• Post Type:
  • When:
  • AO:
  • QIC: Gumby
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Huckleberry, Gomer, Gumby, Ted (fng)

4 men entered the gloom on a chilly December morning for their DRP, including 1 fng that Gomer EH’ed. After the disclaimer was given the warmup began.                                                                                                               

Warmarama: SSH, Hillbillys, Gravel Pickers, Don Quixote X15IC

Thang: Mosey down to lower parking lot to sidewalk towards the amphitheater, keep going to parking lot by the pond. Bearcrawl to every 3rd line do 5 merkins to the end and back to start. Some mumble chatter from our fng about needing some gloves.  Start a set of 11’s  with squats and Bobby Hurleys. Mosey to next parking lot for partner work. 100 merkins for P1 while P2 runs laps till P1 has his 100, switch for p2. Next was 200 lbc’s same format. YHC had to Omaha the last set as time was ticking and I had some other exercises that I wanted to do. Mosey to the amphitheater for some wall work. 10 donkey kicks OYO next was 10 hip slapper also OYO. Time was getting close and we had a fng to name so we start the mosey back to start. Huckleberry said he was disappointed that we haven’the done any big boy’s so who am I to disappoint. Get back to start and 22 big boys are obliged along with 22 merkins for the vets. We name our fng and said the pledge. (Thanks for the flag Gomer)

COT: Announcements, prayer request.

BOM: YHC took us out.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Good job today men. Nice to have Gian join us today. It’s an honor and a privilege to lead today.