Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: March 1, 2017

Is he asleep?

YHC needs a little push and motivation through the week so Huckleberry was nice enough to give me the Q to get me out of the fartsack, well it definately works, so here I am. 2 of us made it out in the gloom today with the others with changed work schedules, on the IR list, another with a shoulder needing some rest, and the fartsack attacking a few others like it has done me lately.

Warmup:  SSH, Gravel Pickers, Hillbillys, and Don Quixote.  x15 IC

Mosey to the flag at the Senior Center and say the pledge. Hit the nearby parking lot for 2 sets of 15 IC of Mike Tysons and 20 Big Boy situps. Sparky noticed the unmarked police car backed in between a few other cars as YHC didn’t even notice. We wondered if he was asleep or not, but no mention of getting any closer to find out. Next we mosey to the parking lot on the left down the hill for some line work. Long jumps and at every 3rd line 20 lbc’s down and back, lunge walk and every 3rd line 20 Freddie Mercury’s down and back. Amphitheater time and we did 20 Donkey Kicks and straight into Hip Slappers with as many as you can do. Some Plank Steps (Not sure what you call it Huckleberry showed this to me Saturday.) Plank and put each hand on the wall switching back and forth. We did these as many as we could no counting. With about 9 minutes left and 1.25 miles so far Sparky said let’s make it 2 miles. Who am I to not oblige? Off we go on a tour of Folsom and back to start logging 2 miles.

BOM: YHC took us out. Good work today Sparky, despite the lingering affects of the sinus crud. It was an honor to lead today.

Global Warming?

12 manly Midoriyama men posted in the ridiculously warm last day of February weather for an old man Q.

Disclaimer even though No FNG’s. I reminded everyone that we are all trying to get healthier out here so do not push too far to get injured as that defeats the purpose!

Warm Up

SSH x 10 IC

Toy Soldiers x 10 IC

Rockette Hillbillies x 11.75 kinda sorta in Cadence OYO, Quiet Huckleberry!

Box Cutters x 10 IC

Mosey to the Soccer field

Dips x 20 OYO, 5 Step Ups each leg, 3 Sets

Mosey to the Coupons

Even with the coupon vandalism from the soccer hooligans, we had enough for everyone.

Curls with Coupons x 20, On your six for Chest Presses with Coupons x 20+, 3 Sets of these. Aye!

Mosey to the Dog Park Hill which I tried to get a name for. Fido Hill? Lassie Hill? Huck floated something like “female dog” Hill but that’s not family friendly even though some dog show watchers in our group said it was used frequently on those broadcasts. There was a girls soccer scrimmage going on as we arrived at the hill so we tried to not be distracting as went up the hill, touched the fence, 5 Merkins, down the hill, 15 LBC’s, repeat 5 times, yes I said 5 times. Guys pushed hard on this one.

Mosey back to the parking lot close to our flag where there were 11 exercises listed in parking spaces. This came from CSpan when he came to Gashouse one Saturday. 10 Burpees, 20 Diamond Merkins, 30 CDD’s, 40 Squats, 50 Seal Jacks, 60 LBC’s, 70 SSH, 10 Hello Dolly, 20 Merkins, 30 Calf Raises. Start with whichever exercise you wanted. After each exercise run a lap around the parking lot bear crawling the sidewalk near the road. This was very popular with the group. Pizza Man, Slaw, Freight and Edison nearly got through the entire set before time to circle up back at the flag. I read the verse Phillipians 3:14 “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus”. I remember CSpan’s lesson with the parking spot workout was how we sometimes think other folks are way ahead of us and we can never catch them but with F3, we are all running together to help each other “toward the goal”. I can’t say enough about how much F3 has helped me in every area of my life at a time when I needed it. I have always appreciated how well the original Midoriyama guys welcome newer guys into the group. They didn’t have to be that way, but they were and we try to continue that with our newer guys. Thanks to all of F3 for the push!

Pledge, Prayer Requests and COT.

Announcements – F3 Gastonia convergence on March 18th at the Yank, Christmas Party postponed.

5 Burpees + The Grinch = Wonderful Wednesday

YHC prepared for the workout last night by posting some instructions on Twitter….to my surprise, I was immediately chastised and berated for said instructions…….well then. I thought they were simple.

I really showed up unprepared for the workout and unsure of what I was going to do other than one thing during the warm up but I will get to that.

13 brave souls showed up on a warm March morning for an unknown beatdown with one simple instruction….NO BURPEES.

Disclaimer. Pledge. Warm-up in cadence:

SSH X 5 (5?) Yes, just 5 as we had to immediately throw down 5 Burpees OYO. (Whoopee had already taunted YHC with 5 of his own before the workout even started but this was the plan all along)

Two cars pulled in late (at least according to my $5 Casio) so we added 10 more IC SSH.

Let’s Mosey to the center of the fields at Martha’s House for some IC work:

ATM’s: Shoulder taps X 15 – Tempo Merkins X 10 – Merkins X 10

One lap around the adjacent baseball field and back to the center for round 2 of the same:

ATM’s: Shoulder taps X 15 – Tempo Merkins X 10 – Merkins X 10

After a short rest, it was time to mosey to the covered picnic table area for some more IC work:

Derkins X 15
Flutter Kicks X 20
Lunges X 10 (per leg)
Rinse & Repeat

Mosey to the center of the fields and back to the picnic area for more IC work:

Dips X 15
Freddy Mercury’s X 25
Step ups X 20
Dips X 20
Freddy Mercury’s X 25
Step ups X 30

Somewhere during this set of work, YHC was accused of smiling (rather deviously) at the PAX. Not true. Must be an alternative fact or fake news. Don’t believe it. In fact, social media (Twitter) was even utilized to further extend this false story (Whoopee).

Time was dwindling so we moseyed around the parking lot and surprisingly ended up back at the picnic area again………

Time for some final IC work:

Merkins X 15
LBC’s X 25
Squats X 20
Derkins X 15
Flutter Kicks X 20
Step ups X 16

Time is almost up. Mosey back to Pelican’s (past my Mother and Aunt who once again got to hear how great I am)….thanks guys.

Just enough time left for a round of 40 IC Flutter Kicks. Whew!

Announcements: Workday this Saturday at the Rotary Community Garden – 9:00 am – 2.0’s welcome. Convergence at The Fighting Yank on March 18th.

Several prayer requests including upcoming surgery for Def Leppard’s Wife; co-worker of Hushpuppy dealing with Cancer; other prayers unsaid.

My goal today was to keep the heart rate up by keeping the workout moving with little rest/recovery between exercises. Not sure I accomplished it but I know I was personally spent after the work. Thanks for the push, the mumble chatter and the continued motivation to be better. Believe it or not but F3 Gastonia is only a few weeks away from our 2nd Anniversary. (This won’t work in Gaston County)

There are still men out there suffering from Sad Clown Syndrome that are searching for us. We need to keep looking for them and inviting them to come out, especially as the weather is getting a little nicer.

As always, it was my honor to lead you men through the workout this morning.

Until the next one. Aye!


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