Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: June 2017 (Page 1 of 5)

The Goofballs of Midoriyama

With a nice cool start to the summer; 12 strong HIM showed at Midoriyama on a beautiful day in June for another afternoon beat down. Trying to always plan a perfect workout, I just hope each PAX will receive a blessing and go home a better man.


Goofballs x 10

Moroccan Nightclubs x 10

Cherry Pickers x 10


5 Burpees OYO

Lets Mosey toward the Picnic tables. Stop at each light pole and do a Burpee. Do 1 at light pole 1 and 2 at light pol 2 and 3 at 3 and so on. There was 7 light poles so that’s about 28 Burpees if your counting.

At the picnic tables we did 10 of each



Step Ups 10 each leg

So I was looking at the map and noticed a pond and some docks so we moseyed toward the docks. I just didn’t know there was a big hill leading down to the docks. We stopped at the volleyball pit where Slaw was begging to get sandy but we stayed out of there for the moment. We did 4 exercises and then ran up the hill and back down. We did these for 15 min.

LBC x 20

American Hammer x 20

Flutter Kicks x 20

Crunchy Frogs x 10

As everyone was catching their breath I briefly discussed Sacrifice. How each man should sacrifice for their family and marriage, most of all for God. After Slaw and Ooompa  got in some EC in the sand box while the rest of us noted that they are truly idiots. After the belly ache from watching those two crazy guys we then moseyed back up the hill to the picnic table.

Dips x 30

Merkins x 30

Step Ups x 30  15 each leg

Mosey back to the shovel flag doing a squat at each light pole adding another squat at the next pole. At the parking lot we started some 11s. Monkey Humpers and WW2. We didn’t complete all of this because of time, but we got through a good bit.



Tolkien will be at the Yank on 6/1/2017

Nomads going to the patriot, Clown car is meeting at Eastridge Mall at 6:00

Prayer Request

T-Square and family

Cheech’s family and the driver involved

With every workout I’ve tried  to better myself and push myself to be stronger and endure more pain so that I can be a better man than the workout or the day before. I recently learned that in 2016, 90,000 Christians were killed for their faith alone. That’s one brother or sister in Christ every 6 min. We are all human and do not deserve Gods enduring love. But he has given it to us, all we need to do is humble ourselves and reach out for him. I love you brothers and cant wait to see you in the gloom.


Partner Halfpipe

9 Men arrived with not one FNG so the choice was made….

The Thang:

40 SSH, this was a good enough warm up and I got some looks when I went past 30.

Mosey down Marietta Street all the way down to 2nd Avenue.

From the bottom everyone pick a partner except for Q.

One partner runs to the top of 3rd and the other runs to the Franklin up the hill. Once at the top do 10 Jack Webb’s. Run back to bottom to meet and do 1 Partner Derkin. Repeat but switching hills after meeting until you have completed the 11’s. (Whoopee had picked Bulldog as a partner and he got worked so hard that Whoopee all the sudden said I can’t handle this anymore and he left)

This took up most of the time for workout and the hills built into the workout added to the pain inflicted.

Next follow me back up to the top of 3rd take a right and head down to South Street.

We did Lunges, Run backwards, Sumo Squats, Run backwards until we got to Franklin to gather everyone. Mosey back to Main Street and then Bear crawl to the steps. Normally the crawl would have been good with me but today a left leg cramp hampered me a little.

The Moleskin:

Though we might get some rain this morning but we might have just received a little sprinkle and that is about it. We went to work fast so not to much Mumble Chatter.

Prayer request for all of our brother’s and the people in need around them.

Mt. Mitchell is tentative for August 20th. Clown car up in the morning early to base camp. Jog/hike to the top and back but mainly stay together. I will bring First Aid in my bag plus snacks and water. Take a group picture at the top. Get to the bottom and jump in the swimming hole not to far away.

Thanks to all for coming out today. I am pushing to bring in more people for the next few months and would like to see us double in size and get some of these Sad Clowns to join us. It is always an honor and until the next time.

Gastone Out!



This is called the wifferdill workout and BB because there was no real plan for this Thursday YHC just wanted to Q! so YHC wifferdilling it!



None! It’s warm enough


The Thang:

Started with a mosey around the Ball fields we would stop every once in a while and do while waiting on the 6.

Flutter Kicks


Al Gores

We continued our mosey around the lake loop and ended up at my favorite place Hamburger Hill!!! We did flutter kicks while waiting on the 6 Recover…at that point YHC told the newer PAX the name of the hill and Slaw explained it was named this because your legs feel like hamburgers when you’re done sprinting it!

We then proceeded to sprint down and back YHC called for 2 x”s however Blart being the masochist that he is wanted a third shot at it! Who was YHC to deny him the suffering…..Oompa Loompa at this point was dealing with a kidney stone and yet he soldiered on and suffered well….WOJO all I have to say is whoa! You’re freaking fast up and down that hill brother! Def Leppard YHC thinks was suffering from oxygen deprivation because he kept wanting to show us the “little Leppard!”  Ash Pond Was dealing with a very knotted up Hammy so he dropped to his 6 and did flutters!!! You know skinny guys and abs! Sidecar was pushing himself the entire time and didn’t let up! You’re pushing that rock brother and getting better! And Pockets! So proud of you brother you pushed yourself tonight and have continued to since you’ve been out here!

After the hill sprint we moseyed back to the flag where we circled up and did some Ab work (you’re surprised right!)

25 V-up/Roll Ups

25 oblique V-Ups right then left

Then YHC looked over at Slaw and saw that twinkle in his ey he knew it was coming just for him

5 Burpees OYO

At this time YHC took the time to talk about suffering out in the gloom together….yes YHC is nuts….yes we all are….Yes YHC wants to push you and himself to the limits …but why? for one purpose to suffer together  because when we suffer together we form life long bonds that will not happen any other way! We suffered well today proud of all of you men! We are strengthening  ourselves so that we can be the men God has called us to be so that we will have the endurance to do the things that our families , brothers communities need us to do!



Prayers for spiritual healing, emotional healing and physical healing, for Cheech’s family and for T-Square and his family

1 Corinthians 16:13 (NLT)

13 Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous.[a] Be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13 (HCSB)

13 Be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like a man, be strong.

Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.

It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

Cramerton Craziness!

12 HIMS should up for a dose of Tesla on Tuesday and it went like this.


First, had some late arrivals as Dolph came from that wilderness land of Crouse, NC for his morning burpees. We aimed to please!


SSH X 20

IW X20

5 burpees OYO

LBCs X20

5 burpees OYO

Merkins X 10

5 burpees OYO

Mountain climbers X 20

5 burpees OYO

Mosey over to baseball field entrance now officially known as the Field of Dreams.

Each lamp to the end 2 merkins, increment by 2 at each light for 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 merkins.

11s on the grandstand and the concession stands, dips and Mike Tysons.

Mosey over to the bottom of hamburger Hill for partner work

Partner 1 climbs the hill to the fence at the softball field. Partner 2 does called excercise

Rd1: cross fit merkins

2: Squats

3: LBCs

4: Flutter kick

5: Plank

6: merkins

7: burpees

Mosey back to last lamp, squats back to entrance X 4 per lamp, 4,6,8,12, 16, 20, 24

Mosey to walkway in parking lot, halfway between tennis courts and school.

Partner 1 : bear crawl to yellow line. partner 2: crab walk to yellow line on other end. rinse and repeat.

Grab some wall at school for people’s chair.

20 airpresses

balls to the wall

Mosey back to start – done!

NM: Great AO here at Storm, lots of toys to play with. Coach K makes his reappearance – welcome back! Great crowd. Did decide that mayor will lead on the 4th at 6 am! YHC could not talk him into 7 am. Oh well! Its his call and it will be worth attending I am sure. Could be some fireworks.

Thinking seriously about reaching out to AD at Thomas Cramer HS and seeing what it would take to get the field on a regular basis. Likely will have to do a workday out there one Saturday for an hour or so but would be worth it. Thoughts?

Enjoyed leading this group. Great men all!



With the 11th pick in the draft…

Been a while since I posted at Martha’s, so first of all, thanks to Gastone for the encouragement to Q. As I thought about a theme for the weinke, I was still thinking about the NBA draft last week. I’d heard the Hornets had drafted Monk and traded for Bacon. My excitement dwindled when I found out that neither one was our F3 brother of the same name. I also thought about a tweet from Freight that night questioning whether I had started to accept my F3 name. I had to look back and see where my namesake was drafted. He was drafted 11. And there was my theme.

SSH x 11
LBCs x 11
Imperial Walkers x 11

The Pledge

Mosey to Gastone’s Hill for the first round of Eleven’s.

Sumo Squats at the bottom of the hill. Lunge walk up the hill a little ways. CCD’s at the top. Run back down the hill. Between the mumble chatter and the lunges, I lost count of what round I was on. Given that and the fact there were several more rounds of Eleven’s, YHC called that round of Eleven’s early.

Mosey to the Dollar General parking lot for round two of Eleven’s.

American Hammers on one side. Bear crawl to the other side. Plank Jacks on the other side. Run/Jog/Walk back. The pax made it all the way through round two.

Mosey to the old Harris Teeter/Lowe’s parking lot for round three of Eleven’s.

Hip Slappers against the wall. Flutter Kicks on the other side (1-2-3-ONE, 1-2-3-TWO, etc. was the count on the Flutters). The pax also made it all the way through round three.

Wall Sits with Shoulder Presses x 11

Mosey the long way through the parking lot and stopped at the wall in front of the bank.

Dips x 22

Mosey back home. We had time left so one round of Mary. Stone Cold – LBC x 20

New site coming to post backblasts. Continue to use current site for now.

Prayer Requests
Gastone – Mother-in-law
Easy Rider – Unspoken
Outhouse – Brother-in-law
Special prayers for T-Square – If you’re readying this, we love you brother. We are all praying for you, your M, and your family.


It was great to be back out at Martha’s this morning. Thanks to everyone for the push and the encouragement. Until next time…

The Belmont 5k

14 men woke up early on a Saturday looking for a beat down to get the day started. I hope I didn’t disappoint. Two FNGs were present so a short disclaimer was given. In past workouts I have heard guys say that they cant run a 5k, so today I set out to prove them wrong. The workout went like this:


SSHx10IC, Merkinsx5, Squatsx5.

Short warmup because we have a lot of ground to cover.

The Thang:

The plan is to mosey for a while and stop for some exercises.  This will be repeated until our 5k is complete.

Starting at Stowe park, mosey to Nellies parking lot. CDDsx25, squatsx25, LBCsx25.

Mosey to Walk Run parking lot. Werkinsx25, squatsx25, American hammersx25.

Mosey to the intersection at Main St. Military merkinsx25, squatsx25, Freddie Mercuriesx25.

Mosey to the funeral home, diamond merkinsx25, squatsx25, flutter kicksx25.

Mosey to the Library, Merkinsx25,squatsx25, WW1sx25.

Mosey to Belmont Middle School, dipsx25,squatsx25, LBCsx25

Mosey to First Pres Church, Train is heard, 5 burpies.

This is the halfway point of our 5k. This is a lot harder and is taking a lot longer than I planned while sitting on the couch. The trip back was going to be the same stops with the same exercises. Change of plan. New plan will be same stops, squats will be done while waiting for the 6.

Made it back to Stowe Park at 7:59 in time for the pledge. Every man present completed the 5k.


Speed for Need inaugural race is July 4.

Welcome to FNGs Mulligan and Tide.

Prayer Request:

Cheech and family and friends. Each other. Those battling illness.







Bandanas & Beards (Thanks Whoopee)



Warm up

Burpees x10 (OYO)

Merkins x 10

LBC x 10

Flutter kicks x 10

Plank Peter Parker x 10

Mosey toward baseball fields with short break to find a curb for 15 Mike Tysons

Continue mosey to the press box in the center of all of the fields.

Partner up (one running from the press box to the parking lot and the other performs the exercise-switch each time until total is complete)

LBC x 300 partner runs to the parking lot for 20 merkins then back

Micheal Phelps x 250 same as above but do 5 burpees

Shoulder taps x 200 same as above but do 10 plank jacks

Spider-man merkins x 50 same as above but do 10 WWI sit ups

Baby makers x 100 same as above but do 10 STH

Mosey back to Snow Balls – hey we have 5 minutes left

10 LBC, 10 Flutter kicks, 10 shoulder taps, 10 spiderman merkins, 10 baby makers, & 10 WWI sit ups

Thanks for the opportunity to lead this morning!!

The Biggest Cinder Block Ever

If that wasn’t some humid air, then I must’ve been jumped in a pool at some point during this beat down. Not a shirt remained dry, not did anyone escape the lovely swamp ass.(That’s what I was told) Good mumble chatter throughout the 45 minutes. Good Friday start, great to see Outhouse.

Side Straddle Hops – 40 IC Whoopie showed up on 20, so we made sure he got his in.
Merkins – 10 IC
LBCs – 10 IC


Mosey for 5 minutes around downtown, ending up at the Great Steps of Fargo.

10 IC Derkins during which an unnamed PAX named Whoopie yelled, “Get your foot out of my CRACK.” If you can’t do merkins with a foot in your crack, maybe you shouldn’t be out here. It happens quite often to be honest.
10 IC Freddie Mercury’s
10 IC Monkey Humpers
10 IC Dips

Mosey for 5 minutes around lower downtown, ending up in the staff perking lot of Piedmont Community Charter.
Plank, Recover
10 IC Mountain Climbers
10 IC Merkins
Burpie Broad Jumps up the entire row. 10-12 rows
10 IC American Hammers
10 IC LBCs

Mosey for 3.5 minutes several blocks down to another empty parking lot.
Burpie Broad Jumps 7 rows

Mosey around the block and to everyone’s surprise, a majestic pile of super heavy cinder blocks right in the middle of the road.
15 IC Squat Press w/ cinder block
10 IC Curls w/ cinder block
10 IC Dips w/ cinder block
10 IC Mountain Climbers w/ cinder block

Replace the biggest cinder blocks she’d ever seen.

Back to the main side road, South St. and Sprint the full block uphill.

Next Block
Zombie Walk half way up the road.
Run backwards the remainder of the hill.
5 Burpies compliments of the train
10 Dips IC

Mosey to the Pavilion
10 IC Peter Parkers
3 Steps of Deep Sea Divers

COT: Cheech and his family, Bulldog praise with Face to Face interview in a few weeks.








It was simple 4 stations run to each and perform 4 exercises

1ST Station= 40 Seal  Jacks IC , 30 Mountain climbers,  10 merkins IC , 10 werkins

2nd Station= 30 SSh , 30 mountain Climbers, 10 Diamond Merkins, 20 Lbc’s

3rd  Station= 30 Seal Jacks, 10 Merkins , 20 lbc’s, Wide Merkins

4th Station=15 Mike Tysons  IC, 15 mountain Climbers IC 15 Hippslappers, IC

Give or take a few there ,

Then back to flag for a little leg work, it went  a little like this,  backward highknee lundge,squat thingamubob’s for about 25 yards . Not my best choice of the day but it got the blood flowing to the legs

I tried to keep it simple today and keep the heart rate up, I hope you enjoyed…..

22 Merkins for vets


Announcements;  Speed for need coming up; 4 miler, and Christmastown 5k,

COT; ToolTime Spoke A little and shared a blackblast about Lexington

PRAYER REQUEST;  Cheech’s Family, those traveling,

MOLESKIN; after hearing about the loss of a F3 brother I cant help but to exam myself a

bit ,I  have been thinking a lot lately about my time and how I am investing in others, I know I have a lot of room for improvement there.  I also mentioned that I hope to us this time with my brothers to become better so I can impact my family a lot more .


Share the load

Sorry I have been lax in posting this.  Excuses and reasons. . .

It was fitting that Rudolph shared in his 3rd F message on “Many hands make light work” but the message was so much more.  It was real; it as real that every man is often ashamed to ask or accept help.  We want to be able to carry it all and not let others down.  If we need help, we might not be strong enough.  Then life drops a brick on us.  We get an injury or we hit an obstacle and we are forced to humble ourselves and realize that sometimes we need help.  I ended up in my church in Gastonia 16 years ago when God decided to slow me down with an injured ankle.  I was forced to accept help from people I didn’t know and the events were set up to plant me where I belong.

As we all shook off that undeniable feeling that we could not do it without the help of others it was time for tha thang:

Disclaimer, get back on your car and go home.

Warm up: 10 SSH IC, then mosey to the flag pole for the Pledge led by Smalls.

Mosey down the sidewalk and plant it on the wall for some hip slappers called by Whoopee x 15 IC.

Mosey to the Chiropractor parking lot for some plank and some Peter parkers called by someone I can’t remember.  I needed help. I can’t get horizontal and count without the danger of Merlot.

Mosey through the neighborhood and meet up at the intersection for some Goof Ball, 15 IC called By Roscoe (ok, I wasn’t horizontal this time I just like it when others count).

Mosey some more and stopped in front of a nice house for some Monkey Humpers. Maidoff called the Cadence on this one as we jokingly led the moon fest in front of our friends house we are both trying to EH. I asked him Tuesday if he happened to look out his window and unfortunately he had not.

On to the park bench in the median and what do we find, Blocks!  YHC reminded everyone that when your brother is hit with a heavy weight to carry  we must walk with him and help carry the load. Everyone partnered up and we moseyed out to Belvedere with the blocks, trading with each other to share the load.

On Belvedere we found a nice intersection with a grassy median for some Dora 123.  100 overhead press, 200 squat, 300 curls (which I Omaha’d to 200 as it was already past 7:30 and we were 1.5 miles from home with a long way to go to carry the bricks).  Mosey to the jewelry store for some flutter kicks IC.  We wanted to toss the bricks in the bushes but I just couldn’t let our brothers down.  Mosey on to the strip mall formerly known as Showmars.  In honor of carrying the load while life brings your brother to a crawl, we bear crawled the entire length of the awning, crawling 4 posts while the partner carried the brick, then alternating; about 5 times each in all.  At this point it was 7:47 and I realized we never make it back to startex carrying the bricks so we stacked them neatly to the side and moseyed on.  We stopped at the big wall for some peoples chair and air presses, then mosey to the culdesac  and waited for the 6.  Mosey on up the hill past the school and back to startex, with 2 minutes to spare.  Rudolph already had the pain lab on their 6 and someone called for Smalls to call flutter kicks.  Big mistake.  I think he set a record at 62 before calling halt.  I had the final call for an exercise and called burpees, just in time for the bells to toll.

Strong work men.

During the workout I shared of a story I heard on the radio.  A woman who had a stroke in her early 30’s and it took her 2 years to return to a normal semblance of life.  Many of her friends were around here but grew impatient with her slow recovery.  “Oh look, she made lunch, she’s back to normal!”.  If only it were that simple.  Her closest friend became an older woman, more mature, who had also suffered a traumatic brain injury earlier in life.  She had the wisdom and patience to walk through the trial with her.  Our scars are not to remind us of our failures, but to remind us of what we have come through, and to give us credibility to those who we guide through their own battles.

If I could only have known during that time that we would later be grieving the loss of brother Cheech later in the week.  I hope that those in the Nation with their own scars will stand by the family; will walk with them and carry the weight they can’t seem to go any further.  My prayer to the Sky Q is that both mother and children will never be alone in their walk.  That those in Fia and F3 will walk patiently with them and guide them in wisdom.  God be with them.



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