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It was not long ago that that we heard a powerful testimony from Dredd “It all begins with love. You can not lead a man to his death unless he knows you love him”. We always enter the month of February planning on how we can make our sweethearts smile without spending too much money. In February 2017 I challenge you to do something different. I challenge you to find and practice a selfless love; expecting nothing in return.

As you read the suggested passages on the love of Christ towards us and discuss them at Coffeerama I hope you will find inspiration to love in a way you never have before.
Week 1) 1 Corinthians chapter 13: 1-7. We normally read these verses at weddings,
How did Christ show these things towards us?
Do we practice these things with our family? How can we do better?
Verses 1-3 talk about many of the spiritual gifts. How do these compare to Love?

Week 2) Ephesians Chapter 5:25-33
What command did Paul give us as men towards our wives?
How did Christ demonstrate this?

Week 3) 1 Corinthians 13: 4-13
Verse 11 talks about formerly being a child. What is the Apostle Paul implying in this love chapter?
Which part of these verses can we improve at?

Week 4) John 13:1-17 In this passage Jesus washes the disciples feet. How does he demonstrate the love attributes found in 1 Corinthians? How can we demonstrate them, as he charges us in verse 17?

Hushpuppy will tweet out the verses before each Saturday workout.  EH a friend, offer to buy them coffee after. Study and share these verses and most of all, live them in your homes and businesses!
See you in the gloom!