• Post Type:
  • When: 10/09/2017
  • AO:
  • QIC: Gastone
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Turtleman, Spiderman, Defib, Whoopee, Bandit, Linus, T-Square, Stone Cold, Clavin, Gastone

A gloom ridden morning, a little damp, and also Monday. We had 10 show for Gastone’s first day of 5 in a row. It’s good that I started out easy so the rest of the days will not hurt so bad.

The Thang:


SSH 21

Plank Jack 21

CCD 10

Mosey out to the lower soccer field.

Bear Crawl Inch Worm, Pax Planked in a straight line like an Indian Run. Back guy Bear Crawl to the front and then the next guy all while everyone else planks. We did at least 4 sets off the soccer field and up the next hill making it to the next soccer field. (Crowd favorite I could tell. Turtleman did note that the grass was wet) (Also, people punched me as they went past me to the front)

Little hill between both soccer fields we went down and up backwards 10 times.

Mosey out the back of the park to the neighborhood to Plantation Trail. We then made it to the corner on Riverwood.

We planked with right arm right leg up and then switched while pax gathered.

Mosey to the bottom of Village Ridge. (Gastone’s Hill)

Every mailbox on the right we stopped and did 10 Squats, then 10 Merkins at the next. We alternated to the top. (Defib wins on this one)

Mosey back to the bottom.

Next up we did Bernie Sanders to the top. That is a Lexicon and the thought behind it was (Feel the Burn) We did.

Mosey back down

Head fake but then start to head back for time. (T-Square would have been all over me if we did not finish on time)

We stopped at 3 light poles for 20 CCD’s at each.

We ended with going back to the six. Forming a line and Indian Run back to the finish for 10 seconds to spare.

The Moleskin:

Strong group this morning with lots of hard effort. The 6 was never far behind.

Linus showed up, to get back in the grove. (Good to see you Linus)

Clavin has been out for several weeks now and has proven to be in good shape and only getting stronger. He delivers.

For me this is day 1 of 5 and even if you don’t realize I believe this will be a tough challenge.

Prayers for all those in need and we all need.

Gastone Out!