6 of Gastonia’s finest on a crisp spring morning that like to start the day off with a bang.
The Thang:
Warm Up with a dice with exercises on each side of it’s octagon shape. Lunges, something else. I decided it was boring so everyone followed me back to my truck to drop off the dice which I left on the back of the truck and it is gone forever. Prop fail.
Then we headed down South street strait out from the Rotary Pavilion. By the way good job Gastonia Rotary on such a nice setup with the Pavilion, well done.
AME Zion Church stop for 10 Carolina Dry Dock, 10 Derkins, 10 Merkins with hands up on the wall. Rinse and repeat one more time.
We stopped at South and and 3rd. Partner up for 5 Hand Slap Merkins run different ways around Emmanuel Church until you get to the ramp. One person is Bear Crawling down and the other up and back to the start for 10 Hand Slap Merkins and revers directions and Bear Crawls. (Lady came out of her house that we scarred, we told her we were working out and she went back to sleep)
Mosey the rest of the way down South Street to 5th street.
Light Poles on the left were the key to this workout. We stopped at each one on the way back with an exercise. We did lots of Sumo Squats. Some Monkey Humpers and Gorilla Humpers. Lots of Merkins, Wide Arms, and Carolina Dry Dock. (The excitement was high on this one)
We made it back to AME Zion Church Wall. We did 10 Dips and 1 Step Up until we switched to 1 Dip and 10 Step Up’s.
Then everyone on the ground for some Mary. We did Bicycle(Can’t ever remember the name), Flutter Kick 20, 6 inche hold feet off ground then spread legs. (This was nice when a Millennial was staring at us from his car as we had our legs spread 6 inches off the ground. Whoopee made reference to the Millennial hair growth. Anthrax mentioned a safe space.) Then legs up high and hold it then spread apart and hold. 20 more Flutters. Recover.
Mosey back to Pavilion and everyone up on the railing. Top guy bear crawl under and get back up on bars holding plank. Rinse and repeat down and then up. (Whoopee then punched me in the arm for the record)
The Moleskin:
It was a great morning and we did not notice the colder temp or the winds except at the beginning. It is always an honor to lead the group and I look forward to the next time.
Community Run is in the morning. Bring your family and hang out or run in the event. Put on your F3 shirts and let’s grow this group.
Gastone Mt. Mitchell I am starting to find some people to join me and will pick a date shortly.
Prayer request for all that are dealing with injuries and all that have something going on. Jesus is with you!
Gastone, Out!