Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: December 2016 (Page 5 of 6)

The Vern

The morning started out with Whoopee waiting on everyone…… must have been excited to see me! He quickly told me he had to leave early for his job……or he was afraid of VERN……Pax started showing up one by one but only getting to 5 in number. I’m sure other was with us in spirit…… right?

Anyway, it was time to start this awful workout and here is what happened……


  • SSH 20ic
  • IPW 20ic
  • WINDMILLS 10ic
  • Moseyed a lap and a half around town to Kazeebo

The VERN: We did three sets of:

  • 10 pull ups
  • 200 yd run
  • 20 Dips
  • 200 yd run
  • 25 mericans
  • 200 yd run
  • 30 LBC’s
  • 200 yrd run

Moseyed back to parking lot for some MARY:

  • American Hammer 10ic
  • Flutter Kicks 10ic
  • Hello Dollies 10ic
  • WWII 10 oyo


  • Pledge
  • Announcements: Be on the lookout of weekly email for changes to site Q’s and other position in our region.
  • Namarama
  • Prayer Request:
    • Shirmpboat on safe travels
    • T-square and other pax who will be experiencing the holidays without loved ones Pax suffering from pains and sickness.

Thanks for allowing me to lead this fine group. Always an honor. Brownstreak out!!!

Box Jumps Are not An F3 exercise!

Expecting cooler weather, 5 Pax roll up into the gloom while a mist of rain is still in the air. It was actually very nice at 53 degrees for the set Q. On the ride in, the F3 Folsom group text started tuning in. Roadie, Shingle, and sparky mention they wer n the way. Well, Sparky is usually not on time and coming in hot around 10 minutes in, but not today. Shingle rolls in with a comfortable minute to go, then coming in real hot is Roadie, not sure how that ole Yota handles the turns like it does but it arrives seconds before warmup. It’s 5:30, Sparky still has 10 minutes to be on his time. Let’s hit it.

no FNGs so, short disclaimer


SSH, plank jacks, imperial walkers, and cherry pickers?(cotton pickers?) all x12 IC. Mumble chatter about why 12? YHC asks why not 50? But, we are still reminiscing a Gomer Q, where who knows what number of anything you’ll get, maybe 74 or 68? Just depends, anyway, back to it.

tha thang

hold up…….just as QIC said let’s mosey, Roadie yelled “wait” so we waited a second. With the look of something majestic in his eyes, Roadie says, ” hey, look at the shovel flag and how it was flawlessly waving with the wind! We should do the pledge!” YHC abliged, the flag was looking pretty damn awesome so tha Pledge.

now….. Tha Thang.

long mosey up to the horse arena. Mumble chatter, Huckleberry said something about wishing the horse arena were no more, and others saying “it’s never good going up the hill at Folsom!” Through all that, I reminded the PAX of Whoopee’s shadow of Dredd. “Fatigue makes cowards of us all,” that hit home, so the Men dug in. Alright, at the arena Concrete stands, find a spot. Box jump up each of the 5 levels, at the top 10 burpees, come down, 10 dips on the lower step, then 10 Merkins. Once announced, Huck mentioned “I’m not sure box jumps are a F3 exercise!” YHC said it should be, hahahaahaha. Anyway. When finished, take a quick lap around the arena track. Plank it up, then rinse and repeat. Once finished, long mosey down to the pond parking lot. More mumble chatter, something about, “the only time we come to this lot is for bear crawls” they were right. Line up, bear crawl to the center line, 5 Merkins, continue to the end for 10 Merkins, turn around and repeat back to start. Plank it up, now lunge walk to the center for 5 squats, then to the end for 10 squats, turn around and repeat back to start. Long mosey around the lower pond to the shelter. LBCs x20 IC, some slow cadence involved, 20 big boy sit-ups OYO, YHC hears something about a Gomer Q, so 10 burpees OYO. Gomer never Qs burpees. Rinse repeat. Time running short, QIC had to include a favorite of Whoopee, so mosey to the Turd Shed for some hip slappers, 10 IC. Alright, good finishing mosey back to the upper lot, which is always rough at the end, but the PAX pushed tha rock and fought the hill. Time running out, I had to pay respect to the Vets with 22 Merkins OYO.

Man, Sparky must still be on his way?????

Announcements, Snowbird Men’s Retreat, March 9-11. Convergence December 17 at Gashouse.

prayer, YHC

just want to say how thankful I am to be a part of this group and movement. The accountability and encouragement that F3 has set the tone for is Awesome. To be honest, without it, I wouldn’t be up at 5:30 4 days a week doin this! Thanks for the opportunity to Q. Great work Men, let’s keep it up. As Dredd says, “it starts with love!”  How could you not love F3? Even though it is pretty ridiculous.

6 non hunters and recycled wisdom

Got the invite to Q at Folsom from Huckleberry last week, and I knew there was only one answer to that question. The forecast was rain, but that did not stop 6 NONHUNTERS from breaking out of the fartsack. There was some chatter about the usual suspects possibly posting more often after hunting season but showing the same pictures and no meat to show their hunting efforts. Keep EHing them and get them out here.

WU: 10 IC:SSH, Squats, Merkins, Imp Walkers then 10 burpees OYO.

The Thang:

Mosey to the turd shack (for some of my favorites) for some work under the shelter of the turd shack. Hip Slappers IC X 10 then 15 then 10 with short mosey across the parking lot btwn rounds. Stay under cover and divide into 3 groups of 2 with partner 1 doing flutter kicks while partner 2 lunge walks across the parking lot then mosey back. Flapjack, rinse and repeat for 2 sets each. Think we did some more Burpees here, not sure.

Outside in the rain for a version of Red Barchetta (still hate the group and the song in case anyone wondering). 100 yard dash, 100 SSH, mosey back to start. 75ish yard dash, 75 mountain climbers, mosey back to start. 50 yard dash with 50 squats, mosey back to start. 25 yard dash, 25 merkins, mosey back to start. 10 yard dash, 10 burpees, mosey back. Between sets we discussed recent info shared by Dredd at CSAUP (Fatigue makes cowards of us all, It all starts with love, and Ask, Listen, Recall). This recycled wisdom is applicable even at 530am in the rain.

We moseyed under the shelter to picnic tables and did some dips then closed things out with COT out of the rain before moseying back to start for pledge in the rain (thanks Gomer).

Great group of guys here in Folsom. Huckleberry doing great job leading from the front, Gomer with the endless energy, Snowman/Medicine Woman/Shingle providing the horsepower to push that rock. Keep it up guys.


OL’ Trusty

6 PAX got lucky and missed the rain at Midoriyama. Slaw stepped up for the Q but his M set him straight and notified him he had a 2.0 event (thankfully she is keeping him on the straight and narrow). YHC took the fill in but was running behind. So Pizza Man took over and got the warm-up going as I came in hot! One of those days! Thankfully at Midoriyama there is always a HIM to step-up.


I saw some SSH and squats when I was coming. Then we did some Don Quixte’s.

The Thang: Ol’ Trusty is one Pizza Man, Floppy Disk and I came up with back in the C4 days to simulate and train for a mud run. Run a little then do some task and keep repeating. So we run the road through the park and at each parking lot opening on your right we did 15 merkins and 10 squat jumps. We threw in 5 burpees at the speed humps. We stopped off at the shed for 2 rounds of Tricep dips x 15ic, Freddy Mercury x 20ic, Ironcross flutter kicks x 10ic. All in all we did a little over 2 miles and a lot merkins and squats.



Announcements-Nomads new schedule of the last Saturday of the month, Convergence 12/17 at the Schiele, Advisory board meeting moved up to 12/18.

Prayer Request- PAX Training, Oompa’s coworker with cancer, Tooltime’s coworkers, My Grandmother with alzheimers,


Good work by all today. Great to have Floppy Disk back out. 2 months on the coach set him back a bit but I have no doubt he will be back in marathon shape in no time!

back blast

7 men resisted the ever-so-comfortable fartsack for a good midweek beat down. as 0530 hits…ok it was 0533; it was time to punch in.

warmups: ssh, appalachian americans and gravel pickers all x 15IC

the thang

mosey up to the tennis courts for dora.  100 merkins, 200 lbc and 300 lunges.   this brought forth some serious mumble chatter.

20 merkin and 60 lbc ring of fire.  ran a little.

mosey back for the pledge and 1 burpee.  time.

COT – announcements: snowbird mens trip in march.  after Christmas party first Saturday in January.  prayer requests: our nation, each other.

may we not forget the anniversary of today.  a date which will live in infamy.  aye!

A Day that will live in infamy (the day before)

As most know, I am a big history guy. When I saw the storm was open I had to Q for a Pearl Harbor remembrance workout since I can’t make Wednesday and this being the 75 year anniversary. The weather didn’t want to cooperate even after the weather man said it would be clear….he lied. As I sat in the parking lot wondering if anyone would show, in rolls Sargento. I am ashamed to admit it but there was talk about just heading out. Then, in rolls Anthrax fresh off of a full nights sleep with no interruptions from a waking baby. Now let’s get to it.


Warm Up

mosey to the awnings covering some walk for 12 SSH ic, 7 Mericans ic, 19 squats single count and 41 Moroccan Night clubs ic. (12/7/1941).

The Thang

this was supposed to be partners work with different numbers playing into it, but hard to do with three so time to modify.

19 mountain climbers for the number of ships lost

169 lunges single count for the number of planes lost. These were broken up among the Pax at 57 each with a mosey around the block.

There were 2 waves of attacks so we do 19 mericans and 169 flutter kicks.

There was a total of 2,403 casualties so we do a 24 second wall sit followed by 3 balls to the wall. Again, 2 waves….you get this by now.

Out of the total losses, the USS Arizona accounted for 1,177 of them. So, we do 11 Burpees and 77 catcher squats

since this is the 75 anniversary, we do some Mary to get to 75 reps. We did WWII sit-ups 15 ic, French…no no no. FREEDOM FRIES 15ic, Peter Parkers 15i. Then on to Pax choice – Dying Cockroaches for the bombs we dropped for victory throughout the efforts 15 ic, Dolly 15ic in honor of the ladies and finish it up with the American Hammer 10ic. Yes it’s more than 75, but our vets didn’t just stop, so neither did we.

Nameorama, COT. Prayers for Brownstreaks son going on a mission trip, Sargentos sick 2.0, continued prayers as usual.


It was an honor to be out there today to do exercises in remembrance of men and women much younger than me and much braver than me had to deal with that day and on a daily basis from there out. A lot of great men and women emerged from that day and a magnificent country was solidified. There has been a lot of turmoil in our country as of late, but just remembering that day and the subsequent war and all veterans and men and women who answer the call is the reason I am proud to be an American.

Breakfast Served with a slice of Merkin

Image result for Gaston cool

5 showed at Martha’s for a Monday morning beat down.

The Thang:

Warm Up: 25 SSH, 20 Imperial Walkers, 10 3 count Merkins.

Mosey to the bottom of “The Hill of Village Ridge”

Plank, Raise right arm and leg hold for 20, Raise left arm and leg hold for 20, plank 6 inches held for 30.

10 3 count Diamond Merkins

Mosey up a little then 5 Burpee’s

Mosey up a little then 10 Burpee’s

Mosey Up a little then 10 Wide Arms,

Mosey to the top then 15 3 count Sumo Squats

Mosey to the bottom of the little hill.

15 3 count Carolina Dry Dock

Mosey to the corner of Riverwood and Union. 10 Merkins

Mosey to Robinwood School to the wall. 15 3 count dips

Mosey to the light behind the school for a little Mary. 25 3 count flutter, hold em 6 inches, 15 3 count flutter, 25 3 count LBC’s, 20 3 count Flutter.

Mosey back to the wall, 15 Derkins, 15 Dips.

Mosey back to Riverwood road and around to Park Sterling parking lot. Jack Webb to 7 and back down.

Mosey back to the beginning.

The Moleskin:

Great job to everyone that showed and decided not to Fartsack. Temperature was perfect and it was a great group of men. Keep on seeking more to join us and let’s double the size of F3 Gastonia. 17th convergence at the Schiele Musuem bring a toy.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead. It is always and honor.


Extra Cheese

Leading up to the usual Saturday workout at the Yank, YHC knew there was a 5k planned to start from Stowe Park in downtown Belmont. What I didn’t know was that the race would take over the whole town! Anyway, after parking in the remote lot and hiking to the park, YHC was pleasantly surprised to find 7 PAX waiting to get their sweat on!

Starting with a quick disclaimer for the FNG, my oldest 2.0 Trey, we quickly moved into the warmup.

Side Straddle Hops, Sun Gods, Merkins, Imperial Walkers and the latest new exercise for YHC, Jingle Balls (since its the Christmas season).

Mosey, navigating through the throngs of people waiting to get their run on, up to the track behind the middle school. Line up single file for an Indian Run to get everyone extra warmed up. A couple good laps and then head to the front of the school.

BLIMPS: 5 burpees, 10 Lunges each leg, 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks, 30 Squats. The PAX made it through this routine pretty easily so repeato for good measure.

Mosey down the road to Davis Park where the mighty Belmont optimist Pop Warner football teams practice for a round of Elevens. At one  light pole, PAX does Dying Cockroaches, the other end Bobby Hurleys. For the distances in between, do high knees one way, butt kickers the other. Toward the end of this drill Stroganoff had built up a pretty good lead and from out of nowhere the FNG found another gear to finish up neck and neck with the leaders. Strong work my boy, the name overachiever or sandbagger was brought up with his performance.

From there, the PAX moseyed around the corner(s) to the intersection of Main and Catawba (I think) where a nice brick wall waited. No need to let it go to waste so we did a couple rounds of wall sits, hip slappers (15 and then 10 IC) and a celebratory set of Monkey Humpers for the passing cars.

Mosey down toward the starting place with a quick stop for dips X15 IC and then an attempt at the Plank Compass. It was supposed to be where the PAX starts with their feet in the center and they face out in the plank position. Then we would rotate around hand over hand and stop with 5 merkins at the Q’s call. Comedy and error ensued. Nice attempt men!

A final mosey down to the start for a round of Mary. American Hammer, a combo of Inch Worm and something else courtesy of Flush, Mountain Climber, Flutterkicks, Merkins, some other stuff and finally Jingle Balls by the FNG (don’t tell your Mama)! AYE!!!

We were done on time by this point and some had to run, literally.

Prayer requests, announcements and namorama.

Moleskin: After several inquirys by my 2.0 to post, it finally worked out for him to be able to make it. As expected, he was a true trooper and finished in strong fashion. Welcome to the PAX Queso!!! I am SO PROUD!.

It was a pleasure as always men. See you next time!

Crazy 10s

First time back to Gashouse in exactly a month having been out sick myself the past couple weeks and a sick toddler before that and out of town before that.  Felt good to be back home!  Thanks to the 8 other HIM who hung in there with me.

Warmup:  Imperial Walkers ICx20, SideStraddleHop ICx30, Don Quixote ICx30, LBC ICx15, PlankJack ICx15, Slow Mosey including ButtKickers, High Knees and Karaoke L and R.  Pledge to Old Glory.

Mosey up the hill westward to the little church for a little Ring of Fire.  Then the pax shared prayers during a round of Walkerstrong.  And as is my signature, we saluted Garrison Blvd with MonkeyHumpers IC x 10.

Mosey down to the library for MoroccanNightClubs ICx50.  Mosey over to the wall for Dips ICx10.  Then we moseyed to the steps behind First Presby for….

The Thang

Inspired by a Pinterest post of “Crazy 8s” exercises (8 reps of 8 exercises) I decided to two-up the incredibly fit lady in the picture and created our “Crazy 10s”.  Ten exercises at 3 different pain stations in increasing rounds, beginning with one each and increasing by 1 each at each station with the goal of ending with 10 of each exercise….bottom of the steps, top of the steps behind the “Pad” building and down the driveway next to the playground. Exercises were:  SSH, Freddie Mercury, Mt. Climbers, Squats, Merkins, Lunges, Burpees, American Hammer, LBC and 10 second plank.  At the “nine” station, we received the 5 minute warning so had to Omaha ….however it is definitely worth noting Messy and Phelps (2 of the 2.0s) had already completed their “ten” station and ran back to help Madoff and AT-AT complete their nines.

We moseyed back home and heard the dismissal bell on the way…..sorry for running late guys!

Name-o-Rama was fun giving AT-AT his name…..he is a huge Star Wars fan and his favorite exercise was the Imperial Walker!!

Prayer concerns for visits with grandparents and a couple different illnesses/injuries. Announcements — Convergence of all Gastonia region AOs at Gashouse in 2 weeks, 12.17.16 to benefit Operation Sweet Tooth and West Gastonia Boys and Girls Club.  Bring an unwrapped toy or 2….or 10.  Also same date, come to The Round Bistro 7-10pm to find out why YHC is the Renaissance Man, DaVinci…..(I’m playing and singing for your entertainment!)

Moleskin — Great to see several young dudes (Madoff’s 2.0 and a couple friends) and that they not only kept up, but were in the lead most of the way!!  Great work young men!!!!  Great work Madoff for bringing them from the 2nd level of concentrica into the 1st.  Hope to see them more and more of their buddies too!

Merkins and more with plenty of Pax

It was a perfect morning to show up early to setup and prepare my beatdown for the Pax. Then it all quickly changed. Pax kept flowing in, one after another. 5, 10, 15, 25, 30 and on. We truly have something special going here with F3. What a showing!!!

After quick circle up of over 35+ pax and no FNG’s present I gave an abbreviated disclaimer and we were off.

The thang….

Ruckers, led by Cobra Kai, headed back to Starbucks.

We mosied over to the parking lot on McCammon Street.

Circle up, a big circle with 35ish guys

  • 35 SSH IC
  • 20 hill billy walkers
  • Moroccan night clubs

After quick word on hope, our monthly theme. We took off and mosied over to upper parking driveway.

Count off in threes and split up into 3s. 1’s with Backdraft (who was a 2), 2’s over with Flat Tire & Bubba Bump, and Taf and I with the 3s.

Group 1 – positioned by the driveway hill
20 lbc at the top
Run to the bottom
10 Merkins
Run back to the top and repeat 5X

Group 2 – pyramid of Merkins
10 Merkins
Repeat this sequence for 8 minutes and modify* as required

Group 3 – Legs
20 LSS
20 Lunges
20 Sumo Squats
20 Calf Raises

With the three groups split up and off and running, the pax were cruising. Unfortunately, it wasn’t that easy. A little organized chaos ensued regarding when are we roating, who’s leading the roation, etc…etc… but after each group roated through, I called the Ace Santini.

Santini rounded the pax up into a platoon of 5 squads. I called exercises while one at a time each squadron ran from the parking lot down the hill on Massey St. then bear crawl half way back up the hill and finish up into the platoon. When the six was back, the next squad took off. We continued until all squads made a trip down the hill and back. While the squad ran, exercises called out included:
15 Merkins
10 Diamond Merkins
10 Wide Arm Merkins
10 Carolina Drydocks
15 SSH
10 monkey humpers (favorite for all not in the front of the squads)
10 Mountain Climbers
10 Flutter kicks
20 Freddy Mercury’s
20 American Hammers
15 Hello Dollys

We rounded this up with a mosey back down McCammon and into the parking lot of WEP for COT.

Where do I start..??..?? The fact that I had a full weinkie planned that included pre planned and pre setup pain stations along the Joe Davis run was quickly thrown out with 35 pax in attendance. The first thing the Q needs is a solid weinkie…but that weinkie needs to be flexible for anything. Ironically, as many of the pax called out, after our first COP my weinkie fell on the ground. It was symbolic of how much of an audible I was calling.

Today we had some pax from Gashouse (Gastonia) and Metro. The Nomads from GasHouse where in attendance. These Pax pick different locations on Saturday and post up. Awesome idea Pax. I enjoyed coffeeteria with you and looking forward to posting together again. Here’s there BB from today: Taf was representing from metro. This HIM introduced me to F3 a few years ago. Honored to have him in attendance.

Mumblechatter – it was Saturday after all. Time to have some fun and mumble chatter was high. From Barry Manalow pushing Lug Nut up Massy st to CSPAN bantering with Bubba Gump during the platoon of pain. And of course, the organized chaos chatter on rotations.

There was a challenge thrown out by all…with no FNG’s present and 30+ pax in attendance, we need to EH our neighbors, co-workers, family, the guy at the grocery store, anyone….we all know the unique value F3 brings to our lives. Let’s give it away.

Christmas party – sign up and go. CSPAN will help sponsor any pax looking to go. Connect with him for details.

Joe Davis run – That was my theme for the day. It’s 1/7. Sign up. Bolt and Mary Lou (voluntold) will be doing burpees for each pax that beat them in the race and those that we sign up. Bolt has the details.

Keep all of our pax family and friends in our prayers.

Keep Bounce House friend Jordan in your prayers. Jordan, who is in his teens, has suffered a number of sports related concussions.

As always, it’s an honor to lead leaders. Ginsu, thank you for giving the me the Q. You’re doing a great job on running this awesome AO we call The Fort.

WhatDid out!

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