Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

2 Nuts

  • Post Type:
  • When: 04/09/17
  • AO:
  • QIC: Whoopee
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Billy Madison, Whoopee

Last night was not a good night for me. I wrestled in the fartsack all night-not the good kind that I used to strive for as a young (unmarried/lost) man accompanied by whoever I could convince to spend a little more time with me after that last song was played at whatever party I attended. This was the restless, uncomfortable, something-just-isn’t-right wrestling that makes you eventually get out of bed, go to the other room until you get sleepy, then go back to bed kind. However, I did not make it back to bed until after 4am. So when the alarm went off around 630am today, I was not in the best of moods and certainly did not want to get up to run 4-5 miles in the 40 degree weather. Fortunately I had set enough different alarm clocks that I finally managed to get up and hustle to get out of the house with enough time to make it to the Coconut Horse to find Billy Madison sitting in his car with a big grin on his face. Turns out, we were the only 2 to make it this am so we got to it. He proclaimed me the Q so we did the doG loop (same loop as always but started with hilly part going down on Robinwood Road). As usual, we started of with the typical chatter but eventually delved into the bigger and deeper topics about things like our family’s health, something called “assume innocence”, humility, and “bright spots” in our job that bring us back to why we started doing that thing we call work (have you had one of those experiences lately?). Running with Billy Madison is always a good experience for me. He is kind enough to not run too fast, likes to talk (so I can catch my breath on the hills), can ALWAYS identify with an experience as long as you tie it to some movie, and lifts my emotional IQ after the run. Today was no different. It was an ISI morning for me, although I felt more like the rock being pushed when we started. We did finish with a nice 1/3 mile “sprint” to empty the gas tank before getting back to start.

To all you fartsackers, hope you are rested for the week. Sundays are definitely a good day to sleep in and recover. Push it hard this week and post because you never know when you will be both the second and LAST to post at your workout and the other guy really needs you that day.

Warm Up: What’s that?

The Thang: We ran

Ended with COT and a quick prayer.

1 Comment

  1. Gastone

    I am glad the both of you made the run. I don’t usually fartsack but if I do it has been warm for a while and then gets cold. I look forward to returning to Coconut Horse on the 30th.

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