Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 1, 2017


7 Pax took a red pill this am at the Goat. We started with the Pledge and skipped the warmup. Train = 5 Burpees

Run 1/2 mile
6 exercises x 10 IC all with Block
Run 1/2 mile; Train = 5 Burpees
6 exercises x 10 IC all with Block
Run 1/2 mile
6 exercises x 10 IC all with Block; 5 burpees after each exercise
Run 1/2 mile

Exercises were curls, squats, overhead press, good mornings, tricep extensions, front raise

Moleskin; Wheezy was the first to show this am and YHC was wandering if any other Pax were going to show, with 2 minutes we had 6 and Tophat made it about right after we left the flag. Prep last nigth didn’t take long as I thought about the BlockBuster, definitely one of my favorites. While skipping the watmup allowed enough time to possibly try for four rounds, YHC opted for 5 burpees after each exercise on the final round of exercises. Will remember this one. Strong work by all. We only had 2 casualties, but there were several other blocks in the back of the truck. We finished up with Mary; Rosalita, LBC’s, mountain climbers, Windshield Wipers, Plank Jack, 1 Min Plank, Dips. #DRP! Strong work brothers. It was a pleasure to lead you men.

Cot; Announcements, Prayer Requests; T-Square, Brownstreak, each other, graduates, each other.

BOM; Anthrax took us out.

The supposed beatdown

Well this being my first workout that I lead my goal was to make some people sore. I don’t believe I accomplished that but I gave it a good try. Thanks everyone for following along!



Burpees X 5

DQ X 15 IC

Burpees X 4

PJ X 15 IC

Burpees X 3

Count off 1’s and 2’s then Mosey to soccer field. Found out after getting to the field people forget things easily and forgot what number they were…

1’s grab thin block and 2’s rolled out the tires.

1’s performed Curls X 15, Bench Dips X 15, then overhead press X 15 all with a 4 second negative.

2’s flipped tires 4 times each down the field until the other group finished.

1’s and 2’s switched and repeated twice.

1’s then bear crawled to far side of field and crabwalked back.

2’s burned out the shoulders with a 3 superset exercise.

Switched and cleaned up the field.

Mosey back to the flag for some core work.

LBC X 15

Penguins X 15

Side plank raise X 15

Finished with 22 for the vets and the pledge. Thanks for not giving me grief and will make sure the next one is a little tougher!

Dance Lessons by T-Square

I learned a little bit about myself during & after this w/o. But more on this later. Clown car with the infamous DiVinci in the little red car. Thanks DiVinci. Upon arrival to the circle of PAX, I was being complimented on my sack. PAX were in awe & wonder. So with that being put out there, we did a count off & then Pledge of Allegiance to American flag.


lap around building–1st half w/hi knees, 2nd half w/butt kickers>>circle up for Toy Soldier & rotating SSH

Mosey to soccer field

circle up at field & pull Bluetooth speaker from my sack. There were a few moans & groans at the sight of speaker.

1st dance lesson–squats with SALLY

2nd dance lesson–burpees with THUNDERSTRUCK

3rd dance lesson–plank jacks & Mericans with ROXANNE

4th dance lesson–flutters & WWII with GET LUCKY

Between songs, we mosey to different fields

on final lesson, we mosey to bathroom building

5th dance lesson–donkey kicks & CDD with BODIES

Mosey to start. When arrived, some core was being done while waiting on the 6. Bandit had to pipe up & get some Dying Cockroaches in.


Pre-After Christmas Party–see Whoopee for details


T-Square family

Bulldog took us in prayer

So, I thought that I had learned a valuable lesson yesterday morning. That was to NEVER post, let alone Q, the morning after receiving emotionally draining news. I was SO exhausted on the mosey back to snowballs, that I walked most of it. I even told the M how exhausted I was when I got home. I still had that mindset today, until about half way through this BB. The Lord opened my eyes AGAIN to the fact that it’s NOT about the workout, but rather my shield-locking brothers that lift me up day to day. You are a special group of men. Thanks for ALL you do for me; while posting & when we are not sweating together.

It was truly an honor to lead such a great group of men. Until next time I see you in the gloom…T-Square

Pub Crawl but not the good kind

4 men crawled out of the fartsack this morning for another addition of the “The Pub”.

The Thang:

We ran 5 miles from Publix around to Gardner Park and back to Publix.

The Moleskin:

Good crowd of guys Whoopee was a little gassy. Him and Defib did a little doctor talk before we ran out. But, basically we ran and talked and then returned.

Prayers for Mr. Ownbey who is a friend of Stroganoff’s and I am a friend of his daughters. He has made his journey to the great kingdom.

Gastone Out!


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