Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: June 2017 (Page 2 of 5)

The Pub Pool of Humid

3 cool people showed up to the Pub and we ran a little over 5 miles.

Outhouse ran a getting it back modified coarse. But, we all ended at the same time.

Great to see Outhouse back in the gloom.

Today was like running in a pool under water with concrete tied to our waste in humidity. But we did the run and that was better than all the fartsackers did.

August we are looking at a date for Mt. Mitchell up and down for the weekend of the 18th. Have picked which day. But, we would leave early get it done and come back.

Pray for our brother who lost his life running in SC. I did not know or I would have gone sleeveless for sure.

Gastone Out!

No Burpees – (Well, maybe)

If any Gashouse PAX have been around YHC for at least one workout, they will discover that I am a fan of the Burpee. When I announced to the Midoriyama boys that I had the Q, I promised no Burpees. This was met with immediate mumble chatter (ALL negative, I must say). Words such as liar, yeah-RIGHT!, B.S., were heard by YHC. Site Q Def Leppard stirred the pot via Twitter even more by posting a rather funny Ron Burgundy GIF stating “I don’t belive it”. Even when YHC showed up for the workout, he was met with more questions about the “no burpees” workout. With a total of 14 PAX posting, YHC decided to get things rolling.


  • Seal Jacks x 15 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x 15 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
  • Low, Slow Squats x 15 IC
  • Don Quixotes x 10 IC


Mosey to stairs at softball field across the parking lot for calf raises x 10 each step. Plank for the six afterward.

Form two lines and Indian run to the practice soccer field where each PAX grabs a coupon from the bed of YHC’s truck. Set up for some four corner work.

Corner 1: 21’s- bicep curls with 7 halfway up, 7 halfway down, 7 full extension. Mosey with coupon to next corner.

Corner 2: Block thrusters x 15. Mosey to next corner with coupon.

Corner 3: Tricep overhead extensions with coupon x 10. Huckleberry asked “why not 15 like the thrusters?’. Well, next round we will, sir.

Corner 4: 8 count bodybuilders (with coupon) x 5. THESE ARE NOT BURPEES! It may be a burpee with a plank jack, but it isn’t a burpee. Immediate explosion of mumble chatter ensued. Huckleberry asked YHC “only 5? Why not 10?”. Well, next round, we will sir! I love his motivated enthusiasm!

Mosey to first corner and drop coupon and line up at the base of the small hill for some 11’s. LBC’s at the bottom, merkins at the top. Good work by all PAX pushing through this. Great support encouragement during this evolution.

Grab the coupons and repeat the 4 corners except increase reps on the tricep extensions and 8 count bodybuilers.

Line up at one end of the field for some Rugby Sprints. Kudos to Pizza Man for guessing this one. All ab exercises with some 15 yard sprints. Exercises were Flutter Kicks, Freddie Mercury, Box Cutters, American Hammers.

YHC was contemplating another round of 11’s, but time was running short. Go to the hill and bear crawl up, 10 squats at the top, sprint back down. R&R x 2. Omaha’d the last bear crawl for Joe Hendricks.

Indian run back to the flag just in time for 22 merkins for the vets.


Announcements: Speed for need inaugural race July 4th at Dilworth in Charlotte. Gashouse’s first will be the Christmastown 5K the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

COT: Welcome to FNG Flounder. It’s great to have you with us.

BOM: YHC took us out in prayer.

Moleskin: YHC also spoke briefly on encouragement and it’s impact on others. My first post at Midoriyama was a great example of how encouragement impacts others. My tail was dragging in the Midoriyama heat, and thoughts of laying down were running through my mind. But my brothers Tool Time, Pizza Man, Floppy Disk, Freight, and Def Leppard kept encouraging me through it. That gave me the boost to push through. We also should encourage each other through our spiritual battles as well. Life has its ups and downs. It helps me to know my brothers are praying me through when I am going through tough times. We never know what type of situation/issue our fellow brother may be going through. A word of encouragement may give him the boost he needs to push through.

Thanks guys for the encouragement. Thank you for allowing me to lead.

Until the next time,



Amphibious assault

The forecast was rain, so I was prepared with a weinke with some cover. I also put out a late tweet that I would do 3 burpees for each pax who posted, but increase this to 5 per pax if it was raining. I even taunted JK2 with a 10 burpee bonus if he showed. Rain seems to induce fartsacking around my house so I was trying to avoid this for others but think the message went out too late. Only 4 other pax, and no JK2…..We did have a visitor from Greensboro-good to meet Amphibious-would have been a good one for Stroganoff to meet-he is a fellow WolfPacker. (Is that a word?). Hope Strog’s back gets better soon.

Here is what I remember:

Quick disclaimer.

WU: SSH x 10, LBC X 10 (get right onto the wet pavement and embrace the puddles), Burp and Merk (total 10 burpees starting with 1 Merkin and increasing the number of Merkins on each burpee by 1 until you get to 10), Sumo Squats x 10.


Thang: Mosey across the street to bank for Three Way Partner Work: rotate A to B to C then repeat X 5 total times (1 time for each exercise in C below)

A: Run lap around bank

B: Plank until runner returns

C: Exercise AMRAP until runner returns: SSH, High Knees, Jane Fonda L, Jane Fonda R (lay on side and lateral straight leg raise-prob not real exercise but needed something to work legs), Squats

Fast Mosey to Grocery Store under cover (called it cave on my weinke), bears live in caves so we did some bear-ish kind of things…

2 groups:

Group A: BTTW-this hurt a bit

Group B: did exercise: bear crawl across cave then lunge back, bear crawl half way across cave then mosey back, ? lunge across cave and back, lunge across cave. Think was 4 sets but the low oxygen content in cave made my brain foggy. Luckily we got out of the cave before any dain bramage.

Hindu Squat Count Down (Thanks Freight for this in your recent backblast) with some short mosey:

Squats X 20, 15, 10, 5. Between sets we ran across parking lot and back.

Mosey back towards Pelicans with short rounds X 2 of Arm Squats on the way.

Arrive in parking lot with time to spare: Jack Webb. Turtleman was heard to say something like: What  is the purpose of air presses? He figured it out somewhere around 7 or 8.

Mary X 1 round each pax: LBC, Crunchy Frog, and other stuff I can’t recall except the 5 count flutter kicks from Gastone-suggestion from Q was no more than 20 reps…always someone who bucks the system. Glad I never do that.

COT: Good stuff today. I am not a big fan of posting in the rain, but really not a big deal since we are usually sweaty anyway and the rain actually feels pretty good, especially during the warmer months. I guess that is why I jumped at the open Q last night, otherwise I would likely have fartsacked. Hey Zeus is moving this weekend for anyone able to help. See Twitter post from Hushpuppy.

Was good to meet Amphibious this am. Always good to meet Pax from other areas and get a different perspective. We had some interesting discussion during the COT. Consistently posting at 0530 is a really good incentive to avoid those old demons. Also, being involved in your brothers’ lives and holding them accountable with honest feedback when you suspect they are veering off the path. Got an email from Stroganoff this am from The Eagles Perch that seemed very timely: Even from the lowest point in the dark valley, there’s a path leading to the sunlit mountain peak. No matter where you are or what has happened, your next step can be a positive one. Keep an eye on your brothers-we need each other.

One final note-there was a pax (Cheech) who was hit by a car while running this am in Lexington, SC and was critically injured despite wearing a headlamp, reflective gear, and blinkers. Keep him in your prayers and be mindful of general safety issues when you post. Make sure someone has a phone (Q’s responsibility). Tomorrow, in his honor, all pax are encouraged to go sleeveless. Remember him in COT.



2016 Pre Christmas Party Beatdown

The air was filled with anticipation, lactic acid and belches. It was a beautiful sight to smell. There, in the wilderness of Downtown, stood 34 men in disbelief that this day had finally arrived. For in the next hour, stood the appetizer to the Christmas Party. The 5 minutes of ELF Sacking(which should’ve been titled 6 minutes) was upon us. Wait, is that Spiderman in the clock tower window! No, over there, that one. -Nope, he strolled up 10 minutes early and is stretching on the steps.

Freight brought us the WARMUP
10 IC Side Straddle Hops
10 IC Hillbillies
10 IC Merkins

Count off, Each PAX assigned a number 1-4 and off with a mosey we go!

We head over to the parking deck, bottom level. A brief instruction huddle was followed up by PAX racing up the steps, over fields and to gramdma’s parking spot we go.

Follow me, this can be a little tricky without visuals (which we had)

1st level:
Far side with the pile of bricks:
30 Seconds Speedbags w/ Bricks (forward)
30 Seconds Speedbags w/ Bricks (Backward)
20 IC Moroccan Night Clubs – Elves party hard
10 IC Merkins – Yeah, Merkins

Meanwhile, 4 PAX grunting out Zombie Elf Walk

After the 4 PAX completed a full round with the bricks, SWITCH!
Now they hit the Zombie Elf Walk while the other PAX take over the bricks.

6 minutes

2nd level:
Far side with the pile of half cinder blocks:
20 Tricep Extensions – abominable snowman Boulder Throw
20 Beer Pint Curls
20 Blitzen squats – Just do em Fast

Meanwhile, 4 PAX
20 IC Snow Angels
20 Freddy Mercury’s
Repeat until the other PAX finish a round with the half cinder blocks. Then, SWITCH!

6 minutes

3rd level:
Far side with the pile of half cinder blocks:
20 Squat Press – Stock the shelves with Toys
20 DIPS – for the Ladies
20 Beer Keg Curls

Meanwhile, 4 PAX
20 IC Dying Cockroaches
10 IC Merkins
20 IC LBCs
Repeat until the other PAX finish a round with the half cinder blocks. Then, SWITCH!

6 minutes

4th level:
Far side with the 80lb Heavy Bag:
25 punches Per hand – Rudolph getting ready for some reindeer games
Santa Sack Race – Carry Bag to end and back

Meanwhile, 4 PAX
20 IC Plankjacks
10 IC Derkins
20 IC Mountain Climbers
Repeat until the other PAX finish a round with the half cinder blocks. Then, SWITCH!

6 minutes

wipe the sweat off, mosey back to the pavillion for 12 DAYS of CHRISTMAS

1-Lap around the pavillion
2-Jump Squats
6-Calf Raises
7-Moroccan Night Clubs
8-Carolina Dry Docks
9-Mountain Climbers
10-Side Straddle Hops
11-Monkey Humpers
12-Something Painful

Boom, the snow began to fall signaling the completion of the convergence. A good day to all.

Great morning, great day, great evening. Read more of the nights rambunctiousness.



YHC was kind of hoping for no pax to show this morning so he could return home and climb back into the fart sack, but luckily 3 other pax showed and a good workout took place.  Norwood was given pass from his M this morning to post on a weekday, but bad dreams of ‘Wide Right’ kept him up all night and he failed to show.  And once again no Mayor so insert Mayor missing workout joke here.

All regulars present so no disclaimer given.

Warm Up:

  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Merkins x 15 IC
  • LBC x 15 IC
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 15 IC
  • Windmill x 15 IC

The Thang:

Lots of stairs on the weinke this morning so the pax moseyed down to the stadium.  Up first the pax would perform 10 burpees OYO and then run all the stairs on the home side of the stadium.  Pax would run down the right side of the stairs and back up the left side of the same stairs, running down and up all six sets.  Mosey to the start and plank up for the 6.  The weinke called for 6 sets of these and YHC realized he may have bit off more than he could chew after the first set.  The pax were calling for an Omaha after 2, so YHC decided to break it up a bit  After 4 sets we moved on to the next portion of the workout with a promise to come back and finish the last 2 after.

Next we moseyed down to the football field for some 11’s.  Pax performed 10 Merkins on the home side of the field, ran across to the visitors sideline and performed 1 LBC.  Then back to the home sideline for 9 Merkins and back to the visitors for 2 LBCs.  Continued until we performed 1 Merkin and 10 LBCs.  The legs were definitely feeling the stairs on this and not much chatter was said.

Back to the stairs to finish up the remaining 2 sets.  Cut the last set short because of time and moseyed back to the Flag to finish on time.



  • Q School has gone well in other regions and Tesla can coordinate one for Gashouse on any Saturday this summer.  Would like 30-40 pax, but 20 would be a success

Prayer Request:

  • Pax on IR


6 PAX took the DRP at Folsom this morning for a humid start to the day. I feel like we didn’t really do that much but I can’t remember sweating so much before!


Don Q x 10ic

SSH x 15ic

Low Slow Squat x 10ic

LBC x 10ic

Speed Interval-Do each of the following for 1 minute all out(it’s only 4 minutes!) SSH, Mtn Climbers, Sprint, Freddy Mercury

The Thang: I went through a bunch of old wienke’s last night and found a bunch of fun stuff and combined them together.

10 minute Burpee challenge-Do an amount each minute. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 =100 burpee. Later in the morning I was thinking about this and realized something was off. I noticed my timer still had a minute left when we finished. After some thought I realized we should have done 12 twice. So we really did a 9 minute 88 burpee challenge. Sorry for short changing you guys. I’ll do better next time. I learned to count at Midoriyama.

Captain Thor-1 sit-up/4 American Hammers up to 10/40. Ouch! Thanks to Bulldog for taking some of the count on these!

Hindu Squat Countdown-Start with 20 and drop 5 each round with a 15 second break between. 20, 15, 10, 5 = 50 squats.

Partner Bearcrawl- Partner 1 starts crawling Partner 2 does 5 WWI’s and runs to catch up. Switch and keep going. We switched our bearcrawl from forward to backward each time we did them. We went the length of the tennis courts and back. I think there are 6 courts?

Incredible Hulks- Jack Webb at a 1/4 ratio going up to 10/40. Thanks to Roadie for taking part of the count on these!


Announcements-Not a lot happening. Vacation season!

Prayer request-Gomer doing Fire school, Bulldog has some possible good work things in the mix, Sparky has the funk.

Moleskin: The humidity was terrible this morning but everyone pushed through. Great job guys! Good to see Gomer out. It’s been a while. If you see him tell him congratulations. He graduated High School and is moving on to the next phase of his life.


Maintain Expectations

It’s been a while since I’ve posted at Martha’s House on a Monday. I’m excluding The Murph since that was a holiday. My M typically attends her boot camp classes on Monday’s and Wednesday’s leaving me to fill the gaps on my own or at other AO’s. As the Region’s Weasel Shaker, I’ve been monitoring the good things going on each week. When Gastone offered the spot to Q, the temptation was too hard to resist. I humbly asked my M for permission for the early morning am spot on our shared calendar and she gratuitously stepped aside. Maybe something to do with Father’s Day, or quite possibly the speech Whoopee gave at the belated After Christmas (but still before the next Christmas) Party. Whatever it was, I was free and clear.

As I went to work on my Weinke, I knew I needed to bring a steady diet of challenge that would make our Site Q proud and willing to extend another invitation to Q, hopefully not five months between (that was on me). This famous hill I’ve read so much about was incorporated along with another promise to Whoopee to carve at least one song from my playlist of 80’s hair trash/metal for a little George Strait. I had a few other ideas brewing that I needed an ideal PAX divisible by 3. As fate would have it, 9 men stumbled into the gloom. No FNG’s though I was happy to see Dr. Feelgood off IR and in the circle. With that, the disclaimer was “modify as needed, don’t get hurt.” The warm-up didn’t waste any time to get the heart rate up; 50’s seconds to complete the following:

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 High Knees (5 each leg)
  • 10 Butt Kickers
  • 10 Mountain Climbers
  • 10 SSH
  • Repeat 4 more times for total of 5


Mosey to Gastone’s hill a little more than a half mile. Partner into three-somes for a mé·nage à trois of pain. Partner 1 remains at the bottom of the hill to perform flutter kicks; Partner 2 travels to the to top of the hill to perform merkins; Partner 3 sprints up the hill. After each run, the partners exchange positions (and if you want your dirty mind to drift into that realm of perverseness, well, that’s on you). As I was describing…everyone goes AMRAP on the exercises with each PAX completing three laps. The only mumble chatter was Whoopee belaying Geddy Lee’s high pitched falsetto in ‘Anthem.’  Sorry, only one George Strait song on my phone. There was heavy breathing as we gathered for a recovery at the bottom of the hill and I didn’t have any words of wisdom to share to bide the time. So we took inventory around the circle of each man’s highlight from Father’s Day. For 8 of us, it was a lunch or dinner with our family. Gastone watched Tombstone with his M and 2.0; he was declared the winner.  Time to move.

Up Riverwood Parkway toward Union and hanging a left into the Dollar General parking lot for a light version of Insanity. Three exercises to be completed over 30 seconds with a half minute breather in between.

Set 1

  • Lt. Dans
  • Step-out Merkin (begin in high plank; right arm/leg move out for Werkin; return to plank, then move left arm/leg out for another Werkin; return to plank)
  • American Hammer
  • Repeat

Set 2

  • Lunge jump – 15 seconds right/15 seconds left
  • Cross-fit Merkins
  • Crunchy Frogs
  • Omaha’ed second round

Mosey to the old Harris Teeter for some wall work. The timer was out for another few sets; as many reps as possible in 30 seconds with a 30 second rest between.

Set 1

  • Mike Tysons
  • Wall taps
  • Wall sit
  • Turtle crunch (feet on the wall, crunch forward to touch wall, this is a burner)
  • Repeat

Set 2

  • Donkey kicks
  • Plank taps
  • Wall sit – marching
  • Hip slappers
  • Repeat

Mosey back to the Snow-ball parking lot with 6 minutes left. One final push to maintain the heart-rate. I had a few sets of 11’s remaining on the Weinke. With all the merkins completed thus far, I omaha’ed the merkin/dip set to SSH/Mtn. Climbers (10 SSH, 1 Mtn Climber, then 9 SSH, 2 Mtn Climbers, and so on). Three minutes left, time for Mary. Began with a new one that I don’t have a name for it other than to call it what we did: Knee claps. On your six, right leg extended, lift your left knee and clap underneath, then lower left, raise right and clap under the right knee. We went 40 reps. Need to stretch the abs and called out Michael Phelps, always a crowd pleaser. The in-cadence count went to 10. In the final minute I called for Freddie Mercury which I promptly began doing American Hammers – Q Fail! Defib quickly pointed out the positive sign for a Q to perform the wrong exercise called due to delirium. I’ll go with that but always room for improvement as a QIC. TIME!


This workout was designed to be intense, to push the heart rate without much rest. The PAX were up to the challenge pushing along and staying together on the runs. The 30 second sets allowed for the “you vs. you” part to be earned. Judging by the sweat and little mumble chatter, that was accomplished as well. I know Dr. Feelgood has been working to get back into the gloom, so it was great to have him among the PAX. There were no announcements, a prayer request from Easy Rider for his brother James that may need neck surgery. Dr. Feelgood’s parents and his health were offered as well. It was great to be back at Martha’s. Hopefully the next post will be sooner rather than later.

For those scoring at home the playlist went as follows: Amarillo By Morning (G. Strait), Awake (Godsmack), Sweet Home Alabama (LS), Wild Side (Motley), Anthem (Rush), Hot For Teacher (VH), Running On Empty (Jackson Browne), Land of Confusion (Genesis), If You Want Blood (ACDC), Feel Invincible (Skillet). Until the next time, thanks for allowing me to lead.

Short Sale

Old School vs. New School. Everyone wins!

Up early and ready, YHC was looking forward to this day.  I got to lead the 3rd F to start, and will only say to you all:  MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK.  Teamwork is key, and if you Google – “What does the Bible say about teamwork” you will get a familiar passage:  Proverbs 27:17.  What a coincidence!  Or not!

So after that good rap session, we got it on.  Hushpuppy got us some SSH’s, then Painlab 4 horsemen (Oompa, Squirt and 2.0 PapaJohn) got to work:

Lunge walk the weights to Franks’ place.

WARMUP – Imperial Walker x 10, MNC x 15, Low slow squat x 10, Don Quixote x 10, Merkin x 10, LBC x 10

Painlab Powercycle X 3 cycles:  I) Merkins – Dips, Boxing, Yoga  II)  Curl-Row, Boxing, Yoga  III) Shoulder Press – Raises, Boxing, Yoga

***Lots of sweat here.  Again, I heard some squeaks when we rolled into Crane Technique.  Big ups to PJ for trying EVERYTHING with a smile.  Started with Casting Crowns, rolled into Rocky soundtrack.  Gonna Fly Now will make you lift a house.

Follow the leader:  Bear Crawl, Side Crawl, Lunge, Backward high-kick, Wall sits, inverted Wall climb….other stuff, just remember asking the guys to have a seat on the wall and all 3 of them went for the picnic chairs.  Niiiiice work.

Mary:  got to the circle at about 12 till, we got in about 5 minutes worth of early work.  PJ learned how to count from Oompa.  Then his brother showed up and put a 72 on the board for flutter kicks.  72!  I did about 53 I think.  Rotten little painmaker.  AYE!

MOLESKIN – I don’t care if it’s only me, or 100 people, the PAINLAB will always be here for F3.  Big ups as usual to my partner Oompa, and to Squirt for constant optimism, and PJ for making my day with his effort. Painlab is my part of the team, and this team makes me a better person, father and HIM.  Will be a bit spotty due to summertime, but rest assured, we will be rockin’.  Come for the inspiration, stay for the swell!



One Year and Counting!

18 manly men showed for YHC’s first Q in a couple of weeks and I aimed to fill their need for a good ole beatdown. There was plenty of mumble chatter to go around between Tool Time and his namer High Roller, along with many of the regular characters, 2 FNG’s and a 2.0. Let’s get it on!

Mosey across the street for a little more room, a short disclaimer about how I’m not a professional, go at your own pace, modify as needed, etc.


Goof Balls (just for Tool Time) x15 IC

Don Quixotes (also just for Tool Time!) x15 IC

Dying Cockroaches x15IC

Moroccan Nightclubs x20IC

Monkey Humpers x15IC

Back across the street for the pledge. A special surprise before we headed off was waiting in YHC’s trunk, bricks for all! Mosey through the park, around the water fountain a couple of times and then up to the track behind the middle school for the main event.

The Thang – the Deck of Death (mosey edition)

We wouldn’t have time for anything else during our workout so we had to get moving. For each card drawn from a normal deck of cards (2 jokers included) the PAX will perform the number of reps shown on the card for the exercise that pertains to that specific suit. Also, after each card the PAX would mosey 1/6th around the track for the next exercise.

Spades – Brickens

Hearts – LCBs

Clubs – Squat Press with bricks

Diamonds – Arm Raises with bricks

The workout started off innocently enough, pick a card, do some reps, so on and so forth. Pretty soon the sweat started to fall. The weird thing was that it took about half of the deck before we came across the first diamond. That just meant they piled up at the end. YHC also changed it up so that on each ace, we ran a full lap around the track. Fun! At least for me and Quiche.

The fun of this routine is always has the men moving and it kept us together for some good fellowship and mumble chatter. We had to push at the end to finish up the deck before time was us but we made it. Way to hang in there guys, we completed over 3 miles today! Mosey back to the playground.

Prayer requests, announcements and namorama.

Moleskin: Today marked the one year anniversary of the Fighting Yank AO here in Belmont. Thanks to our leadership for agreeing to let this thing get started up! From the very beginning we’ve had really strong and faithful attendance that continues to grow. I would bet that we’ve had more FNG’s at our AO than any other her in the Gashouse region. That may be a stat for the weasel shaker to look into. Keep EH’ing all the men you talk to, even if you don’t know them. Heck, even hollering at someone running down the road by themselves can work, right Dr. Seuss, Tiny Tank, Norwood and Gilligan?!? It’s been a pleasure to be your site Q for the last year, it’s been a blast. Thanks for to all who’ve led and posted, without you there wouldn’t be F3 in Belmont. Let’s keep growing this thing for the sake of all those sad clowns out there in fartsack land! Love you men!



Cramerton Craziness at the Goat

YHC’s first Q at The Goat was eventful as 13 warriors braved the gloom and humidity of mid June for a beatdown Tesla’s way. Went some thing like this:


SSH X 25

2 burpees OYO

IWX 20

4 burpees OYO

Merkins X 15

6 burpees OYO

Copperhead squats X 20

8 burpees OYO

LBCs X20

10 burpees OYO

Mosey to the center of the park, count off by fours for some “four corner ” action. As YHC is a State guy  this was no stall effort!

1s: Go to your corner and do 10 squats

2s: Do 10 LBCs

3s: 10 inclined merkins

4s: 10 cross fit merkins.

Return to center for 5 burpees then rotate. Deal was every body does 2 rotations through the parade of horribles.

Next round: Form up at the bottom of the hill

1s and 3s bear crawl to the top, 2s and 4s do squats. Mosey back, flapjack.

1s and 3s burpee lunge walk to the top, 2s and 4 do merkins. Mosy back, rinse and repeat.

1s and 3s burpee broadjump to the top, mosey back, 2s and 4s do plank jacks, flapjack

1s and 3s crabwalk to the top, 2s and 4s do crossfit merkins.

Act 3: find some wall for people’s chair and balls to the wall.

20 air presses, then balls to the wall.

Major conflict. Guy comes out of his 100 year old building in sheer terror at our ability to tear down that wall. Must have watched Reagan’s Berlin speech exactly 30 years prior and took it to heart. So we moseyed down to the parking lot at the Lodge and continued our wall work along with a circle of Mary.

Circle of Mary. One pax calls he exercise and runs around the rest of the pax while it is performed. Included burpees, merkins and others to the end.

NM: Really enjoying get to know the Gashouse crowd. YHC tends to get a little blue and salty with mumble chatter so don’t take it personally. But its fun. And again a great group to lead today. Did learn that Dolph likes burpees fro breakfast. Dolph, I aim to please brother! The old goat is a tough goat. Glad to Dr. Suess today. Nee more respects out. Glad to see the numbers coming up.

We handled ourselves very well with our conflict today. Won’t go back. There are plenty of toys to paly with at the AO. No need to deal with the Jackass factor. We can move along and adopt quite well. Wheezy should stop kicking the wall so hard and making those old buildings vibrate so much!

I have the shovel flag. Will have it Tuesday.

Q school in Metro was great on Saturday. Rev would be up for rinse and repeat over here anytime. I think it would be well worth the time and effort. I will help make it happen.


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