Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: February 2017 (Page 4 of 5)


It was 40 ish  and windy at mt Midroriyama and  (QIC) had not posted in over a week due to work and lower back troubles. So I was ready to give it a go today. After a short disclaimer it was time to start

Warm up

—SSH 20 IC


Don Quixote’s  20 IC

Mosey across road to new trail stoped back at top wait for pax with some planks. Pax arrive did 10 mike Tysons IC

Mosey to playground for some pullups and merkins reminded pax I would always include until I could do them as well as Edison, dude has some killer form on the pull up bar . AYE..

Mosey to soccer field for some DORA 123

100 pushups



Partner 1 does exercises while 2 runs across field and nurs back  this wasn’t so bad till we got to squats then was happy to just get done with this one

Did some dips and Freight wanted to try some bear crawl merkins?  so we did two many of those

mosey to turd shack for some hipslappers then to flag circled up for some” Stroganoff strong” flutter kicks, didn’t quite get there but still pushing I think we did 25 or so I  got a long way to go keep “TRAINNING”  as Freight would say.

Announcements , pledge , cot.

Thanks for the push F3 …….




You might feel that in your upper calf….

7 of the non scared men awoke from bed and decided to roll in for a brisk workout.

The Thang:

25 SSH

20 Imperial Walker

10 Merkins

Follow me. Mosey to the bridge over the railroad for lunge walks across.

Mosey to behind the Sheriffs office on first set of stairs.

Everyone put one hand on a bar with both feet on a step. We did 20 jumps with a calf dip. Then both feet together for 13 3 count calf raises. Also, spread legs for 13 3 count calf raises. Rinse and repeat. Although they might not realize it now but this should leave a impressionable mark on your legs today but tomorrow will be bad.

Mosey a lap up the stairs and down the other side while I announced this is the top and then the bottom.

At the bottom 1 hand release Merkin and at the top 6 Burpee’s while making laps around up and down the stairs. While going up the stairs raise arms just while going up, I added the arm raises just because I heard some mumble chatter about not being able to see the stairs very well.

Plank at the bottom.

Mosey 10 yards away to a ramp with a long railing. Everyone on the railing while one person bear crawls under and to the other side. Rinse and repeat to the other side. Surprise once we all got to the bottom of the ramp we went back up.

Mosey back to the bottom of the stair loop for some Mary.

We did Flutter’s, 6 inches, Flutters, etc until it really hurt. At this point Roscoe noticed that the Mumble Chatter was a little low today.

Then we started our next set on the stair loop. Bottom we did 6 Carolina Dry Dock and at the top we did 1 Squat. Keep on going until we flip the number.

Plank, right arm up and then right foot then switch.

Mosey back to the bridge for Bear Crawl across with Stroganof pushing the extra 15 yards and getting the gut check.

Mosey to the railing at the Pavillion for more plank on a railing and bear crawl under until time expired.

The Moleskin:

It is great to find the one day of the last couple weeks that is very chilly. But, we overcame quick and made it happen. Such as life, some things just suck but we are men and we make it happen and pushed the rock. Then we are done and we can look back at the things that we have overcame in our life.

We had a accidental drowning of one of the F3 guys brother. I will pray for the family and for his acceptance into heaven and I hope you will as well.

Thanks for the opportunity to Q what is always a great group of men and I look forward to the next.

Gastone Out!

I Think I Hear A Train…Again

I woke up this morning at 2 AM to the sound of Thunder and my first thought was will anyone be joining me at The Goat today?  I was happy to see there were PAX waiting and more coming in after me (including an FNG), and even happier that it wasn’t raining and thundering anymore. However that thunder was replaced by another thunder…  We were blessed with 5 trains this morning throughout our workout and with each train came 5 Burpees OYO!  Speaking of that workout, here’s what went down at the Goat this morning.

  • Disclaimer
  • Warm Up
    • 15 SSH (IC)
    • 15 Don Xiote (IC)
    • 15 Hillbillies (IC)
    • 10 Goofballs (IC)
  • Pledge
  • The Thang

Thanks to Brownstreak’s (who did in fact Fartsack this morning) recommendation we mosey’d to the bridge for some bridgework.

  1. Bear crawl from the base of the bridge to where the wooden part starts.  Zombie walk the wooden part to where it meets the cement again, Crab Walk the rest of the way.
  2. Partner up for a few rounds of Dora 123.
    1. – Round 1 in aggregate while partner runs to top of bridge for 10 Merkins
      1. 300 Russian Twist
      2. 200 Freddy Mercury
      3. 100 Flutter Kicks
    2. – Round 2 (find a new partner)  in aggregate while partner runs to top of bridge for 10 Monkey Humpers
      1. 300 Squats
      2. 200 Dips
      3. 100 Derkins
    3. We ran out of time before round 3 thanks to the trains mentioned before and the added Burpees…
  3. Mosey back to starting parking lot
    1. Guantanamo Bay – 1 Round
    2. 1 minute left so as many Crunchy Frogs as you can in 1 minute
      1. I really like the Crunchy Frogs for some reason and would have hated to Q a whole workout without including them

COT\Announcements\Prayer\Naming FNG

  • Fighting Yank T-Shirts are now available online.


As always it was an honor to lead today and get in a good exercise.  I think we had a record number of trains this morning but you know what they say…  The only way to get better at Burpees is do more Burpees.  Welcome Paw Patrol! If you’re sore tomorrow the only way to fix that is to come back for more.  Looking forward to next time!

Filthy Fifty

Today was 53 degrees and foggy. Kind of comfortable (this would change). We started with a disclaimer and the Pledge.

We mosied from Pelicans to Martha’s parking lot for a workout YHC borrowed from a Crossfit buddy at work. Everyone would complete 50 reps of the following exercises OYO. You could complete these in a any groupings or order desired. I sure hope you thought it sucked as much as me. It’s called the Filthy Fifty…

50 Seal Jacks
50 LBC
50 Squats
50 Dips
50 Step Ups
50 Dying Cockroaches
50 Lunges
50 Mericans
50 Mountain Climbers
50 Burpees

For all the studs that finished early, they were rewarded with a run around the parking lot. Eventually we all ended up somewhere in the middle. After a brief count off we re-engaged all our major muscle groups with some bear crawls between the islands. We topped that off with some plank work. Then we focused a bit on the legs again with some lunge walks to the next island, again, topped off with some plank work. Then we put in a few laps around the islands just for fun. Running burns calories, fat and time!

After running back to Pelican’s we finished today’s workout with a speed round of people’s choice, on-your-six, ab work.

Everyone pushed it today. Enjoyed leading this great group of HIM!


The Safe Word Is “Tassels”

Thirteen men showed up at Midoriyama on an awesome afternoon with perfect weather. We jumped right in and here is the breakdown:

Warm Up (IC)

  • Seal Jacks – 21
  • Don Quixote’s – 21
  • LBC’s – 20

Short an sweat and ready to start the main event.

Main Event

  • Mosey to the light pole.
  • Sprint to the next light, mosey to the next, repeat down and back.
  • Back to flag for the fun part!

I pulled out the phone and set a round timer. 3 minutes on and 30 seconds of break. It’s just three minutes! It can’t be that hard, right?

  • 3 minutes of Squats with lots of mumble chatter about other things that you can do in three minutes. NSFW.
  • Decided on a safe word and because of Slaw’s hip thruster squats the PAX decided on tassels.
  • 3 minutes of fast feet and anytime a PAX said tassels we did a burpee.
    Apparently, Huckleberry is a sadistic and loves that word.
  • 3 minutes of low/high plank, switch on the safe word.
  • 3 minutes of lunges
  • 3 minutes of LBC’s and anytime the safe word was used it switched to the big boy sit-ups.
  • 3 minutes of high knees
  • 3 minutes of wall taps.
  • 3 minutes of toe touches.
  • 3 minutes of merkins. Omaha with a minute left into burpees
  • Q called out Bobby Hurley’s, and the mumble chatter made him feel bad. Switched to 3 minutes of arms over head butt kickers.
  • 22 Merkins for the vets.
  • TIME!

Announcements, Pledge, and COT. Keep Huck’s family in your prayers.

Great job everyone!

“The glory of young men is their strength, but the splendor of old men is their gray hair.”- Proverbs 20:29

A good day for some sweat

With low temperatures settled back in the pax started gathering with plenty of mumble chatter amongst them. With 15 pax we got off the sidewalk and into the grass for the warmup. First we  pledge to the Flag. With a FNG present I gave a disclaimer and we began.


Goofballs, Don Quixote, SSH, Grass Pickers, Flutter Kicks, LBC, Squat   x 10 IC


Mosey up to the track for some partner work. partner 1 runs across the track while partner two does exercise. OYO

CDD x 50

Peter Parker x 100

Hillbilly’s x 150

Dying Cockroaches x 200

Mosey to the wall for

Hip slappers x 10 IC

donkey kicks x10 IC

First train arrived everyone 5 Burpees OYO

Wall sit with Moroccan Nightclubs until Q says stop.

Mosey up in front of the school. we ran the court yard with six stations of work. all OYO. WE completed 4 rounds with rounds 2 and 4 alternating exercises at stations 2 and 3. Another train coming by we got in another set of 5 Burpees.

Station 1  Burpee x 5

Station 2  LBC x 20 / Sandy V

Station 3  Merkin x 20 / Dying Cockroaches

Station 4  Monkey Humpers x 20 backside to the road

Station 5  Dips x 20   after station 5 return to stations 2 and 3 before moving to 6

Station 6  LBFC x 10

Mosey back to the Gazebo for a triple nickel.

Monkey Humpers at the bottom and LBC at the top.

Mosey back to the start with one pax pointing out we still had some time left so we had some Mary.

Edison, Tool Time and Sargento helping out  we did some Flutter kicks, Side Merkins and some Arm raises.  With the rare third train tuning in we did 5 more Burpees OYO.

Announcements and Prayer finished up the morning.

Thank you to Edison for pushing me to join and thank you to all of you for receiving me in with open arms. Thank you for helping me be a better man. It was a pleasure and I’m looking forward to many more!


The BlockBuster

10 #HIM chose to beat the fartsack this morning. YHC was on site ealry to log the .25 mile track that would be used this am for the easy part of the blockbuster. I haven’t performed this workout in a while and was a little rusty with the number of reps, forgive me Mayor.

WarmUP; SSH 20 IC, Mericans 10 IC, LBC’s 15 IC, Flutter kicks 15 IC.

The Thang; Run 2 laps which is a 1/2 mile, perform 6 excersies 10 reps IC or OYO. Run 1/2 mile, repeat exercises, Run 1/2 mile, repeat exercises, Run 1/2 mile.
Exercises; Curls, Squats, Front Raise, French Curls, Squat Press, Good Mornings. All performed with a 8″ block, Squat presses were 10 OYO.

Moleskin; The mumble chatter was pretty good at the stretch session but it didn’t take long for it to die down. During the first set of exercises YHC was informed that 20 IC was crazy, so we Omaha’d to 10 IC. Good call at least for time anyway. We logged approx 2 miles as well. There were 2 DIFFERENT TRAINS this morning as well, so we were able to stick to the rule of it can’t be a F3 workout without Burpees. AYE! Nice work by all men this morning. Thank you guys for the oppurtunity to lead and thanks for the push. #ISI

COT; Pledge, Announcements- 4-29-17 Burpeeathon, This is a lot of fun for a good cause, P200 Meeting tonight. Prayer Requests. BOM, Thanks Streak for taking us out.

A little of this, a little of that

12 men showed up this morning to participate in my VQ. After the Pledge of Allegiance we began….

Warmup: Side Strattle Hops Arm windmills Imperial Walkers

We then moseyed to the park and partnered up. Each team had to complete 100 Derkins while the partner did squats.  Then 100 dips and flutter-kicks. Took a little run around the park and returned for round 2.  50 Derkins/squats and 50 dips/flutter-kicks. Moseyed to the parking lot to complete 10 lunges and 1 burpee.  (two rounds)

Went to the hill and performed 3 rounds of sprints while partner did WWI sit-ups.

Returned to complete derkins/squats and dips/flutter-kicks (40-30-20-10)

Found a nice wall and did wallsits while one ran a short distance and returned.

We finished with an indian run.

I would to thank everyone for working with me during my VQ. This will be the first of many.

Now you see #HIM, now you don’t

Five #HIM had arrived at The Pub with a minute to go when Defib ran up. He had run from his house and was clearly happy about it.

I had planned a five mile route, misremembered it, and ended up leading a four mile run that returned too early. So, we made up the last mile with #HIM running in various directions in the Publix parking lot and the streets nearby.

The route I meant to run: Hoffman/Redbud to Pamela to Gardner Park to Armstrong Park and back to Publix.

The route we actually ran: Hoffman/Redbud to Pamela to Audrey to Armstrong Park and back to Publix.

We started with six #HIM, ended with four. Defib left mid-workout to get to work on time. At 6:15 everyone had returned but Outhouse. So we looked for him … no Outhouse. Announcements … still no Outhouse. COT … still no Outhouse. Gastone and I made a plan to drive through the route and look for him. Then finally, just as we left the parking lot, Outhouse rounds the corner with that big Outhouse smile.

Thanks gentlemen! A joy to be together in the gloom!!

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