Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: December 2016 (Page 2 of 6)

12 Days of BLOCKmas

With Christmas in the rearview and all decorations/lights already removed from YHCs home, the only remnants of the holiday in sight are a few extra pounds of turkey weight in my waistline and a Lego Advent calendar with all the mini builds tucked neatly away inside.  Those two items really resinate with YHC and Christmas because I see many more building block sets and instances of “meat sweats” in the future.

So what better way to bring Christmas to an end then with cinderblocks and a lot of man sweat. On to the workout…

Warm Up:

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Imperial Walker x 20 IC
  • Moroccan Nightclub x 20 IC
  • LBC x 20 IC
  • Merkin x 20 IC

Finished off the warm up with a mosey around the parking lots ending at the softball fields.  Interrupted in route by a train, 5 Burpees OYO.

The Thang:

Set to the tune of the 12 Days of Christmas, work out progressed like the song.  Starting with Day 1, then Day 2 and Day 1, etc until Day 12 – Day 1 was completed.  All days, except for Day 12 were done in 4 count.  Most of the singing died down around Day 5 and Dolph modified exercises as needed to make them harder achieving ‘Pro Level’ on multiple exercises.  Other than small 10-15 second rests between Days and 1 train interruption for 5 Burpees, the Pax powered through with minimal mumble chatter and got a good sweat going!

  • Day 1: Blockee (4 count)
  • Day 2: Big Boy Sit-up holding cinderblock (4 count)
  • Day 3: Tricep Extensions w/ cinderblock (4 count)
  • Day 4: American Hammer w/ cinderblock (4 count)
  • Day 5: Squat Press w/ cinderblock (4 count)
  • Day 6: Merkins on cinderblock (4 count)
  • Day 7: Cinderblock curls (4 count)
  • Day 8: Dips, cinderblock on lap optional (4 count)
  • Day 9: Flutter Kicks holding cinderblock (4 count)
  • Day 10: Hip Slappers, no cinderblock (4 count)
  • Day 11: Lunge holding cinderblock (4 count)
  • Day 12: Burpees, no cinderblock


Finished three minutes over time and moseyed back to start to close out.



  • Palmetto 200 meeting to be held on 4 January.  Location TBD.
  • Holiday party at Whoopee’s on 7 January.  Bring the M or girlfriend, but leave the kids at home.

Prayer Request:

  • Top Hat’s father is in the hospital and not doing well.
  • Friends with young 2.0’s going through tough family situation.

As always I appreciate the opportunity to lead and thank the Pax who put in work with me today!

Martha’s House Cookie Dough Shake Down

11 showed for up for a burn down of the cookie dough holiday over indulgence.

The Thang:

30 SSH

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to the lower parking lot for plank and wait with a little raise left arm and left leg switch to right side. Then 6 inches for 30 second count silent in my head. (Stroganoff needed 12 inches)

Then mosey to the wall for Wall of Fire (Wall sit, while one guys at a time does 10 Burpee, 10 Merkin, 10 LBC)

Then Balls to the Wall for a 30 count (inside voice on the count)

Mosey to the lower field. Get in line for a little Walk Like and Egyptian attempt. ( never did this one before and will give better instruction next time but we pulled it off.)

Stayed in line but in a plank with bear crawl to the front of the line one cycle.

Then Indian Run until we get around most of the circle. Plank

10 count then headed to the center of the field for 6 minutes of Mary.

50 Flutter (This was to easy we will have to increase the number)

30 LBC’s

20 Russian Twists

Mosey to the middle of the other field and circle up.

10 Diamonds

30 Squats

Mosey a random course along the playground and then to the far side of the baseball fields.

Plank then 6 inches for rest. Then Carolina Dry dock 20.

Mosey to bottom of grassy hill for Lunge walks up twice then Wide Arm Merkins 20 count. 20 Flutter.

Mosey towards home base with a head fake going past to the low wall.

20 3 count dips, 10 3 count dips, 10 3 count dips, 10 3 count wall step ups, 10 on your own wall jump up.

Mosey back to the finish right on time or maybe a minute over.


Lot’s of guys working hard out there today along with me. 2 new FNG’s with us today and we can now welcome FNG Squirrel and Prius to the PAX, to young men that are ready for the challenge. Just so everyone knows that when these boys go away to college they do offer F3 in these area’s around the Triad. Whoopee has the PAX party coming up and would like to get RSVP’s if you plan on attending, all are welcome. Prayers for all those in need and for the one’s that think they are not in need. Thanks for letting me lead today such a great group of guys, it is always an honor.

Aye! Gastone!


A Christmas Eve Carol – Past, Present & Future

16 strong men showed for some Christmas Eve work at the Gashouse. YHC had grand plans for a creative Christmas themed workout inspired by some of Short Sale’s and Feelgood’s creativity. Life happens so nothing creative really happened. I sent a last ditch tweet yesterday making some claim that we might see some type of Christmas Carol theme with some exercises from Past, Present and Future workouts…..didn’t really happen either.

Regardless, we had a great turnout for a holiday workout. Some mubblechatter ensued but not really worth noting other than Monk introducing his Father-in-Law. Today’s disclaimer did include some special remarks for Monk’s In-Law concerning if his family had not already questioned his judgment since he allowed Monk to marry his daughter, he would surely remove any doubt that he was running around with us this morning. You’re on your own.

Warm-Up (In Cadence)
SSH X 20
LBC’s X20
Imperial Walkers X 20
Freddy Mercury’s X 20

Mosey to the Flag for the Pledge

The Thang

Mosey up to the track at W.P. Grier Middle School

Few extra flutter kicks as we waited on the six

For the first main work, we did go back to one of the first workouts here at the Gashouse in May 2015. Not sure what it’s called. Line up on the edge of track for some partner work. Partner 1 bear crawls halfway across the field, runs the remainder of the distance across, performs 5 merkins and runs back to the start. While this is happening, Partner 2 is performing 20 Plank Jacks + as many LBC’s as possible. Rinse and repeat so each person has done 2 of each.

Mosey to the courtyard for the Rally to 1000. Same partners.
Partner 1 does exercises while Partner 2 runs the steps for cumulative reps as follows:

Flutter Kicks X 200
Plank Jacks X 200
Freddy Mercury’s x 200
Mountain Climbers X 200
LBC’s X 200

Great work here as the legs were burning for YHC by the finish. As a group, we completed 8000 reps during this work.

Mosey back to the track for the Wolfpack Grinder – No Stroganoff Q would be complete without it. Always no burpees and always a Wolfpack Grinder.

Squats X 12 (IC) – Run 1/2 lap – 25 Merkins (OYO) – Plank for the six
Squats X 10 (IC) – Run 1/2 lap – 25 Mountain Climbers (OYO) – Plank for the six
Squats X 12 (IC) – Run 1/2 lap – 25 Merkins (OYO) – Plank for the six
Squats X 10 (IC) – Run 1/2 lap – 25 Mountain Climbers (OYO) – Plank for the six

YHC must point out that his personal space was invaded (actually it was violated) during almost every set of squats and unfortunately there is some photographic proof.

Still had time to do something completely new for this Q.

Line up again on the sideline for some lunge work:

Lunge to mid-field – 20 Merkins – Lunge back to start – 20 LBC’s
Rinse – Repeat

Mosey back to the Schiele and cram in some Flutter Kicks X 40 and some crazy amount of reps of Roscoe Merkins.

Anouncements; Prayer Requests – many families this time of year; T-Square and family; Feelgood and family; Top Hat and his father; others in the PAX that I am forgetting;

Name-O-Rama and small gift giving.

Welcome FNG/Respect Gordie (Monk’s Father-in-Law)

As always, I was honored to lead the group this morning. Great to get out there on Christmas Eve and share the time.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Until the next one. Aye!


Slaw’s Christmas gift to Midoriyama

As we come into the Christmas season, YHC was contemplating his gift to the Midoriyama PAX.  It then occurred to him- a good ol’ beatdown would be great! 11 hard chargers posted for the pain! YHC came rolling in HOT at 17:30, happy to find the new site Q (Def Leppard) getting the guys warm with some Moroccan Nightclubs! Thank you, sir! No FNGs, abbreviated disclaimer, and away we go!


  • SSH Burpees (look them up- great mumble chatter starter) 15 IC
  • Freddie Mercurys 15 IC
  • Don Quixotes 15 IC
  • Imperial Walker Squats (A challenge for the coordination impaired!)


The Thang:

Mosey to parking lot next to field #1 for some:

Route 66- Plank Jacks (IC)

Partner up for some Dora 1-2-3. Partner 1 runs approx. 35 yards then back while partner 2 begins 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBC’s (in aggregate).

Mosey to Turd Shack for some wall work. Even numbers (10,8,6,4,2) were Hip Slappers (IC). Odd numbers (9,7,5,3,1) were Mike Tysons IC (mucho mumble chatter by now).

Circle up for some Deconstructed Burpees. This really fired up the mumble chatter! YHC used these in a previous workout and remembered the chatter that ensued! Didn’t have enough time to countdown from 10, so YHC Omaha’d and started at 6 and counted down to 1.

Slow mosey back to the parking lot for some Rugby Sprints. YHC called Merkins, Homer/Marge and Dive Bombers for the exercises.

Short mosey back to the flag for some mary.

  • Dying Cockroaches 10 IC
  • Freddie Mercury 10 IC
  • Penguins 10 IC
  • Flutter Kicks 20 IC
  • Baby Makers 10 IC (YHC won’t even begin to describe the mumble chatter  these started! Def Leppard needs more stamina!)

Finish up with 22 Merkins for the veterans.


Post Christmas party at Whoopee’s house. $10 a person. PAX and M’s only (leave the 2.0’s at home). Def Leppard is the new site Q at Midoriyama! #HIM.


Prayers for all our F3 brothers, Pockets and his family during the loss of his loved one, Chum while he waits on the Lord to lead him further and YHC while he is going through some really tough physical and spiritual issues.

Thanks to every man who posted today to push each other and help make each other a better man! I wish all of F3 Nation a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

Until next time,


Santa Claus is coming to town

4 men entered the gloom on a chilly December morning for their DRP, including 1 fng that Gomer EH’ed. After the disclaimer was given the warmup began.                                                                                                               

Warmarama: SSH, Hillbillys, Gravel Pickers, Don Quixote X15IC

Thang: Mosey down to lower parking lot to sidewalk towards the amphitheater, keep going to parking lot by the pond. Bearcrawl to every 3rd line do 5 merkins to the end and back to start. Some mumble chatter from our fng about needing some gloves.  Start a set of 11’s  with squats and Bobby Hurleys. Mosey to next parking lot for partner work. 100 merkins for P1 while P2 runs laps till P1 has his 100, switch for p2. Next was 200 lbc’s same format. YHC had to Omaha the last set as time was ticking and I had some other exercises that I wanted to do. Mosey to the amphitheater for some wall work. 10 donkey kicks OYO next was 10 hip slapper also OYO. Time was getting close and we had a fng to name so we start the mosey back to start. Huckleberry said he was disappointed that we haven’the done any big boy’s so who am I to disappoint. Get back to start and 22 big boys are obliged along with 22 merkins for the vets. We name our fng and said the pledge. (Thanks for the flag Gomer)

COT: Announcements, prayer request.

BOM: YHC took us out.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Good job today men. Nice to have Gian join us today. It’s an honor and a privilege to lead today.

Some running required

4 faithful PAX posted on this chilly winter’s morn (the second, to be exact) with only a minor warning as to the running they would endure. I’ve been mostly sitting and holding a newborn for 4 months, so I was ready to see what our collective legs could accomplish if we set our minds to it. Quick warmup then onto the thang:

Burpee mile+ (I think the downtown loop is slightly longer than 1/4, although I’ve never measured it).

Next we moseyed to gazebo for a pull up ladder to try and make these easier than they are. Started at 1 rep, then increased reps for 5 sets in a row with a 30 second Al Gore in between.

We then moseyed to the wall and paired up for:

1st partner run to top of stairs, stop for 10 spider man merkins, runs around and back (other partner wall sit). Flip flop.
1st partner run to top of stairs, stop for 20 CDD, runs around (other partner plank). Flip flop.
1st partner run to top of stairs, stop for 30 mountain climbers (other partner wall sit). Flip flop.
1st partner run to top of stairs, stop for 40 LBC’s (other partner plank). Flip flop.

This put us pretty much at time so we moseyed back to the lot for COT.

Thanks for coming out guys, it’s been too long and I’m grateful for you.

Inaugural back blast from The Pub

No splashy merlot served here! Just a solid 4 mile run. Few in number, great in heart, we met in the  parking lot of Hoffman Village (Publix and Hickory Tavern).

We did as much warmup as Whoopie could stand: SSH, mtn climbers, imp w, and one other I can’t remember. Ran up Hoffman, R on N Hope, L on Titman, R into Bethesda Oaks, 2 R turns to take us back to N Hope, R on N Hope, L on Hudson, L on Hoffman, & back to the p lot.

There were two suggested names for the new AO: “The Pub” & “The Hoff.” The Pub got the most votes, so the Pub it is.

FYI–Here’s the original pre-blast for the new workout:

Hope to see others there next week. 🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃



How To Thaw Out 8 PAX in 45 Minutes

Eight bad-ass Gastonia PAX thawed out well after a sub-30-degree Bandit beat down.  A few of these tough (aka not-so-smart) guys showed up in shorts for the 27 degree chill.  Not naming names, Gastone.

At 0530, warm-up started with:

  • SSH x20 IC (nice speed work by Hush Puppy)
  • Merkins x10 IC
  • Don Quiote  x10 IC
  • LBC x20 IC
  • Burpees x10 OYO

After a brief pause for the Pledge, the PAX take a short run to the old, empty, Harris Teeter parking lot (perhaps this should be called the Belacino’s parking lot).  The first downpainment was Four Corners.  We ran between 4 corners completeing the following exercises at each stop:

  • Dying Cockroaches x20 OYO
  • Mountain Climbers x20 OYO
  • American Hammers x20 OYO
  • LBC x20 OYO

After completeing the first set, we plank for the 6.  Then just for fun – 10 more Burpees OYO.  Rinse and repeat for total of 3 full circuits.  I’m pretty sure Short Sale lapped us on the first circuit. Stud!

Then we run back through to the Sterling Bank parking lot and loop back up the sidewalk and find a place on the wall.  Next downpainment included the following:

  • Arm Squats (aka Dips) x10 IC
  • Step Ups x20 IC

Rinse and repeat for total of 3 sets.

Then we return back to Pelican’s for partner work.  Downpainment of choice is, of course, Dora 1,2,3.

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 LBC
  • 300 Squats

With exactly 7 minutes remaining (I love it when a plan comes together), we wrap up People’s Choice 7-Minutes of Mary. All had the opportunity to lead exercises. And Gastone taught us all what happens when the Q gives up control.  40 Flutter Kicks (Stroganoff would have been proud of you)!

Great to see you guys this morning!

If you enjoyed today’s beatdown, I’ll be doing it again next week – my VQ at Folsom!  CAN’T WAIT!



12 Days of Christmas Cheer!

Brisk 39 degrees at Midoriyama for 10 strong Midoriyama men! Two new guys to our AO today, welcome Chum and Pockets. Let’s get to it!

The Warmup

SSH x 12 IC

Imperial Walkers x 12 IC

Hillbillies x 12 IC

Box Cutters x 12 IC

Mosey to the playground

5 pullups then 5 derkins x 3 sets (I don’t like pullups but I think they are helpful so I always try to work just a few in, no bear crawling though)

Mosey around the big soccer field to the big hill near the dog park. While everyone is catching their breath from the blistering pace set by our runner Freight. Did you know he finished 2nd in his age group at the Christmastown 5K? I think he was wearing his medal. YHC starts a little Charlie Brown Christmas music to distract from the pain about to start. Sprint up the big hill, touch the fence, run back down the hill for 5 crunches and repeat this 3 times. This is where I told the story from Christmas 1974 and my favorite gift of all time, the Thundershift 500 Hot Wheels race track. (There was a lot of discussion about how old most of the Pax were in 1974. Slaw was 1 but most were not even born yet. They do love to remind YHC of his age!) I ask the Pax to think of a special toy they remember as a child to tell us about it later in the workout. Now, mosey to the small soccer field bleachers with Trans Siberian Orchestra playing us in because I know Slaw loves that.

At the soccer field we got through the 12 Days of Christmas, with a few Omahas because of time and sometimes there was singing for effect. It went something like this (try singing it):

12 Mountain Climbers IC

11 Sandy V’s IC (called by As(h) Pond just because)

10 Curls with Blocks IC

9 Little Baby Flutter Crunches IC (called by Freight like by half counts or something, seems like we did around 40 each time)

8 Dying Cockroaches IC

7 Merkins IC

6 Copperhead Squats IC

5 Burpees OYO

4 Step Ups each leg (on bleachers)

3 Dips IC (called by Slaw to allow Q to breathe)

2 Incline Merkins IC

1 lap around the soccer field (this could be called the Huckleberry mumblechatter lap)

We started on Day 6 and got all the way to Day 12 with lots of mumblechatter along the way.

After each lap a different Pax told about their memories of Christmas toys and most guys had a nice story about the good times they remembered as a kid at Christmas. Freight still believes he saw Santa delivering his bicycle. Pockets got an Optimus Prime transformer, Slaw got a Simon Says game. Ash Pond and Blart fought over a Casio watch… that’s about right for those two. I can’t remember the others but each guy had a story.

Mosey back to the flag for the pledge.

The lesson of today’s workout was try to keep the Joy of Christmas alive throughout the season and help make lasting memories in our families. Strong work!

Prayer requests: You never know what guys are carrying around with them. Pockets family recently lost an aunt. Chum asked for prayers to help him find the direction he needs. Slaw and Ash Pond have been sick. Floppy Disk and Billy Madison have health issues in their families. Lil’ Sweet told the good news of a man who was an alcoholic celebrating 6 years of being sober and allowing God to use him. Pizza Man and Tool Time as they prepare for their marathon. Oompa Loompa as he travels for work. Holidays can be a tough time for many people.


Moleskin – Great to have Chum and Pockets with us at Midoriyama. They fit right in. I have to say what a great group we have and I always look forward to seeing them. F3 is about making each of us better men and it really does! Keep EHing and Merry Christmas!




New stuff

Tiny Tank waited. YHC arrived with a few minutes to spare. It looked like we would be left to lift the flag on our own until in the distance we saw lights slowly coming in from opposite directions. I’d like to say they were coming in hot but although that wasn’t the case, Madoff and Gonzales appeared out of their steel cages for an early morning workout. Gonzales mentioned that he hadn’t posted in 8 months but his work schedule freed up for him to make it again. Glad to have you brother!

A short disclaimer was given and it was on the the warmup.

Small arm circles x25 IC, Hillbillies x15 IC, Don Quixotes x15 IC, Rocky Balboas x25 IC I think.

Without a mosey YHC explained the Circle Burp, we would all chop our feet until one of the PAX called for us to drop (like in football practice) down to a burpee. We would each take a turn calling the drop. Repeato x3.

Slow mosey over to the parking lot next to the gym for Four Corners. At each corner we would stop for 10 reps of the given exercise and mosey in between corners. 1st lap, Merkins, 2nd Squats, 3rd Lil Baby Dips, 4th LBCs.

Pledge of Allegiance

A Bear Crawl halfway down the side walk. YHC called for a round of Dominoes. Hold plank position with right arm raised, PAX one drops down for 5 Merkins, then the next and so on. Once completed, we started with our left arm raised and repeated the routine. Dominoes.

Fellowship mosey (more like a walk) to set up for Lazy Dora, no mosey. 100 Merkins, partner 1 does 10 Merkins and #2 holds plank position, 200 LBC, partner 1 does 20 LBC and #2 holds 6″, 300 Squats, partner 1 does 25 squats while #2 holds squat position. It was pretty tough.

Walk to the nook for 15 hip slappers IC then 10 Australian Mountain Cliimbers IC.

Mosey back to the start for Dying Cockroaches, Merkins and Big Boy sit ups. Aye!

Moleskin: I’m amazed by the variety of different exercises and routines listed on the F3 website and make it my goal to incorporate at least one that I haven’t used in a previous workout. Today we got in 5 new ones.

Announcements: new 3rd F on Tuesdays, new running workout on Thursdays, Tiny Tank site Q of the Storm

Prayers requests. Close with prayer. BOM.

It was a pleasure leading as always men!!!

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