Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: April 2017 (Page 4 of 4)

Spring Break Special

With Easter on the horizon, many of the schools will be taking time off for Spring Break and that means some will head to the coast for a little R&R. The pre-blast promised a core meltdown. For the 7 Goats that escaped their home gates, I wanted to be sure they got their money’s worth. There was a nasty storm that moved through our region early in the morning, leaving the ground soggy and damp but thankfully by the time the PAX began arriving at the parking lot, the sky was rain-free and the temperature a nice 59. Oh Wow was on his one week anniversary, but otherwise, a veteran crew needing only a brief disclaimer: “You verses you, go at your own pace” (some took that literal). Oh Wow added “and don’t die…” We pivoted to face Old Glory hanging limp on the flag pole and completed the pledge. Time to get it on.


  • SSH IC x 10
  • Don Quixote IC x 2 (by the second cadence, Mayor asked for mercy, so we s-l-o-w-e-d d-o-w-n and these became:
    • Abe Vigoda IC x 8
  • Toy Soldier IC x 10
  • Imperial Walker IC x 10


I have a decent collection of coupons in my garage – for this session I brought the water jugs. Life is always better holding a nice firm set of jugs (oh yeah – this crowd went there). With a small group, I had enough for both hands and we moseyed to the Goat Island Bridge for a Zombie Walk. About a quarter of the way, Mayor asks how much longer. Sargento was leading the group and reached the mid-point so I offered a choice to which we Omaha’ed to regular lunge walks to the end.

With a good burn on our legs, I led the PAX to a covered picnic shelter for the chisel portion of the ab-fest. I covered detailed instructions including a demonstration of each exercise emphasizing a single count of one leg (not every leg). Apparently Dolph’s ears were still asleep and he went with his own count inciting Mayor’s response: “no wonder you’re in the lead – you’re cheat’in.” Here is what the other 6 PAX did:

  • American Hammer – 25 single count reps using water jug
  • Flutter Kick – 25 single count reps holding water jug pressed
  • Freddie Mercury – 25 single count reps (no jug holding this time)
  • Bobby Hurleys – 25 single count reps ‘shooting’ the jug
    • Rinse and repeat
    • Rinse and repeat

To Dolph’s delight, a train passed during the first set and he gleefully yelled for the PAX to begin 5 burpees. Oh Wow went for his merkin and expressed a trumpet like explosion that I wasn’t sure which orifice the wind blew. Come to find out it was his pie hole – be on alert the next time you post. (I’m thinking that qualified as ‘comedic gold’ right Mayor?)

While the PAX recovered, I explained, even demonstrated the next set for the Dora 1-2-3. The partners linked up as follows: Short Sale and Oh Wow, Wheezy and Tiny Tank, and the ménage à trois formed with Mayor, Dolph, and Sargento. With our abs getting cut, we needed to work on shoulders and arms. P1 performs the exercise while P2 (or P3) runs a short loop from the picnic shelter.

  • Dips – 100 aggregate
  • Incline Merkins (keep hands shoulder width on the picnic table) – 200 aggregate
  • Decline Peter Parkers – 300 aggregate

With the heart rate going I had several options on my Weinke leaving the choice to Mayor. He opted against my version of Brownstreak’s Triple Nickel (sorry BS – but you weren’t there for the AO Q override). The Mayor opted for one last set of core focus. Once again detailed instructions and demonstration was provided, but not followed. Keep your partners; 30 seconds of each exercise then flap-jack.

  • Set 1
    • P1 – Halos
    • P2/P3 – Burp-jacks
  • Set 2
    • P1 – Plank up (use picnic table)
    • P2/P3 – A-frame: use water jug to close down as knees bicycle in and out

I had more on the soggy card but time ran out and we moseyed back to the circle. With a small group, there was a lot of good chatter. We learned Mayor remains private on twitter because too many porn stars began following him. Wheezy said he saw that as a bonus. And with opposing thoughts such as that, we know what a diverse PAX we are. Announcements were mostly for Saturday where we’ll have normal AO’s going and then Community Foundation Run beginning at 9 am. If the trails at the Whitewater Center are open, Freight was organizing a bike ride at 2 pm. Jason’s Deli Friday at noon in Charlotte and Advisory Meeting April 23rd, bring ideas for IR workout. We shared prayer concerns for Pockets to have healing and the medical staff to diagnose the issue for treatment. Also for Top hat and T-Square and their families. And finally for our PAX, not only present but for all the great guys that are part of this brotherhood. Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of it.

Ultimate Foosball

18…..I said 18 posted at Midoriyama on Tuesday! This ties the record for the third time and the 2nd in the last 2 weeks. Apparently it will work in the afternoon! We are the people of the sun. Come on out and get some vitamin D. It was great to have our resident mumble chatterer Tooltime back out. Sparky brought out the 2.0’s Madden and the newly named Aflac( he did not like this name but like most had to learn the hard way. You don’t tell us that!). Floppy Disk was there with his release form from the dentist.


Don Q’s x 10ic

Squats x 10ic

Seal Jacks x 10ic

The Thang:

Mosey to the stairs. 2 at a time hit the stairs and do 10 calf raises on each step. I believe there are 13 steps. All other Pax plank and wait your turn at the bottom. Once complete wall sit at the top waiting on the six.

Mosey to the parking lot. Bearcrawl to the opposite curb and do 10 merkins. Cross the island and crabwalk to the opposite curb and do 10 WWI’s. Do this again but backwards.

Mosey to the hill at the soccer field. 11’s on the hill. Start with 1 Bobby Hurley at the bottom and 10 diamond merkins at the top.

Pizza Man brought us another tire so we had a relay race. Split into 2 groups. Each Pax flips the tire then runs to the back of the line. We raced across the field and back.

With about 15 minutes left we stayed teamed up and played some ultimate football on one half of the soccer field. Just like ult. frisbee but we used a soft multicolored football. When you have a daughter that’s what the football looks like. I guess I was lucky to have one at all.

Mosey back to the flag.


Announcements-Community run this weekend. Mudrun coming up in May. Pizza Man and Def Leppard are running a half in Davidson if you want to join them.

Namearama-2 FNG’s Sparky’s 2.0 aka Aflac and Josh Jarrett aka Skeet. Welcome guys!

Prayer Request-Pockets, Families dealing with the loss of a loved one, Various people fighting Cancer, YHC’s Mother in the Hospital under the care of Whoppee and Defib’s group(in good hands!)

Crap I forgot the pledge again!

Moleskin-So glad to see so many coming out to Midoriyama! Such a great group of guys. I am honored you allow me to lead! Keep pushin the rock men. ABT

Mixmaster Pup and the Bluetooths

Beautiful day in April, 16 showed up for a musical dance of pain and suffering.  After the Disclaimer for our FNG and a short warm up of SSH x 20 IC, Imperial walkers X 15 IC, Box Cutters, Freddie Mercury’s both X 15 IC, It was time for the short mosey to the flag pole for the pledge.  From the pledge the DJ struggled with his bluetooth but after a quick reboot, Tom Sawyer began to play.

Tha Thang:

Mosey to the Baptist Church parking lot.  Was it Heresy to play Rush in a Baptist Church Parking lot?  The only heat we were getting was from the workout.  The musical lineup:

Move by Thousand Foot Krutch: From the plank position in a large circle, every time the singer says “Move”, plank walk to the right, then when he says “step into the circle”, plank rotate in a circle 360°.  then when he says “move” again, plank walk to the left. repeato until the song ends or death.

Fatboy Slim, Right here-Right now: Lunge walk across parking lot, slightly uphill.

Dillon Francis & Dj Snake-Get low: The song says “Get low” about a thousand times.  Squat (and twirk as the beat moves you) while the song says “Get low”, trying to hold the squat as long as possible.  When the beat finally drops, do squats!. What’s lower than a squat? 6″!  Repeato with 6″ and when the beat drops, do Merkins.

For some moseying music, Outkast and Hey Yah: Mosey to soft grassy spot at the Presbyterian Church for some Tub Thumping.

Chumbawumba: Tub Thumping.  Every time he says “I get knocked down, and I get up again” you do a burpee!  In between, do SSH.

Now it’s time for a slow jam: Moby, Bring Sally up.  Squat when the song says “Bring sally down” and stand up when the song says “bring sally up”.  Simple, right?  You bet.  You’ll never forget a dance with Sally.

Next up: Theme song from Rocky:  Over to the wall for some Hip slappers IC x 10 (cadence called by Squirt), then some Dirkins IC x 10 (called by Dolf), then to the curbs for Rocky Balboa’s (toe taps) IC X 20.  Repeato!  Finished out 2 sets of these just as the song ended.

To the round about in front of the church for some Mosey-go-round.

Hearts on Fire:  Take a lap round the circle, every time you pass the Cross, do a Burpee or Merkin.  2nd time round, do 2.  3rd time around, do 3, and so on. Once the song completed there was about 8 minutes remaining and we began the mosey back to  the Schiele.

Finality:  Wall sits and overhead presses until “let the bodies hit the floor” finished, then back to the start for Mary (LBC’s, Freddy Mercury, Mountain Climbers, Dying Cockroach).

Welcome Joe, FNG Captain D!  In my dehydrated delirium I failed to get his info but I will track him down!

Announcements: Community Foundation 5K 4/8 at the Rotary Pavilion Downtown, Race begins at 9am. Plenty of time for the DRP before hand!  Mud Run in May, Sign up!

Prayer requests, Many in our sphere of influence fighting cancer.  Injured brothers, Top Hat’s family and T-Square’s Family.

4 Corners

4 #HIMS showed up this am at TheStorm for the 4 Corners. Since the tarheels won the title I figured we could pay a little respect to them. Mumble chatter during the strecth as we waited on the Pax to show up. 5:30 hit and we began.

Short loop with high knees, butt kickers, left side and right side. Brownstreak made it through these alright. Had to be there. Warm up was as follows.

SSH x 15 IC, Mericans x 10 IC, Toy Soldiers x 10 IC, Squats x 10 IC, 10 Burpees OYO.

4 Corners;
– Legs: Corner 1, 20 lunges single count; run to corner 2, 20 squats; run to corner 3, 20 side lunges single count; run to corner 4, 20 monkey humpers; run to corner 1 and plank: 10 french fries IC.
– Upper body: Corner 1, 20 dips; run to corner 2, 20 mericans; run to corner 3, 20 CDD’s; run to corner 4, 10 archer push ups; run to corner 1 and plank: 10 updowns via Wheezy request- bad idea.
– Total body: 20 burpees at each corner (MUMBLE CHATTER)
– Mary: Corner 1, 20 LBC’s; run to corner 2, 20 flutter kicks double count; run to corner 3, 20 toe touches; run to corner 4, 20 WWII sit ups; run to corner 1 and plank
– Combo: Corner 1, 10 lunges single count and 10 dips; run to corner 2, 10 squats and 10 mericans; run to corner 3, 10 side lunges single count and 10 CDD’s; run to corner 4, 10 monkey humpers and 10 archer puhsups. Train went by and we have 95 burpees down. AYE! Nice work Ohhhhwow

Mosey back to the flag for the pledge; 5 Burpees OYO = 100

COT: Announcements- Burpeethon cancelled for the moment, need the nation to come out and support Special Olympics, if anyone or region is interested let me know. Community Run Saturday the 8th at 9 am. MUD RUN 5-20-17, we need some more teams, where ya at #GASHOUSE?

Prayer requests- Pax on the IR, Pockets, each other, friends and family.
Brownstreak, thanks for taking us out sir.

Wheezy gets the #TClaps today, nice work brother, keep pushing. OhhhWow, as Wheezy stated “it doesn’t get easier you just get stronger” AYE!! Keep it up brother. Streak gotta practice the left side shuffle, just sayin!! We missed some of the Pax this morning, some had legit excuses, some not. #NOHARDFEELINGS

As always it was a pleasure to lead you men. #DFQ

Introverted Beatdown


  • 25 SSH IC
  • 20 LBC IC
  • 15 Mountain Climbers IC
  • 10 Merkins IC
  • 5 BOYO IC

The Thang

Mosey to center of baseball pavilion for 3 rounds of tabata with 30 seconds of exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest.

  • Wall Sits OYO
  • Merkins OYO
  • Step Ups OYO
  • Squats OYO
  • Dips (Arm Squats) OYO
  • Planks OYO
  • High Knees OYO
  • Lunges OYO
  • Merkins (with rotations) OYO
  • Side Planks (15 seconds each side) OYO

After round one, take 1/4 lap around baseball pavilion.  After round two, take 1/2 lap around pavilion.  After third round, mosey back to Snowballs.

Last Minute Mary…

  • 20 Dying Cockroaches IC (because I LOVE them)!


  • Bulldog – Clerkins?  Really?  #STUD
  • Spiderman – Don’t worry about the Achilles – you have 2.
  • Turtleman – It was Cinderella… but RATT was coming up if did 5 more rounds.  Playlist is on my Spotify – I’ll share it if you like.
  • Gastone – Thanks for pushing and encouraging me to run more (and post more often).  I might be a runner one day.  NOT!!!
  • Monk – Thanks for not pushing me to run more.  At least one of you has my back!
  • Outhouse – Glad to see you back in the gloom brother!

It was a fine Day!!

14 showed for a rainy/wet beat down. Trying to show some planning skills, I dug up some exercises that I haven’t heard done yet. With that I like to start with the pledge and we’re off.


Abe Vigoda  x 10 IC   Slow Stretching Windmill

5 Burpees OYO

Mosey to the fartshack for some wall work.

10 x Hipslappers  IC

10 x Donkey kicks IC

10 x Wall taps  OYO

Now the rain began and we partnered up and did a Triple Check. Teams of 3 and 1 team of 2.

partner 1 wall sits

partner 2 planks

partner 3 sprints 100 yrds and back. or in our case to the truck in the parking lot. rinse and repeat x 3

Slow mosey to the parking lot for a route 66.

first one was a Bulgarian Ball Buster. Its a reverse lunge to a knee up.

second was the Merkin. Freight called out bear crawl between lines so some did.

Mosey to the parking lot in between the ball field and the horse shoe pits for 15 mins of fun. Complete reps of exercises and then run a lap.

10 Bobby Hurleys

10 Monkey Humpers

10 Nolan Ryans each hand. A few guys had good reach on this one.

5 Crunchy Frogs

After that we did another route 66

Van Goghda  Its a slow windmill on your 6. Feels like a WW1 Freight called out duck walk so we did.

I had more on the wet winke but since time was running low and we had a FNG to name, we moseyed back to the start and did 10 Dips and 5 Burp & Merks to finish up. Pizzaman took us out on 22 for the vets.


Announcements, Prayer request and prayer and we named the FNG. Welcome Wes Huffstetler now known as Match Stick

This week has been crazy for me. My Boss had a Heart attack and is heading for triple bypass surgery. When I arrived at the workout I found out that a high school friend had passed away from a massive heart attack. Thank you guys for showing and keep each other in your prayers.

No Train Saturday

A beautiful morning to share some sweat with the #HIMs. 14 showed this morning for YHC’s second Q in 3 days.

Announcement, we need Q’s at the Yank!

Pledge of Allegiance

Gather at the nest for the warm up. Goofballs x15IC, Dying Cockroaches x15IC, Daniel Sons x15IC

Mosey up to the track behind the middle school for The Thang. No running today, it’s time for the Super 21. We start out with LBCs and Merkins. 1 LBC and 2 Merkins, 2 LBCs and 3 Merkins, 3 LBCs and 4 Merkins until we reached 10. Once there we ran a lap around the track. Starting back, we switched to 10 Squats and 11 Side Straddle Hops, 11 Squats and 12 SSH, etc. up to 21. Mumble chatter was plentiful.

Take the scenic route on our mosey up to the sidewalk in front of the school. This routine is intended to be a tribute to the four schools in the Final Four. Here’s what happened.

Start with a nod to the Gamecocks with what YHC dubbed Chicken Jumps. Basically doing jump squats while flapping our “wings”. Do 10 of these.

We had to get to the other end of the sidewalk, so for the Gonzaga Zags, we did Zig Zags. The PAZ would hop back and forth over a line down to the other end.

Once at the other end, unfortunately we had to acknowledge the Tar Holes. We did this by performing 10 Pickle Pounders.

Lastly, to give the Ducks props, we did a Duck Walk back to the start. We did this routine 3 times in total.

Mosey around to the back wall of the school. The Triple Check involves 3 man teams. Partner 1 holds the People’s Chair while Partner 2 hold the Plank while Partner 3 sprints to the stop sign and back. Rinse and repeat times 3.

Last but not least, we went to the shelter for a short Dora 123. Pair up for 300 squats, 200 LBCs and 100 dips. While partner 1 exercises, 2 holds 6 inches. While doing LBCs, partner 2 did something else. Time ran out before we could get to the dips.’

Prayer requests: T-Square’s family

Announcements- Burpeethon is cancelled for now.

Great to see you guys this morning! AYE!!!


Another Thursday at the Goat. The dudes were strolling in, Mayor was trying to give away the leftovers from the P200. Lets get it on! Oh hey Anthrax, where did you come from?!?


Warm Up: Goofballs x15IC, Don Quixotes x10IC, Squats x15IC

Mosey down to the island, around the playground to show off the nifty concrete cornhole set-up. Count off to make sure everybody’s here. 12, good. Let’s mosey some more up to the secret parking lot.

The Thang: Upon arrival at the spot, there was a stack of beautiful bricks and a deck of cards. The Deck of Death, classic! The suit for each card drawn means a certain exercise, the number on the card is the number of reps.

Spades: Merkins

Hearts: Dying Cockroaches

Diamonds: Arm Raises with bricks

Clubs: Monkey Humpers

Everything was going smoothly, some mumble chatter, sweat, yada yada yada. After a couple of cards drawn, YHC figured we needed to step it up a little, so for each ace drawn, the PAX would complete a lap around the building. This routine was going just as planned until somehow there seemed to be 6, 7, maybe even 8 aces in this deck! What’s going on? No one knows for sure, but there’s speculation that some of the PAX feel the need to do extra credit reps and drag the rest of us down that path with them. In the end, we all made it through anyway, no problem.

We finished up that routine and moseyed back down to the start with just enough time to squeeze in the first half of Roxanne. You don’t have to put on the red light baby!

Prayer Request: T-Square’s family, Top Hat’s dad is home and recovering

Announcements: Burpeethon is cancelled for now, Mayor will bring updates as available. Mud Run May 20th, Community Foundation Run April 8th

Moleskin: That deck was full, 52 cards!

A pleasure to lead as always men. Keep pushing the rock!


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