Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

…Take me out to the ballgame

  • Post Type:
  • When: 01/06/2016
  • AO:
  • QIC: Roscoe
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Bulldog, DaVinci, Stone Cold, FNG-Mastodon (Respect), T-Square, Squirt, Bandit, Tube, Guts, Gastone, Stroganoff, Spiderman, KFC, EZ Rider, Roscoe

I finished reading “Freedom from Fear” this week and one of the things that struck me was being intentional about making time for yourself to sit, reflect, or brainstorm.  “Be still, and know that I am GOD”.  Psalm 46:10.  Thanks for the book Stroganoff!

It could have been the quiet time that inspired me to come up with a baseball themed workout in January…I am not quite sure but I went with it.  I had the ball and bat but Short Sale came through late last night and delivered the bases to my car door.  I was loading up this morning and saw my FNG next door neighbor was already in his driveway waiting for another neighbor, Guts, to pick him up.  Little did I know my other neighbor Stone Cold would also be posting today.  That makes five PAX on my street within about ten houses with four posting today.  Keep the EH going!

EZ Rider was already at the AO when I arrived and stepped onto the baseball “field”.  I laid out the bases and hooked up a speaker for the stadium organ music and the PAX kept rolling in.  The cube I brought wasn’t quite loud enough but the PAX got the point.

After a brief disclaimer we started with the warm up of something like this:

SSH, Merkins, LBC’s and Imperial Walkers

To get to first base, you had to earn it.

5 Burp and Merk, 20 Bobby Hurleys, 30 Flutter Kicks, 25 squats

Run to first (500 feet), tag the bag and called “time” and returned to the plate (Pavilion)

Next we had to earn 2nd.  We repeated the exercises to earn first base and I forgot to make them earn second before we were running for a double.  (Q fail)  However, it took longer than I thought so it was just as well.  We then earned second and third together

2nd Base

5 8 Count body builders

25 Seal Jacks

15 American Hammer

3rd Base

15 shoulder taps (thanks for the clarification Stroganoff)

15 WW1 Situps

10 Carolina Dry Docks

Then run to 1st, 2nd, and third base, touch base, return to home plate.  About 2000 feet.

There were a few baseball quotes thrown in while the batters were adjusting their cups in the box.

The PAX had a single, double, and a triple and were hoping for a dinger to hit for the cycle.  YHC modified for the sake of time and we did something like this:

5 Burp and Merk, 5Bobby Hurleys, 15 Flutter Kicks, 10 squats, 5 8 Count Body Builders, 10 CDD’s, then to earn the homerun, we did three step Deep Sea Divers and then a Bearcrawl on the backside of the Pavilion followed by running the bases.  It was time so we assembled for the Pledge and then a quick Namorama and naming our FNG Mastodon (Respect).  Mastodon read Freed to Lead and has been in the throes of a consistent EH from Sargento, Guts, and YHC for at least five months.  It was great to see him come out to the Gloom to get better!

Every Strike brings me closer to the next home run:  Babe Ruth

Never allow the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game:  Babe Ruth

Why the fairy tale of Willie Mays making a brilliant World Series catch, and then dashing off to play stickball in the street with his teenage pals. That’s baseball. So is the husky voice of a doomed Lou Gehrig saying, ‘I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of this earth.’ Ernie Harwell

Just take the ball and throw it where you want to. Throw strikes. Home plate don’t move.
Satchel Paige

Announcements:   Palmetto 200 needs 4 PAX to make two teams.  (Gastone and Spiderman were voluntold so the number may now be 2).

After holiday party originally scheduled for tomorrow is now cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date

Prayer requests:  T-Squares M, Tube’s grandmother

Ghenchie’s Coffee and Ice Cream (right beside 2nd base) is now open at 0600 so we had an impromptu Coffeerama after the workout with GUTS buying a round. #HIM I told them they would have guaranteed business every Friday.

A pleasure to lead as always.  Roscoe

1 Comment

  1. Short Sale

    Sorry to fartsack this am. I missed a good one. Glad KFC returned. Aye

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