightclubs while Freight, Defib, and Blart came in a min late 

Mosey to the upper parking lot, and team up.  

Bear hunt- teammate 1 runs around parking lot While #2 bear crawls in the same direction.   When 1 catches 2 you switch and continue until you make two rounds with the bear crawl.  Plank until all pax finish.  

20 seal jacks and run to top of parking lot

20 old man and run back to lower

20 flutter kicks ic back to top

20 American hammers 

Teamed back up 

1 does 10 burpees while 2 lunges away from teammate.   When 1 is complete he runs to catch 2and carry him back to start and change places.  Rinse and repeat x5

Took a short mosey to hill in upper parking lot for 11s with Mike Tyson’s at the bottom, NUR up hill and LBC at top.  I called off the nur after 5 times up.   Some chose to continue.  Way to push guys

Mosey back  to flag for some mountain climbers, hillbillies, and monkey humpers 

Prayers for family of one of my coworkers who passed this week suddenly. Pocket”s cousin, Freight”s  grandfather, and a local preacher who passed in house fire this morning.    

Thanks for the opportunity to lead the pax,

and thanks for being there to push me.  

Bulldog Deck of Death

Four HIM’s showed to push iron against gravity in the days before Saturday’s predicted “Snowpocalypse”

Workout was dedicated to F3 Louisville’s Double Down’s surgery & recovery so… Bulldog Deck of Death.


Warm Up:  Imperial Walker 15 IC;   Moroccan Night Club 15 IC;   Low Slow Squat 10 IC;   Don Quixote 10 IC;

Merkin 10 OYO;   LBC 20 OYO   (Q fail – can’t call cadence, workout and listen to mumble chatter all at once)


2 = Skullcrusher – 10

3 = Dips – 10

4 = Shoulder Press – 5 each arm

5 = Goblet Squat – 10

6 = Row – 5 each arm

7 = Chest press – 10

8 = Figure 8 – 5 each direction

9 = Halo – 5 each direction

10 = Derkins – originally 5 but change to 10 & created new move “Pseudo Planch Derkins”

Jack = Clean & Press – 5

Queen = Hammer Curl – 5 each arm

King = Kettlebell Swing – 10

Ace = Lunge – 10 each side

First Joker = 10 Burpees

Second Joker = 20 Burpees – Lots of mumble chatter about how we all love burpees and technique thereof…

Last 6-8 cards done under 3 minutes to finish deck right at time – Nice work!


Announcements – Convergence @ Gashouse Dec 15 @ 7am

Camp Sertoma Christmas party Dec 15 (afternoon) – lookout for pre-blast with info.

Christmas Party Dec 15 @ Quiche’s 6pm until?

 Prayers – HIPPA lead us out.

Asssshhh Pond Returns

11/20/2018 Midoriyama
Def Leppard here ghost writing this entirely too late back blast for Ash Pond. Ash Pond has problems with his lower back and running seems to make it worse so he resists running (and writing backblasts). He attended a previous workout and when the call for Q’s was made he jumped back on the schedule.
He asked the Pax if we preferred Option 1 or Option 2. Mr. Freight has employed this strategy before and I will always believe there is really only one option when Freight asks but Ash Pond assured me that there were actually 2 options. Somebody (not the Pax named “Somebody” but somebody in the group) selected Option 1. As I am getting older, I don’t really remember many details of the workout all the way back on 11-20-18 except for these.
We had 10 men and we did 30 or so exercises for 1 minute each with a short rest and/or mosey in between. I remember American Hammers, Mike Tysons, Rocky Balboa’s, Burpees, CDD’s, many forms of Merkins, pullups, WWI sit ups, planking, squats, LBC’s, Flutter Kicks, many forms of Core exercises, Dips, etc. 1 minute was kinda long for some of these.
It was great to have Asssshhh Pond back at Midoriyama.



Blocks and Jesus

I had the Q today, my 2 goals were… workout with blocks and talk about Jesus! Here’s how it went…

Warmup- ssh,  Hillbillies, Monkey Humpers

Partner up, one parter grab a block and head to the tennis court! For some Dora!

50 Blockies

75 triceps

150 curls

200 squats

200 lbc’s

200 block presses

put the blocks up its 605, mosey to the bottom parking lot. Line up at the bottom for some Bear crawl Merkins! Bear crawl the full length, do 2 merkins at every other line! Mosey back to start, Gumby and myself were in the front, he said that speed bump looks like a good place to do 10 burpees! I said great idea, the rest of the pax didn’t think so.

So theat was the Block part, now to the Jesus part!

Have you ever thought about Jesus before he came to earth? What was he doing? Well, in the book of Isaiah chapter 6, Isaiah got a glimpse and the angels were around the Lord on His throne, having to cover there eyes because His glory shined so brightly! And the where saying, “Holy,Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of your glory !”

This King, stepped out of that! For you and I! That’s crazy! He loves us so much, that he left , came to earth, just to rescue us, from an eternity separated from Him! What an awesome God!

I was reminded of all of this, reading a advent series that snowbird is Putting out daily, until Christmas. It’s a short read, also at the end, it has some resources, and if you have family, it has some things to share with them, even a couple follow up questions! Good stuff! If your looking for a good read, building up to Christmas, check it out !

prayer request- Montross, he is having his annual checkup today, he has been cancer free for a couple of years now! Double Down, that God would be with him and the doctors, through the surgery. Each other!

Men, thank you for giving me the privilege to lead you this morning!

Aces – Double Down

We dedicated today’s workout to our F3 Louisville brother Double Down who is in the hospital today for surgery.  We even themed the workout after him by doubling of the exercise counts on our 4 corners of ACES.  Here’s how it went down.

Smurf Jacks IC (20)
Wave of Merkins (10)
Goofballs IC (20)

Mosey to the circle
Dan Taylor (1 squat, 4 lunges. 2/8, 3/12, 4/16, 5/20, 6/24, 7/28, 8,32, 9/36, 10/40)

Mosey to 4 Corners
Aces-Double Down x10, x20, x20

American Hammer
Calf Raise

Moroccan Nightclub

E2K (aka Oblique Crunch)
Seal Jack
Bobby Hurley

WWI Sit-up
Monkey Humper

Tested a new Olympic Exhibition Sport – Crab vs Bear Soccer.  A narrow 2-1 victory by the odd team.

Announcements:  Christmas party (need tables, chairs, and outside heaters), keep an eye out for info on how to donate toys to Operation Sweet Tooth.

Prayers: Orangeman praise for daughter’s wedding and prayers for wisdom and strength to make some tough choices.  Tesla’s friend (& family) who lost his son in a car accident last week.

Name-o-rama and we named our new F3 Brother-Storm.

Dr. Seuss took us out in prayer.

Great day to be out there with my F3 Brothers, the best way to start any day.

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