Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: April 24, 2017

Skeet Shooting-PreBlast

OK guys, here’s the pre blast for 2nd F event of the year, at least until the next event…. (insert Christmas party joke now Freight and others)

SKEET SHOOTING (background applause goes wild)

Saturday, May 27 at Rankin Lake in the afternoon, we can finalize the time as it gets closer depending on interest

Anyone brave enough to be within range of me is welcome, especially Kotters and FNGs.

Food after for those interested, would prefer to wait on the fire water until after we have emptied our guns. Check out the website, not expensive, looks pretty easy to make this work for us.



Stalking Chupacabra or Tiger

3 Studs convened at 0530am in GasHouse for the toughest (never mind it is the only) Monday F3 workout in Gastonia. It was a chilly and wet morning with not a fartsacker in sight. We were Q-less and yet we were Q-ful at the same time. No one was assigned so we quickly assigned all of us and got to work. I was thankful Squirt showed up as he did. If he did not park right next to me, my plan was to sink down in my seat until around 0535 then sneak out of the parking lot with headlights off and go home for a little extra sleep before going to work. Thankfully, he kept me honest and committed so we got some work done. Spiderman showed up in his usual silent way-one minute there were only 2 of us, next thing you know Spiderman is contributing to the conversation.

We had a brief discussion about what we would do and to save Spiderman a trip back to the car, I suggested we just do a version of last week’s Fast and Furious 6 and there was no objection so we ran for cover of the bank drive thru to get started. Here is what I remember:

Squirt started us off with “Hit the pledge before we forget”-good call

WU: no idea, I’m sure it was SSH plus some other stuff.


Exercise #1, 1 lap, Exercise #1 and 2, 2 laps, Exercise #1,2, and 3, 3 laps…up to 6 exercises and 6 laps for total of just shy of 3 miles. Exercises X 10 reps each time were (as I recall) in order Merkins, Freddy Mercury, Dips, Sumo Squats, ? Peter Parkers, and then a new one by Squirt he wants to call “Stalking Tiger.” It’s your decision, but my suggestion was chupacabra because it was an exercise from hell and looks just like the chupacabras I saw when I was running the P200 recently (does anyone read this? I can put whatever I want if no one is reading this…). Start in plank, do merkin, bring one leg up like peter parker then inch worm forward to full plank, then repeat merkin/peter parker with other leg. This process was repeated for (I think) about 17 miles (really was about 25 feet but felt like much farther).

We walked as slow as necessary to get back to home base for COT at 0615. We had a lot of chatter about things this morning such as Hermits, events planned last night at Advisory Board, and guys we needed to EH. The COT was pretty impactful for me and I think the others as well. Truly a good morning to be there and more proof to me that the numbers that post really have very little to do with the quality of the experience. In fact, the lower numbers seem to be the times that I drive home with a much different perspective than when I got up this morning. Shieldlock is a valuable tool we all need at one time or another. Gotta post to keep it strong. Hope to see you fellas out there this week.


Football at the Gashouse

14 strong with 2 FNG’s for the first Def Leppard Q at the Gashouse. It’s been about a year since I had my first post here at an F3 workout and I have never Q’d the Gashouse so when Stroganoff sent out a request for Q’s I decided to volunteer. This being a Spring Break week I wasn’t expecting a big turnout but was happy with our group. After a wonderful Third F reminder from Hushpuppy about how much Sky Q loves us, it was time to start.

Disclaimer was given, I’m an idiot, Slaw’s an idiot, these are only suggestions, get back in your car, do not get hurt, etc, etc.

SSH IC x 10

Don Quixotes (Tool Time) IC x 10

Hillbillies IC x 10

22 Single Count Merkins for the VETS, thanks Slaw and Oompa!

Mosey to the Flag for the Pledge

Mosey to Grier Track for Quarter Pounder

Run 25 yards to 1st cone, 25 Merkins (single), Nur back. Run 50 yards to next cone, 50 Squats, Nur back. Run 75 yards to next cone, 75 Mountain Climbers, nur back. Run 100 yards to last cone, 100 SSH, Nur back. Word: Reminder to keep pushing through everything.

Mosey across the road to the basketball court behind the Presbyterian church where we found 2 sizes of coupons, Heavy and Heavier. If your shirt sleeve was within an inch of your biceps muscle you were supposed to take the heavier coupon and many did. Curls x 30, On your six for chest presses x 30, Stand for Overhead presses x 30. We did 2 sets of these. Word: Reminder to stay strong. You never know when you will need to be strong for your family. I related about my wife’s recent surgery and me trying to keep her from lifting or overdoing it. Somebody has to be strong for your family and it should be you! Shrink talked about having to be strong right now for his dad. Aye! Great word Shrink!

Mosey to Parkwood parking lot for Hindenberg BLIMPS. We stayed together as a group, run to the middle of the parking lot, 10 Burpees, 20 Lunges, 30 Imperial Walkers, 40 Merkins, 50 Plank Jacks and we skipped the squats for time.

Mosey back to the football field for Football with Frisbee Golf rules. I borrowed this from Freight. We split up and played half the field and had a nice little game. Word: Reminder to have fun!

Mosey back to the Gashouse as the bells were ringing. Word: Reminder from Dredd’s words at our CSAUP on how to connect with guys. Ask, Listen, Remember. This will help you connect with guys and make lasting friendships and keep guys coming back. I have been very fortunate before F3 to have a small group of great friends but in the last year I can say I now have a large group of great friends. As you get older you begin to realize how important these relationships are. The nest empties, good health is harder to keep, difficult situations arise, but its great to have friends to help you “Keep Pushing!” A big thanks to all of F3 Gastonia for the last year. Lots of HIM’s in this group!

Announcements and COT then Coffeeteria at Panera.

Welcome FNG Carnivore (Jason Hardin), dude lost over 100 lbs. eliminating meat from his diet. Aye! Welcome FNG Hitchball (Brad Pruitt). These 2 new guys pushed hard today and we hope to see them back!


PRE-BLAST: GasHouse Pain Lab starting 5.13.17!

GasHouse region, we have finalized plans to introduce the Pain Lab to GasHouse.  What is a Pain Lab?  This is a workout that will be designed for those who cannot do High-Impact exercises (both feet leave the ground, like jogging or regular burpees), and also for those members on the mend from injuries, providing a Low & Zero impact solution.

We will modify exercises, we will get our cardio spiking, we will but our @$$e$.

So headlock all the guys who say after a day of jogging they will be laid up, because they have a way to F3 and build bonds.  We’re going to get work done for the beasts who are strong in mind, if not all parts of the body.  Exercises on tap include:

  • Boxing
  • Abdominal Focus
  • Yoga
  • Kettlebell/Weights
  • Low-Impact Cardio
  • Stretching/Flexibility

For the first few months this will run CONCURRENTLY to GasHouse Boot Camp (Schiele Museum).  Meet at 7 a.m., Boot Campers take off, we stay and work, everyone meets back up for Ball of Man at 8 p.m.

Looking forward to it!  See Rudolph with questions!

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