• Post Type:
  • When: 06/10/17
  • AO:
  • QIC: Freight & Spiderman
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Sparky, Stone Cold, Huckleberry, Def Leppard, Sidecar, Opie, Lil Sweet, JK2, Hey Zeus, Canteen, War Eagle, Sargento, JJ, Edison, Pizza Man, Gumby, Slaw, Whoopie, Oompa Loompa, Swimmer, Rosco, Tesla, Blart, T-Square, Bulldog, Monk, Squirt, Smalls, Messi, Phelps, AT AT, Madoff, Hush Puppy

The air was filled with anticipation, lactic acid and belches. It was a beautiful sight to smell. There, in the wilderness of Downtown, stood 34 men in disbelief that this day had finally arrived. For in the next hour, stood the appetizer to the Christmas Party. The 5 minutes of ELF Sacking(which should’ve been titled 6 minutes) was upon us. Wait, is that Spiderman in the clock tower window! No, over there, that one. -Nope, he strolled up 10 minutes early and is stretching on the steps.

Freight brought us the WARMUP
10 IC Side Straddle Hops
10 IC Hillbillies
10 IC Merkins

Count off, Each PAX assigned a number 1-4 and off with a mosey we go!

We head over to the parking deck, bottom level. A brief instruction huddle was followed up by PAX racing up the steps, over fields and to gramdma’s parking spot we go.

Follow me, this can be a little tricky without visuals (which we had)

1st level:
Far side with the pile of bricks:
30 Seconds Speedbags w/ Bricks (forward)
30 Seconds Speedbags w/ Bricks (Backward)
20 IC Moroccan Night Clubs – Elves party hard
10 IC Merkins – Yeah, Merkins

Meanwhile, 4 PAX grunting out Zombie Elf Walk

After the 4 PAX completed a full round with the bricks, SWITCH!
Now they hit the Zombie Elf Walk while the other PAX take over the bricks.

6 minutes

2nd level:
Far side with the pile of half cinder blocks:
20 Tricep Extensions – abominable snowman Boulder Throw
20 Beer Pint Curls
20 Blitzen squats – Just do em Fast

Meanwhile, 4 PAX
20 IC Snow Angels
20 Freddy Mercury’s
Repeat until the other PAX finish a round with the half cinder blocks. Then, SWITCH!

6 minutes

3rd level:
Far side with the pile of half cinder blocks:
20 Squat Press – Stock the shelves with Toys
20 DIPS – for the Ladies
20 Beer Keg Curls

Meanwhile, 4 PAX
20 IC Dying Cockroaches
10 IC Merkins
20 IC LBCs
Repeat until the other PAX finish a round with the half cinder blocks. Then, SWITCH!

6 minutes

4th level:
Far side with the 80lb Heavy Bag:
25 punches Per hand – Rudolph getting ready for some reindeer games
Santa Sack Race – Carry Bag to end and back

Meanwhile, 4 PAX
20 IC Plankjacks
10 IC Derkins
20 IC Mountain Climbers
Repeat until the other PAX finish a round with the half cinder blocks. Then, SWITCH!

6 minutes

wipe the sweat off, mosey back to the pavillion for 12 DAYS of CHRISTMAS

1-Lap around the pavillion
2-Jump Squats
6-Calf Raises
7-Moroccan Night Clubs
8-Carolina Dry Docks
9-Mountain Climbers
10-Side Straddle Hops
11-Monkey Humpers
12-Something Painful

Boom, the snow began to fall signaling the completion of the convergence. A good day to all.

Great morning, great day, great evening. Read more of the nights rambunctiousness.