Been a while since I posted at Martha’s, so first of all, thanks to Gastone for the encouragement to Q. As I thought about a theme for the weinke, I was still thinking about the NBA draft last week. I’d heard the Hornets had drafted Monk and traded for Bacon. My excitement dwindled when I found out that neither one was our F3 brother of the same name. I also thought about a tweet from Freight that night questioning whether I had started to accept my F3 name. I had to look back and see where my namesake was drafted. He was drafted 11. And there was my theme.

SSH x 11
LBCs x 11
Imperial Walkers x 11

The Pledge

Mosey to Gastone’s Hill for the first round of Eleven’s.

Sumo Squats at the bottom of the hill. Lunge walk up the hill a little ways. CCD’s at the top. Run back down the hill. Between the mumble chatter and the lunges, I lost count of what round I was on. Given that and the fact there were several more rounds of Eleven’s, YHC called that round of Eleven’s early.

Mosey to the Dollar General parking lot for round two of Eleven’s.

American Hammers on one side. Bear crawl to the other side. Plank Jacks on the other side. Run/Jog/Walk back. The pax made it all the way through round two.

Mosey to the old Harris Teeter/Lowe’s parking lot for round three of Eleven’s.

Hip Slappers against the wall. Flutter Kicks on the other side (1-2-3-ONE, 1-2-3-TWO, etc. was the count on the Flutters). The pax also made it all the way through round three.

Wall Sits with Shoulder Presses x 11

Mosey the long way through the parking lot and stopped at the wall in front of the bank.

Dips x 22

Mosey back home. We had time left so one round of Mary. Stone Cold – LBC x 20

New site coming to post backblasts. Continue to use current site for now.

Prayer Requests
Gastone – Mother-in-law
Easy Rider – Unspoken
Outhouse – Brother-in-law
Special prayers for T-Square – If you’re readying this, we love you brother. We are all praying for you, your M, and your family.


It was great to be back out at Martha’s this morning. Thanks to everyone for the push and the encouragement. Until next time…